Wine sauce - exquisite taste, delicate aroma! Recipes for wine sauces with mushrooms, cream, broths, cherries, milk and sour cream


Wine sauces are most often served with meat or fish, seafood goes well with them, there are also options for desserts. No need to be afraid of experimenting with alcohol. An appetizing supplement will make even the simplest and most boring dish aromatic and tasty, give that very zest, which is just not enough.

Wine Sauce - General Cooking Principles

• Wine. In sauces, it can be an additional ingredient, but not the basis. Its amount rarely exceeds 50% of the total mass of products. Dry wine is best used; it can be white or red. In some recipes, the drink is evaporated, in other sauces it is added and slightly warmed up, but there are options with fresh wine that is not cooked.

• Liquid. The wine is usually diluted with juices, broths, a lot of recipes for white sauces based on cream, milk, sour cream.

• Flour, starch. They are not always used, but are intended for density. The flour must first be passivated, starch is usually simply diluted in a cool liquid. It is very important to prevent the appearance of lumps. If necessary, strain the mixture immediately before adding to the total mass.

• Other ingredients. Mushrooms, cheese, spices, sugar and honey are often added to wine sauces. Soy sauce, mustard and garlic go well with them. But you do not need to add aromatic spices in large quantities so that the refined aroma of wine is not lost in the total mass.

Champignon wine sauce

A well-known recipe for a fragrant wine sauce, for which only a red dry drink is used. Additionally, you need tomato paste or mashed potatoes, as well as some fresh champignons. This sauce is perfect with red meat.


• 120 g of champignons;

• 20 ml of olive oil;

• 150 ml of wine;

• 2 tbsp. l tomato paste;

• a couple of cloves of garlic;

• onion head (small or half);

• salt pepper.


1. Pour the oil into a frying pan, throw the garlic cloves cut into several parts, lightly fry, remove.

2. We wash the mushrooms, first cut into four parts, and then each piece with thin plates.

3. Throw champignons into the aromatic oil.

4. Finely chop the onion. Add to the mushrooms. Fry together until soft.

5. If you use concentrated boiled pasta for the sauce, then you need a little less. In this case, dilute with water. If the paste is ordinary, then immediately add to the mushrooms, stir and warm for a minute until a light aroma of fried tomato appears.

6. Add red wine.

7. At the same stage, put salt in the dish, pepper, you can use Provencal herbs.

8. Tomim the sauce for a couple of minutes and turn it off.

White wine sauce with cream

A recipe for a very tender wine sauce that can be served with fish, poultry, but it is especially well combined with seafood. Shrimps, mussels, squids in it are just amazing.


• 230 ml cream;

• 100 ml of wine;

• spices;

• onion head;

• a little oil;

• a small clove of garlic, dill;

• 1 tsp flour.


1. You can take any oil for the sauce. Creamy, olive fits well here. Heat one or two tablespoons.

2. Cut the onion into small cubes. Put in butter. We pass on fire a little less than average to a rosy color.

3. Add the flour, stir.

4. Pour white wine to the onion, warm until almost boiling.

5. It's time to add cream. The fat content of the product does not matter, but it affects the taste.

6. Immediately put salt in the cream, stir. If you need to get hot sauce, then add cayenne pepper.

7. Grind three branches of fresh dill and a clove of garlic.

8. Warm the creamy sauce for two minutes. Then add dill with garlic to it, stir and turn it off.

Wine sauce for meat with sour cream and yolks

Variant of another light wine sauce. White vermouth is ideal for him, but if desired we take any other drink.


• 2/3 Art. white vermouth;

• 250 g sour cream;

• 70 g of onions;

• 3 yolks;

• 20 ml of lemon juice;

• salt and pepper;

• 25 g of cl. oils.


1. Put the butter in a saucepan in which you can fry the onions. If necessary, take a frying pan, everything will work out for sure. Melt.

2. Cut the onion head into cubes, add the sauté to a ruddy color.

3. Mix the yolks with sour cream, while there is time. Add spices to the base. In addition to salt, you can put pepper, coriander, chopped garlic, nutmeg fits perfectly here. Stir everything well.

4. Add the wine to the onion. Boil the sauce exactly twice.

5. Once half the wine has evaporated, add sour cream with yolks. Boil a couple of minutes.

6. At the very end, you need to make a control sample. Maybe add more salt or pepper?

7. This sauce can be served hot or cold.

Wine salad dressing

Wonderful wine dressing, which is especially well combined with fresh vegetable salads. It is perfect for classic Caesar or its other types. It takes only five minutes to prepare.


• a spoon of lemon juice;

• 30 ml of white wine;

• 2 boiled yolks;

• 2 tablespoons olive oil;

• 1 tsp honey;

• salt, pepper, garlic as desired.


1. Grind the yolks to homogeneity with lemon juice. It should make slurry, add wine to it, set aside for a minute.

2. Combine olive oil with honey, stir. If you season with garlic sauce, then we throw it here.

3. Return to the yolks, combine both mixtures, rub.

4. Add a pinch of salt, pepper. For spiciness, you can add a little mustard. Stir the last time and send the sauce to the salad.

Custard wine sauce for fish in milk

For this wine sauce, it is also better to take a white alcoholic drink so that it does not stand out much in milk. Of greens, parsley is best suited here.


• a glass of milk;

• a spoon of flour;

• 110 ml of wine;

• greens, salt;

• 20 g of oil;

• 30 g of onions;

• 1 tsp a spoon of flour;

• 30 g of hard cheese.


1. Heat the oil, cut the onion into very small cubes, fry for a minute. Add wine. Warm alcohol with onions until the vegetable is completely soft, the slices should be crushed when pressed.

2. First add a few tablespoons of milk to the flour, stir, then introduce the rest. Pour milk dressing to the onion. Boil the sauce until it acquires the consistency of a light jelly.

3. Add the spices.

4. Grate cheese, also sent to milk sauce. We are waiting for its complete dissolution.

5. The final touch is the addition of greenery. Throw chopped parsley, turn it off. The consistency will change as the sauce cools, it will turn out thicker than it is now.

Wine sauce with mustard for fish or seafood

Another version of the wonderful fish sauce, but it is based on the broth, it turns out very light, delicate, but spicy and aromatic. If there is no fish broth, then you can make a cube or take a vegetable broth.


• a glass of broth;

• two tablespoons of oil;

• two tablespoons of mustard;

• half a glass of wine;

• a spoon of flour;

• lemon juice.


1. Pass the tablespoon of flour into hot oil. Constantly stir so that it does not burn. Do not fry strongly, as soon as the flour becomes cream, pour a glass of fish broth into a thin stream.

2. When the first bubbles appear. Add mustard and salt, stir.

3. A minute later, pour the wine. We prepare the sauce on the smallest fire, give it a little boil.

4. Remove, add herbs, pour a little lemon juice. If the mustard is not enough, then you can throw a pinch of red pepper.

Wine sauce with cherry to meat

A recipe for a delicious cherry wine sauce. It goes well with meat, gives the dish an original taste, juiciness, unique aroma. The wine used here is red.


• 150 g of cherries;

• 150 g of wine;

• ginger, cinnamon, pepper;

• 1 tsp oils.


1. Heat the oil. It needs very little, just to grease the pan.

2. Remove the seeds from the cherries. If frozen berries are used, then they need to be given time to thaw.

3. Put the cherries in a pan, cover, simmer under the lid until soft. No need to add water. We cook in our juice.

4. Once the berries are soft, they must be removed from the pan. Grind with a blender.

5. We return the pureed cherry and immediately add the wine.

6. Put in a sauce a pinch of cinnamon, salt, pepper. Add a little dry or fresh ginger. Stir.

7. Let the sauce warm up for a couple of minutes, turn it off. Serve hot or cold for meat.

Sweet wine sauce for desserts

For this sauce, you can take any fruit or berry juice. Of course, it is better to squeeze it yourself, but a packaged drink will also work.


• 30 ml of red wine;

• A glass of juice;

• 1.5 tsp starch;

• 40 g of sugar.

Additionally, you need a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla, you can use chopped zest. In general, any spices for desserts.


1. Mix starch with granulated sugar, add any juice to them.

2. Put on the stove, cook the jelly. Remove from heat, add wine and spices.

3. Cover, leave to cool completely. A simple but very fragrant and sweet sauce is ready!

Wine Sauce - Tips & Tricks

• If the wine sauce remains, it can be stored for several days in the refrigerator, but always in a tightly closed container.

• The taste of wine will be brighter and more pronounced if you do not add many different spices to the sauce. In some cases a small pinch of pepper is sufficient.

• Is the sauce burnt? In no case do you need to stir it. Gently pour into another vessel, without touching the adhering layer, continue cooking.


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