What is the dream of a mouse small or large, many small mice? Basic Interpretations - What Small Mice Dream About


Dreams sometimes give us unforgettable moments of happiness, but they can also bring troubles to life. If something alarms you in a dream - no need to be upset, it is better to interpret it.

Why is the little mouse dreaming? It’s worth sorting out.

What small mice dream of - the main interpretation

Many of us love animals. Someone even keeps them at home. But mammals such as mice cause double emotions in humans. On the one hand, they can please someone. They are so small and fluffy. But only homemade mice are beautiful, but when it comes to street mice, they are mostly disgusting.

Why is the little mouse dreaming? Dream Interpretations interpret such a dream as a harbinger of trouble and trouble. What you should pay special attention in a dream:

• How many mice appeared in a dream;

• They were small or large;

• What color are they;

• What mice did in a dream;

• Who else appeared in the dream;

• What feelings did they arouse in you?

It is important to remember exactly where you came across the rodents. If the meeting took place in your house, and you saw a little white mouse on your floor - such a dream promises you troubles, but soon they will become pleasant. If the mouse crawled along the wall, and even tried to somehow climb the ceiling - such a dream portends a lot of trouble, which immerses you in the routine of life.

If you dream that some woman brought a mouse to your house - such a dream clearly indicates the intervention of envious and ill-wishers. Someone has long envied you and your success, do not let anyone stop you from becoming happy. In that dream in which you will see yourself surrounded by mice, try to remember whether they squeaked or not.

Sometimes, through the squeak of mice in a dream, you can clearly hear intelligible human speech. Thus, you will be given tips from above so that you can make the right decision in a sensitive issue.

Mouse color is also important:

• The black mouse dreams of illness and hunger;

• Gray mouse - to big trouble;

• White mouse - to chores;

• Red mouse - to problems in the love sphere.

If you dream that you are looking out the window of your house, and in the courtyard there are a lot of mice - such a dream indicates the fact that you are being condemned behind your back. There is nothing unusual for you in this, but nothing pleasant either. Try not to give gossip talkers. And do not respond to their provocations. To change the situation - stop making excuses.

If you dream about how someone turned into a mouse - look at who it was. If we are talking about a person close to you - do not trust him with secrets. Most likely, he will let you down. If we are talking about a person unfamiliar to you, expect intrigues from the outside. Someone outsider insolently intervenes in the course of your life.

If you try to catch a mouse and it doesn’t work out for you - you will try to catch luck by the tail and it will slip out of your hands. If you killed a mouse in a dream, you should not be glad that your troubles will soon end. Such a dream speaks of the beginning of a new difficult period in your life. You barely survived the previous tests, now you have a new round of negative events.

If the mouse comes to life in your dream, such a dream promises you new opportunities. You can not only revive the relationship, but also achieve a lot in the professional field. If you dream that you yourself turned into a mouse - such a dream means that you tend to condemn others, although you personally make the same mistakes.

Seeing mice that gnaw your stuff in a dream - have health problems. If you dream about how you feed the mouse - do not be afraid of changes in life, they are predictable. This is not to say that they will all be positive, but most of them will be painless for you.

If in a dream you see a huge mouse that scares you - troubles will be made up by you. You tend to exaggerate the scale of the disaster, do not be so disappointed in reality. In fact, your inner enemy is your own fear. He rules you, does not allow you to develop.

Why do small mice dream of Freud’s dream book

The little gray mouse in a dream is interpreted by Freud as a hidden sexual desire, which you do not give a way out. You may suffer because your sexual energy is stagnant. You need an experienced sexual partner. Even if you are in a relationship - such a dream speaks of unrealized sexual energy, you do not get the exit of emotions in your pair.

If you see in a dream a lot of little mice that are trying to bite you - do not lay great hopes on your partner. He will make you worry and nervous because of his selfishness. You need to be prepared for the emotional outburst that he will make you survive. On the one hand, such a situation can be beneficial for you - you can take a fresh look at joint relationships. On the other hand, you may be disappointed in a partner as a person.

For a pregnant woman, mice in a dream are a bad sign. She should be more careful about her health. If she was recently nervous - do not return to solving this issue. Now she needs rest and peace.

If a woman dreams of a huge gray mouse - such a dream speaks of a rivalwho had long laid eyes on her lover. If the mouse attacks a woman in a dream, such a dream means that meetings between lovers are already taking place. If the mouse, silently, disappears into the hole - such a dream portends a loss of interest in a rival to a man.

What do small mice dream of in the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says what a small mouse dreams about - it dreams of troubles and health problems. If you dream that the mouse is hiding under your bed - someone is very envious of your family happiness and now you and your spouse may be in trouble.

If the mouse has eaten all your food, financial problems await you, you should accumulate reserves so that in difficult times you can always find the money for the most necessary.

Sleep in which mice appear in the mouse - says that your problems will multiply just as quickly. If you see only a few mice, it means that you still have a short time before resolving difficult situations. But, if there were a lot of mice, you simply immerse yourself in a routine.

Sleep in which you feed the mouse and she bites your hand - talks about the betrayal of a close friend, a loved one, a loved one. The person you trusted the most will betray you. If you dream that the mice literally attacked your home - try to restrain your emotions in the near future. Now you are not at hand to expose yourself in a negative light.

If you dream that you are drowning mice, you will quickly recognize the enemy and neutralize him with lightning speed. Unfortunately, you will have to find out about a few betrayals that you have undergone before.

What does a small mouse dream about in other dream books

In Miller's Dream Book it is said that mice dream of unpleasant events associated with the house. Also, such a dream may indicate problems of a financial plan if mice chewed bills in a dream. If you killed a mouse in a dream, your enemies will be defeated.

If you chased a mouse for a long time in a dream and allowed it to run away, you will struggle with the result for a long time, which makes you doubt. If a young woman dreams of a mouse that just looks at her, she will have to fight enemies alone. They intend to deceive and substitute her. We can talk about both personal life and the professional sphere. The mouse that sits on her clothes - she will become the central figure of a huge scandal.

In the dream book of Longo it is said that the mouse is dreaming of danger. You should not make new friends in the near future. So far, you should have enough communication without them. Do not engage in dubious intimate relationships. If someone flirts with you at work, you should not pay special attention to this. A man does not need you, but a certain service from you.

The dream in which the mouse fell into a mousetrap promises deliverance from failures and in love as well. Such a dream portends many positive events in the near future. Dream Interpretation does not advise often to recall the past and become discouraged. The dream book advises to move further in the direction of positive life changes. It is worth listening to dreams, they sometimes give very practical advice, revealing to a person several options for the development of events in the future.


Watch the video: What does mice dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (July 2024).