Vitamins for energy: which vitamins will restore vitality and activity. How to replenish the daily intake of vitamins for energy


Every third average resident lacks energy, weakness, and a feeling of constant fatigue.

With excessive fatigue, vitamins are needed for vitality.

The reasons for this condition may be different, but the condition will improve if the body receives the necessary amounts of vitamins for energy to cover their deficiency.

If the deficiency of vitamin preparations is compensated by the products in which they are contained, it will be difficult to achieve the necessary result: you will have to eat too much.

Now there is a large selection of balanced complexes containing various combinations of vitamins and microelements, among which there are those that will help you to become energetic again, relieve fatigue and restore good mood.

Vitamins for energy - which drugs relate to them

At different periods of life, at different times of the year, depending on lifestyle, habits, health status, the presence of diseases (acute or chronic), stress. mental and physical stress may develop hypovitaminosis or even vitamin deficiency of certain vitamins.

This is manifested:

• lack of vigor;

• a constant feeling of tiredness;

• decrease in vitality;

• a decline in strength.

If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will determine the cause of this state of health and prescribe vitamins necessary for each specific case for energy.

Vitamins for Energy - Group B

In case of weakness, lethargy, fatigue, you need to pay attention to the B vitamins. They are an excellent prevention of fatigue and lack of energy.


The most important among vitamins for energy is Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - "pep vitamin". It affects the state of the nervous system. It inhibits the aging of cells, affects thinking, the process of creative abilities - is especially important for people with mental labor and creative professions. With hypovitaminosis, a person feels constant drowsiness, fatigue, weakness, lethargy. The general condition is violated, the general tone decreases, irritability appears.

Foods high in thiamine include: legumes, nuts, eggs, liver, pork. rice, oatmeal, dairy products (milk, fermented baked milk), tomato. If a person is on a low-calorie diet, he will be helped to restore bran energy, oily, green buckwheat.

Vitamin B8 (Inositol)

Vitamin B8 (Inositol) normalizes the amount of blood cholesterol, accelerates blood flow, enhances energy potential. If the body lacks this vitamin, exposure to stress increases, sleep, vision, and skin quality deteriorate. Daily requirement - 1.5 g.

Contained in nuts, sesame oil, legumes, brewer's yeast.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Vitamin B7 (vitamin H, biotin) is also involved in carbohydrate metabolism, interacting with pancreatic hormones. Biotin is involved in the synthesis of glucokinase. It is an enzyme that stimulates and normalizes blood sugar. It is glucose that feeds brain neurons. With hypoglycemia, fatigue, apathy, lack of energy appear. It accelerates the absorption of proteins, through the use of which energy is generated. Energy, which is released at the same time, and a normal amount of glucose in the blood maintain a good physical and psycho-emotional state. Biotin is found in beef liver, soy products, milk, nuts.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is a vitamin of vitality and energy, helps to increase energy potential. With phenylalanine, one of the amino acids, it is involved in the formation of norepinephrine in nerve cells. It helps to improve mood, raises the tone and pep.

In order for ascorbic acid to be absorbed in the body, calcium and magnesium are needed. With its deficiency, depression appears, poor concentration, fatigue, weakness. Performance drops sharply. Therefore, ascorbic acid is attributed to vitamins for energy. The maximum amount of this vitamin of youth and vigor is in rose hips, black currants, herbs, citrus fruits, cabbage.

The usual daily intake for a healthy person is 100 mg.

Vitamin D3 - An Important Component for Energy

Vitamin D (calciferol) is also necessary for vitamins for energy. This fat-soluble vitamin, a powerful antioxidant, prevents the destruction of cells by aggressive free radicals formed as a result of oxidative reactions in the body. It maintains a good oxygen supply to all organs and tissues, participates in the exchange of cholesterol and carbohydrates, indirectly acting on the level of insulin and, accordingly, the level of glucose in the blood. Its deficiency causes a feeling of constant fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness and apathy.

The daily dose is 600 - 800 mcg. It is produced in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays on the sun and in the solarium, and is found in fish oil, cod liver, fish, eggs, and hard cheese. In plant products, it is not contained, with the exception of three certain types of mushrooms, which are cultivated artificially in European countries, but we do not. Vitamin D3 has a very small amount in dairy products.

In order to gain a daily dose of cholecalciferol with food, you need to eat 20 eggs or 1 kg of cottage cheese, or 100 g of hard cheese, or 0.5 kg of oily fish per day.

Vitamin A (Retinol)

Retinol (Vitamin A) also refers to vitamins for energy. Like the previous vitamin D, it belongs to the group of fat-soluble and is an antioxidant: it prevents the damaging effects of tissues by active free radicals. Retinol affects the acuity and quality of vision, the condition of the skin, hair, nails, bones, controls and maintains a high level of immunity. His hypovitaminosis entails a feeling of fatigue, low working capacity and energy level of the body.

The vitamin is found in fish oil, egg yolk, carrots, sea buckthorn, tomato, spinach, milk.

How to replenish vitamins for energy

It is believed that vitamins for energy are best obtained from food, where they are found in the natural most easily digestible form.

But after eating the “right food”, improvement may not occur. In modern vitamin complexes, they are contained in the necessary daily doses, which quickly compensate for their deficiency and contribute to the restoration of well-being and necessary energy. If to fill up the developed deficiency of vitamins for energy with food, you will have to consume at least 1 kg of citrus fruits and cottage cheese, 2 kg of cabbage per day, drink 2 liters of milk, 1.5 kg of carrots, 0.5 kg of red fish.

The most relevant and effective vitamins for energy:

1. Alphabet Energy. It contains all of the above vitamins for energy (except D3), trace elements necessary for their absorption, as well as to reduce weakness, lethargy, apathy and fatigue, and plant components: extracts of ginseng rhizome, magnolia vine seeds, succinic acid. With prolonged exercise, this complex of vitamins contributes to high capacity for work, improves blood supply to the brain, strengthens capillaries, memory, and protects against oxidative stress.

It is taken three times a day, but let's say one dose in the morning at once three tablets. It has some contraindications (individual intolerance of at least one component, pregnancy, high blood pressure, excessive irritability), before starting a doctor's consultation is necessary. This is a drug for adults.

2. Vitrum Energy - used for chronic fatigue, lethargy, with increased mental and physical stress, after heavy operations, chronic diseases. Effectively and quickly restores the body with hypo- and vitamin deficiencies, it is also prescribed for unbalanced or insufficient nutrition, with anorexia, diarrhea, depression. It is prescribed for children after 12 years and adults 1 tablet in the morning. The course is determined by the doctor.

3. Supradin Pure Energy contains all vitamins for energy and trace elements. It is used for fatigue, reduced working capacity, high mental and physical stress, after treatment of cancer with radiation and chemotherapy, after severe infections, in the treatment of dysbiosis. No side effects.

4. Dynamizan - contains all vitamins for energy (except D3), trace elements, amino acids, ginseng. Especially indicated for women after 35 years and above, as well as smokers and working in heavy industries. Increases working capacity, improves sleep, neutralizes stress, promotes good mood and vitality. Shown after 14 years, taken in the morning. After lunch, it is permissible to use it in case if there is work, vigor is required on the night shift.

5. Effective and balanced vitamin complexes are also Complies after 45, Duovit Energy.

Since vitamins have contraindications, and there is also a risk of overdose in the form of severe manifestations of hypervitaminosis, you should consult your doctor when choosing a drug, since vitamins are prescribed individually depending on the problem, condition of the body, and any concomitant diseases. And then the state of vivacity, health and energy will become a normal state of the body.


Watch the video: How to Boost Energy Naturally - The 5 Best Natural Energy Boosting Foods (July 2024).