Poetic legend: Tsvetaevsky pie - a step-by-step recipe for the harmony of taste. Variations of Tsvetaevsky pie with step by step recipes


Poets do not have to be outstanding chefs. Grateful descendants and admirers of creativity remember their pies along with poems and their biography. But it’s not about poetry, but about silver age pies, because the secret of Tsvetaevo’s pie is not in a step-by-step recipe, and not in ingredients, and not in cooking technology.

But about the recipe for fame and success - a little later, at the end of the article, because first you need to bake a pie!

Tsvetaevsky pie: step-by-step recipes and general technological recommendations

Silver Age Russian cuisine was not as high-tech as it is now, but its heyday coincided with the heyday of poetry. Recipes created in those days are used by every modern housewife, without even thinking about who is the author of a fresh test on sour cream, or who thought that apples with cinnamon are a combination that gives rise to poetic inspiration.

What does Tsvetaevsky pie consist of? The step-by-step recipe, scattered around the network by professionals and amateurs, offers a variety of options, with the claim that this particular recipe is the most correct. The authors of the apple pie with the poetic epithet "Tsvetaevsky" are unanimous in one thing - the classic baked goods include sour cream, apples and, of course, flour. Nothing more is known about him. There is a hint that the apples were very fragrant.

Therefore, the main principle that has been relevant at all times is a delicious apple pie made from sour cream dough, spiritual tea drinking among friends and like-minded people. To arouse creative imagination, get acquainted with the recipe and its options.

Tsvetaevsky pie - a step-by-step recipe for puff pastries with apple filling

Ingredients for the dough:

Sour cream 180 g

2 eggs

Sugar 200 g

Soda 10 g

Flour 420 g

Oil 250 g

Apples 0.5 kg (net)

Brandy or cognac 100 ml

Cinnamon and salt to taste

Order of preparation:

• Sift flour, pour 360 g into a bowl, mix with soda and salt. Make a well in the bowl with flour. The rest of the flour will be needed for rolling out the dough and for sprinkling the form.

• Add one egg and a glass of brandy or brandy to sour cream. Stir the liquid. Pour into the flour mixture. Knead the dough, roll it into a ball, and let it rest for at least half an hour, covering it with foil.

• Cool the oil, which can be replaced with premium margarine, and chop with a knife on a table sprinkled with flour. Collect the crumbs on a plate and freeze. It is necessary that it does not melt during rolling.

• Roll out a very thin square from the dough, sprinkle with the butter-flour mixture, press the crumb so that it does not crumble, and roll the layer in half. Roll it back to its original form. Repeat this until the baby finishes.

• Roll the finished dough and put it in the refrigerator, at least for an hour.

• Choose the most fragrant apple topping. If there are no such apples, add cinnamon to them. It is more convenient to add cinnamon to sugar, which will sprinkle each layer of the pie on top of apples. Remove the core from the washed apples, and cut them into thin slices or circles.

• Turn on the oven to heat 180 ° C. Prepare a round shape - sprinkle it with flour.

• Divide the dough into 7-8 parts. Make one part a little larger: roll out a circle from it, which will cover the sides of the form, hanging slightly. Roll the rest of the workpiece along the diameter of the circle. Their thickness should be no more than 0.7 cm.

• Put a layer of apple slices on the bottom of the mold, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, cover with a layer of dough. Put apples again, and so on. Pinch the edges of the lower layer. You can decorate the side with curly pieces of dough, but first grease the surface of the cake with a beaten egg.

• Puncture with a wooden skewer to open the steam outlet for apples to secrete.

• Bake until cooked. You can check the pie with the same skewer. Cover the hot pie with the towel for a few minutes, then put it on the wire rack to cool.

For those who do not like to mess around in the kitchen for a long time, but want to enjoy homemade cakes, there is a very simple and quick way to make apple pie from biscuit dough on sour cream. Well, after all, no one knows exactly what recipe the poetess conquered her friends!

Tsvetaevsky pie - a step by step recipe. Second version

Sugar 120 g

Apples (Antonovka grade) 300 g (net)

Eggs 3 pcs.

Sour cream (25%) 100 g

Flour 420 g

Soda 15 g

Cooking method:

• Beat eggs with sugar. Beat sour cream separately and combine both liquid masses.

• Add soda to the sifted flour. You can add some salt to the cake - add fine salt. It will create contrast and enhance the sweet taste of the cake.

• Wash the apples, remove the core and cut them into cubes. Put in flour mixture, roll well.

• Combine the liquid portion of the dough with flour and apples.

• Lubricate the round split mold with grease and fill with тест volume dough.

• Bake at 180 ° C for 30-35 minutes, like regular apple charlotte.

For this recipe, it is better to choose fragrant varieties of apples, hard and sour-sweet. Cinnamon interrupts the apple flavor, but if you like the cinnamon smell, you can use it in the recipe by adding with flour.

A good design for this cake is whipped cream. When the cake has cooled, decorate its surface with creamy peaks, sprinkle them with powder (you can also mix with cinnamon).

Tsvetaevsky pie - a step by step recipe. Recipe Three: Shortbread Cake with Apples and Sour Cream


Flour 380 g

Butter 130 g

Sugar 75-80 g

Peeled apples 500 g

Eggs, canteens 2 pcs.

Vanillin, crystalline 8 g

Sour cream (25%) 150 g +70 g - for dough

Icing sugar 180 g

Baking powder 25 g

Cinnamon or Vanilla - to taste

Cooking method:

• Cover the detachable form with a sheet of parchment, cutting out a circle with a diameter of 28 cm. Also prepare a baking sheet - for baking the second circle from the dough, with a diameter of 24 cm. Preheat the oven to 190-200 ° С.

• Cut the apples into large slices. Do not cut the skin. To prevent apples from darkening on the cut, temporarily dip them in an acidic solution. Blot with a napkin just before spreading it on the dough.

• Combine powdered sugar with cinnamon or vanilla, add to sour cream and beat in a lush mass.

• Sift flour, add baking powder and salt, mix and pour the mixture into a bowl, make a deepening.

• Pound the butter with sugar, add 1 ½ eggs. Rub half the egg (yolk) separately, with a teaspoon of oil and the same amount of sugar, preparing a mixture to lubricate the surface of the cake.

• Combine the oil mixture with the flour mixture. Knead the dough to a uniform consistency, then cover it with a film, put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

• Divide the dough into two parts, in a 2: 1 ratio. Roll out most of it in the shape of a circle and lay it in a round shape so that the edges of the dough hang from the side by 0.5-0.7 cm. Make cuts along the edge, using scissors, in a circle. Grease the bottom of the workpiece with whipped sour cream. Lay apple slices, from edge to center, in a circle.

• Lubricate the edges of the dough with a beaten egg to form a golden crust during baking. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes.

• Place a second, smaller circle on a baking sheet. A diamond-shaped cookie cut-out, cut a flower-shaped hole in the center. From the remaining rhombs make the petals, put them on a baking sheet, next to the circle, bake the cake blanks until they are rosy.

• When the cake has cooled, put a circle with a “flower” on its lower part, and lay out the “leaves” at the edges. The top of the cake can be decorated with sour cream. You get the effect of apples under the snow.

Tsvetaevsky pie (step by step recipes) - facts and hypotheses from the history of cooking are interesting

Let's try to solve puzzles from the history of Russian pies and Tsvetaevsky pie too. In all ages apples have been famous in the "forest power"; they have always been the most fragrant, as evidenced by ancient manuscripts, cookbooks and even works of art. Apple flavor is especially pronounced in late autumn, in the thick, almost frosty air.

Marina Tsvetaeva was a poet, and all creative people have a tradition - “skits” or just creative evenings, where you can read your new poems and socialize with like-minded people. Apple pies, like poetic surroundings, are still present at such creative evenings. Where without Russian culinary classics ?!

As for the recipes for the pie dough, it’s enough to recall Kolobok’s song from a Russian folk tale: “... mixed on sour cream” - a classic look of yeast-free dough in Russian cuisine.

Each woman in the culinary notebook has recipes called "cucumbers Ivanovna (neighbors)", "grandmother’s pies", "Tatyana (name of girlfriend) pie." Perhaps the same story happened with the famous Tsvetaevsky pie. You may not be a poet, but just make friends, treat yourself to an apple pie with tea - then the recipe for an apple pie on sour cream will definitely appear in one of them in a notebook, and will be named after the hospitable and skillful hostess.

Tsvetaevsky pie (step by step recipes) - wise advice

The main advice that came from the depths of centuries, from great-great-grandmothers: pies do not endure fuss. If there is no desire to "mess around" with the test - do not start.

In Russia, the dough was always "made" - that’s what it was called!

Old women still, starting to prepare the test for pies, begin with prayer or conspiracy.

Probably the main secret of Tsvetaevsky pie is not in a step-by-step recipe, but in the desire to create the dough, like poetry. Cooking is the same art as poetry.


Watch the video: Legends Summarized: The Poetic Edda (June 2024).