Delicious dumplings with a broth of meat, mushrooms, vegetables and herbs. Original dumplings recipes with broth for family and guests


Siberian dumplings - one of the most beloved dishes in Russia. What they just do not do: with meat, cabbage, fish. But that is not all. A popular serving option is dumplings with broth. Moreover, this is not necessarily saturated water, in which dough "ears" with filling were cooked. You can make a variety of rich broths specifically to create a hearty original dish.

Dumplings with broth - general principles of preparation

Various types of lean meat are used to prepare rich broth for dumplings: beef, rabbit, chicken. If desired, you can take fatty meat, for example, lamb or pork. It all depends on the taste. First you need to cook the broth, then in it, or separately cook the stuck dumplings.

In addition to meat, a delicious broth for dumplings is obtained from mushrooms and vegetables: carrots, onions, bell peppers, celery. Some housewives cook light vegetable soups with potatoes, and then add boiled dumplings to them. It turns out a very interesting, unusual version of the first dish.

Dumplings with broth and herbs

The classic and simplest version of dumplings with broth for those who want to get rich, fragrant, light broth without much hassle. It will take some spices and herbs.


• a pound of raw dumplings;

• one and a half liters of water;

• onion;

• one bay leaf;

• a tablespoon of vegetable oil;

• three peas of black pepper;

• a bunch of fresh herbs to taste;

• root of fresh or dried parsley;

• salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Pour water into the pan to fill half the volume.

Salt water to taste (1 teaspoon of salt is enough) and send to medium heat.

While the water is boiling, peel the onion, cut into quarters.

Crush the pepper with a knife.

Parsley root cut into small pieces.

Wash greens, dry and chop finely.

In boiling water, carefully dip the dumplings, onion, bay leaf and pepper.

Pour the oil into the pan, gently mix the dumplings.

Three minutes after boiling again, remove the bay leaf with a slotted spoon.

When the dumplings pop up, cook them for 7-8 minutes.

Carefully remove the prepared dumplings with a slotted spoon.

Strain the broth, discard the parsley, onion and pepper.

Arrange the dumplings on portioned plates, fill with broth.

Sprinkle with chopped herbs when serving.

Dumplings with meat bone broth

From beef or pork bone, you can cook a wonderful rich broth not only for borsch, but also for dumplings. Try to cook the "ears" for this recipe in meat broth. Surprisingly, it will turn out a completely new dish, different from traditional dumplings.


• a pound of meat on the bone;

• six peas of black pepper;

• Bay leaf;

• two liters of water;

• salt to taste;

• eight hundred grams of raw dumplings.

Cooking method:

Rinse the meat piece, fill it with pure drinking water.

Bring water to a boil over medium heat.

After boiling, reduce heat, drop pepper and bay leaf.

Cook the meat at a slow boil until cooked. Remove all foam periodically to prevent the broth from clouding.

Remove the prepared meat from the pan, use it to prepare a salad or topping into pies.

Strain the broth gently through a sieve and send to the stove again

After boiling, cook the dumplings, as usual.

Put the prepared dumplings in plates, fill with a rich aromatic liquid.

Serve dumplings with broth and chopped green onions, sour cream or mayonnaise.

Dumplings with fish broth

Fish dumplings - a dish for an amateur. Those who love fish soup can be offered such dumplings with broth cooked from fish. This is an original dish, "ears" for which you need to do it yourself.


• kilogram of dumplings dough;

• kilogram pike (you can take other fish, for example, pink salmon or salmon);

• egg;

• two onions;

• medium carrots;

• 50 ml of fat milk or drinking cream;

• two tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• salt;

• pepper to taste;

• green onions.

Cooking method:

Wash the whole pike, dry it, gut it. Take out all the bones, remove the skin.

Fillet through a meat grinder.

Chop the onions finely, fry in vegetable oil until soft.

Mix minced fish with fried onions, salt to taste, add pepper.

Beat in a raw egg, add cream or milk, mix thoroughly.

Stuff dumplings and refrigerate.

Cook the broth from the head, tail and ridge. Pour everything with cold water (1.5-2 liters is enough), bring to a boil over medium heat.

Wash the carrots, peel and cut into several pieces.

After the water boils, drop the carrots, reduce the heat and cook the broth for 10-15 minutes.

Strain the broth and cook dumplings in it.

When serving, sprinkle dumplings with fish broth chopped green onions.

Dumplings with mushroom broth

Dumplings with mushroom filling - this is delicious. But dumplings with broth cooked from fresh or dried mushrooms are delicious. This dish is unusual, aromatic, hearty. They can feed the family and surprise guests.


• kilogram of ready dumplings dough;

• three hundred grams of ground beef;

• two medium onions;

• medium carrots;

• a tablespoon of vegetable oil;

• three hundred grams of fresh mushrooms (can be replaced with 100 grams of dried);

• salt and pepper to taste;

• two liters of water.

Cooking method:

Puree one onion on a grater, chop the second finely.

Finely chop the third part of the mushrooms.

Make minced meat, onion puree and mushrooms.

Salt, add pepper to taste.

Form dumplings.

Cut the remaining mushrooms into pieces.

Grate the carrots on a fine grater.

Put water on the stove.

Fry mushrooms and carrots quickly in well-heated vegetable oil along with onions. The main thing is not to overcook the vegetable frying.

In boiled water, put the mushrooms with onions and carrots.

Immediately lay dumplings, cook, as usual.

Serve the dumplings with broth and sour cream.

Dumplings with chicken broth

A great option for a family lunch on a weekend is dumplings with broth cooked from chicken breast. Cooking takes more time, but you can cook one dish of boiled chicken.


• small chicken breast;

• large onion;

• medium carrots;

• celery stalk (optional);

• five peas of black pepper;

• one pea of ​​allspice;

• one bay leaf;

• fresh herbs (chives, dill, parsley);

• salt;

• one and a half liters of water;

• kilogram of dumplings.

Cooking method:

Cut the fillet and skin from the breast.

Fill the chicken with water.

Peel the carrots and cut into two or three parts.

Peel the onion.

Cut celery into three pieces.

Put the vegetables in a chicken pan and put on medium heat.

Crush peas of pepper, throw in water.

Throw a leaf of parsley.

When the water begins to boil, lower the heat and cook for forty minutes at a slow boil. Remove foam to keep broth transparent.

Ten minutes before the end of cooking salt.

Carefully strain the cooked broth and set aside.

In another pan, cook the dumplings in plain water.

While they are boiling, finely chop the greens.

Arrange the prepared dumplings on portioned plates, fill with fresh chicken broth.

Sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.

Dumplings with vegetable broth

This version of dumplings with broth actually resembles a light vegetable soup with dumplings. The original recipe will help out if there are few dumplings left, and you need to feed a large family.


• kilogram of dumplings;

• two liters of water;

• three potatoes;

• medium onion;

• small carrots;

• fresh or dried basil, dill, parsley;

• the floor of a paprika tea boat;

• four to five peas of black pepper;

• two tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• salt to your taste.

Cooking method:

Put water on a small fire, salt.

Cut the potato nicely into small cubes.

Chop the onion finely.

Cut fresh carrots into circles or quarters, depending on the thickness of the root crop. You can chop the carrots into strips.

Heat oil in a pan and fry carrots and onions until a pleasant golden color.

In boiled water, send potato cubes and peas of pepper, cook after boiling for about ten minutes.

Add carrot-onion frying to the broth.

After about five minutes, carefully lower the dumplings into the pan, mix and cook.

Five minutes before the dumplings are ready, add the chopped fresh or dried herbs.

Arrange the dumplings with vegetable broth on plates and serve.

Dumplings with broth - tricks and useful tips

The classic norm of salt for cooking dumplings is half a teaspoon per liter of water. Be sure to try the liquid, salt if desired.

To make the broth more fragrant, you can add to it not only the traditional table greens, but also other seasonings and spices. Do not be afraid to experiment: red pepper, suneli hops, rosemary, coriander will be good in the broth, if their aroma is like.

Fans of spicy dishes can be served with a vinegar broth. Acidify the water in which the dumplings were cooked, and you get an excellent express version of the original broth. You can add green onions, parsley or dill to it.

Another way to make the dish tastier is to add fresh grated garlic to it. Do not throw it into the water while cooking, it will ruin the taste. Just grate the slice, throw into the finished broth, mix and immediately serve the dumplings to the table.
