The basics of nutrition on the English diet for 21 days: how to lose weight effectively? Diet of the English diet for 21 days: the division of nutrition


In the pursuit of harmony, many women decide on the most desperate measures in order to get rid of hated kilograms and centimeters in a short time. The body in such cases is in a state of great stress. To protect him from such a condition, you should choose a long diet, which will give long-term results.

General principles of the English diet for 21 days: lists of allowed and prohibited products

The British diet lasts exactly three weeks. During such a period of a certain diet, the body is cleansed, digestion and metabolism are restored, and a person loses from 3 to 10 kg of excess weight. In addition to losing weight, the diet gives an overall improvement in well-being. The regularity of the British course is no more than 1 time per year. His diet is not only limited by the product range, but also has a rather tight schedule. Therefore, even 2 times a year, experts do not recommend such a diet.

The essence of the method lies in the alternation of vegetable and protein days. Every day, four meals a day with very limited portions. The most difficult are 3 days in the course - the first two and the last. It will be useful these days even to starve, but only those people whose health condition will allow them to withstand it can completely refuse food. Every morning should start with breakfast, dinner must be present, but it should always end before 19:00.

Among the allowed products for both stages of the diet - protein and vegetable, there are not many varieties:

• fruits - apples, oranges, pineapples, lemons, kiwi are priority;

• vegetables - there are no significant restrictions on vegetables, on the contrary, thanks to them you can significantly diversify each new day, but at the same time potatoes are allowed only when cooking it in their uniform;

• cereals - oat, buckwheat, rice (you need to choose brown or unprocessed rice);

• spices - thyme, mint, cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom;

• nuts - hazelnuts, pine nuts or walnuts.

Among the products that you need to strictly refuse are:

• salt;

• sugar;

• fried foods;

• flour and sweet foods;

• sweet juices, drinks with gas;

• alcohol products;

• black tea, coffee;

• pickled and smoked products.

Among the fruits, there are also representatives on whom there is a taboo in the English diet. Among them, bananas, grapes, figs, melons - all of them are high in calories.

You can’t use salt to add taste to ready-made dishes, you can only pepper them or use spices from the list of allowed. Salad dressings and vegetable oils should not be used or abused if they are included in the menu for 21 days.

The easiest way to carry the English diet is those people who rarely eat meat, as well as vegetarians, since the diet almost does not include meat. It will be very difficult for ordinary people who are not in such categories to hold out for 3 weeks without meat. Therefore, you should definitely consider this fact before starting a diet and calculate your strength. The diet itself is tolerated by people quite easily, since the diet of the British diet is quite diverse, unlike mono-diets. A balanced menu will bring moral peace, despite the fact that there are very few calories in the body.

How can I replace banned foods in the English diet for 21 days?

Nicotine should also be included in the list of prohibited foods, although it is not food.

Looking at the numerous prohibitions, it begins to seem that nothing is allowed of the permitted. But everything is much simpler.

Fried foods can be replaced with stews or steamed.

Forbidden black tea can be replaced with a green drink all these three weeks.

Salt will ideally replace aromatic spices.

But products such as sugar, salt, alcohol and coffee should be completely eliminated, because these products cause water retention in the body.

English diet for 21 days: examples of the menu

A two-day diet begins:

• the first couple of days - fasting;

• the next couple of days - mainly protein intake;

• last call - a vegetable diet.

After 6 days of diet, you can begin the alternation of protein and vegetable stages.

A sample menu for the first two hungry days in British:

• 2 slices of black or grain bread;

• 1 cup fresh tomato juice;

• milk - 1 l.

Example menu for protein days:

1. Morning reception - tea with milk with minimal fat content, a sandwich of rye bread with butter (0.5 tsp) and honey (1 tsp).

2. Lunch - 200 ml of low-fat broth or fish soup with a slice of bread, 200 g of low-fat chicken or fish meat, canned peas 2 tbsp. l

3. Afternoon snack - tea with milk and honey (1 tsp).

4. Dinner - to choose from: a slice of bread with kefir, a slice of ham, 2 boiled eggs, 50 g of fish or meat.

Example menu for vegetable days:

1. Breakfast - choose 2 oranges or 2 apples.

2. Lunch - vegetable stew or soup without the addition of potatoes. A slice of bread and dressing stew with a spoon of olive or vegetable oil is allowed.

3. Afternoon snack - several fruits from the list of allowed.

4. Dinner - 200-250 g of vegetable salad, tea from herbs or green with the addition of a teaspoon of honey.

The following days can either alternate through one (vegetable-protein), or two - to whom it is convenient. In this case, the rotation should not concern fasting days. For those people who are accustomed to a light breakfast and a hearty dinner, you can build the menu a little differently, adapting it without prejudice to the established regime.

If necessary, milk included in the diet as a separate dish can be replaced with kefir with a low percentage of fat content. The technique will be equally well tolerated at any age, the main thing is to survive the most difficult - the first two hungry days. After them, the discomfort in the digestive system and the obsessive urge to eat something will disappear.

It is necessary to make a daily regimen and eat strictly according to it:

• breakfast at 7:00;

• lunch in the afternoon until 13:00;

• afternoon snack from three to four days;

• dinner - the deadline is until 19:00.

If you experience malaise on hungry days, the appearance of headaches, dizziness, loss of strength, you should stop the diet and seek help from a doctor. Typically, such symptoms may indicate heart disease, the presence of hormonal disorders, pancreatic diseases.

Features of the English diet for 21 days: the main rules and important points

The technique got its name because of a set of products traditional for the UK. A variety of products is useful for the digestive system, it does not provoke the appearance of problems with metabolic processes, eliminates the constant presence of a feeling of hunger, does not expose the body to stresses, which allows the effect obtained from the diet to be fixed for a long time. Throughout the course, the main requirement is not to eat any food after 19:00.

If you follow a diet for 21 days, it is important to remember that the body will need to be fed with minerals and vitamins on an ongoing basis. Indeed, due to a limited diet, the body will not be able to get all the nutrients necessary for normal functioning from normal food.

Do not delay the course of nutrition longer than suggested. If necessary, repeat the course no earlier than a year later.

Another important rule of the British diet is strict adherence to the menu. In no case should you deviate from the compiled menu. So that the British diet is effective for the body and only benefits it, when observing it, it is necessary to adhere to such rules:

1. Do not eat food after the permitted period in the evenings.

2. But the night to take 1 tbsp. l olive or linseed oil.

3. Refuse salt, replacing it with spices.

4. Observe the drinking regime - such a good habit should be made in everyday life, not only during food experiments. The daily water norm should be from 1.5 to 2 liters.

5. Add vitamin complexes to the diet.

6. Observe the daily regimen regarding meals, try not to break it.

7. Refuse fatty and fried foods, give preference to steamed foods by stewing or baking without oil.

8. Refuse bad habits - smoking cigarettes and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Despite the strict regime and the limited menu of the English diet, unlike other varieties, it suits almost everyone. An exception may be only pregnant and breastfeeding women.

To consolidate the achieved results, you need to go out of the diet correctly too. A three-week diet, limited strictly in time, involves a cautious exit. The best way to do this is to introduce dairy nutrition. In advance, one should be mentally tuned that the end of the diet is not the end of the work on creating the ideal body. Do not forget to continue to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Increased physical activity, the introduction of regular physical training into the daily regimen will be useful, and healthy sleep is also important.

So that the lost weight does not begin to add back, after a diet, other foods should be added to the diet gradually, preferably one at a time. This does not mean that all harmful, spicy, fried, pickled, fatty and other foods should be returned gradually to food. Emphasis should still be placed on fruits and vegetables. Unlearn should be from eating bread. Like other flour and bakery products, he can only be a rare visitor to your table and stomach afterwards, or not at all.


Watch the video: Nutrition and Weight Loss with Amy Lee MD. UCLA Center for Human Nutrition (June 2024).