What do walnuts dream about: to collect, buy, chop or eat. Basic Interpretations - Why Walnuts Are Dreamed for a Girl or Man


Dreams sometimes give a person such diverse events and pictures that when they wake up, many cannot understand the interpretation of sleep.

Therefore, it is better to use dream predictors. Why do walnuts dream? It’s worth sorting out.

What walnuts dream of - the main interpretation

Every man dreams of being as strong as a nut. Many people like nuts, but not everyone knows that in ancient times, they were a symbol of masculine strength and longevity. Walnuts did not grow in every country, and therefore were considered a dietary and very scarce product.

The appearance of a walnut in a dream may seem strange to many, but, in fact, such a dream, on the contrary, will bring enough joy and happiness to your life, so you should not worry about such a dream.

What should you pay special attention to in your dream?

• Nuts grew in your yard, or you saw them in an unfamiliar place for you;

• were nuts ripe;

• There were many, or there was one nut;

• Have you eaten nuts?

• Who treated you to them;

• Whom you were treated to;

• Your mood during sleep.

If you dream about what you see in your yard tree full of walnuts - You will soon find out the good news. If you saw in a dream a basket full of walnuts - it’s time for you to get ready for a long, and very significant trip.

If you dream that the neighbors a young nut grew in the yard - a joyful event will soon happen in their house, perhaps even the birth of a child. If you dream that you are collecting green nuts from the earth, it is still too early for you to make an important decision that you have been thinking about for so long.

If a girl dreams that she collects ripe nuts from the ground and at the same time gets her hands dirty - her reputation will be spoiled. If a girl dreams about how she tries to climb the stairs to collect nuts - such a dream says that she has too many responsibilities entrusted to herself. Her happiness is just around the corner, but you need to be able to shift responsibilities, redistribute them.

If a a man dreams about how he breaks walnuts with his hands - such a dream indicates that there is plenty of masculine strength in her, and she will not leave him for a long time. If a man dreams that he washes nuts from dirt - such a dream may mean that his lover will need his help.

If you dream that all the land in front of you is strewn with ripe walnuts - such a dream may mean that soon you will find success and joyful events. If you see that there are only green nuts on the earth, your life will not be so joyful and successful, you will most likely not be ready for new and fateful events that will happen to you.

If you dream that you squeezed a walnut in your hand for several minutes - Such a dream means that you are correctly thinking about your future, about how best to build it and in which direction to move along the life path. If you dream about how you rub the leaves of a nut in your hand and feel its astringent smell - such a dream means that you will enjoy many events in your life, and most of them will be very positive.

Take a close look at the person who treated you to walnuts - he is really your friend and wishes you only joy. If you dream that you are treating a young girl with nuts - you will soon have pleasant meetings and acquaintances.

If you are in a dream trying to find a way out of the alley and on your way stumble upon a huge walnut tree - You should expect a lightning-fast solution to all your accumulated problems. If you dream about how long you look for a nut in the garden and don’t find it, such a dream means that the time for solving your problems has been missed and now it will be very difficult for you to solve something again, it will be difficult to start all over again.

If you dream that you eat a cake with nuts, and it seems very tasty to you - you really will begin to enjoy life, and no one can stop you from doing this. If you dream that you eat nuts, and they seemed bitter to you, you will have to come to terms with the bitterness of truth that will open. But, it is better to recognize her and no longer build illusions.

It is also important to pay attention to the mood that accompanies your sleep. If you woke up in a good mood and feel awake and very rested - you can quickly, with lightning speed solve all the questions that you have accumulated. If you feel tired and depressed, even upset, such a dream can promise a series of troubles, which, however, you can do fine.

If you dream that you open the nut, and inside it is dry, old, or even wormy - your emotional state will be depressed. You will not be able to gather your thoughts for a long time.

What do walnuts dream about in Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that walnuts dream of as a symbol of the hardness of intention and the hardness of character. If you dream about a young man cracking a walnut - such a dream may mean that you have to figure out a relationship with your soulmate.

If you dream that you yourself are trying to pluck a walnut from a tree - you have serious intentions regarding your partner. If you dream that you are selling walnuts on the market, such a dream may mean that you yourself have not decided which one you want to see your personal life. If you dream that you are buying nuts on the market, such a dream means that you have to bargain with your partner for your freedom for a long time, he will severely restrict you and try to control you in everything.

Do not indulge him, do not allow yourself to show weakness, otherwise he will take advantage of it, and you will eventually suffer from inseparable feelings. If you dream that you can’t crack a walnut for a long time, you will also be diligent in seeking the location of your soulmate. The waking up outcome depends on whether you managed to crack a nut in a dream.

Why dream walnuts in the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says what walnuts dream of - they dream of new beginnings and new achievements. Even the machinations of enemies will not be able to stop you on your way to the goal. If we are talking about business development - you should not be afraid of any ups and downs, but if we are talking about the beginning of a relationship - do not delay their development until later.

If you dream of a fragrant tree, strewn with nuts - such a dream means that you will live in prosperity for a long time. If the tree is strewn with dried and worm nuts, such a dream means that nothing good will come of your undertaking. Better defer all important decisions for later.

If now you succumb to the impulse and make some decision - nothing good will come of it. You are likely to spoil your reputation and subsequently spend a lot of effort and money on how to fix it. If a pregnant girl dreams that someone treated her to walnuts - such a dream means that she will receive good news about her baby’s health. But if she dreams that the nuts were worms - such a dream could mean that all her hopes would not come true, she could also get sick.

What do walnuts dream of in other dream books

In the Family Dream Book it is said that if you dream of walnuts, such a dream can mean strengthening your position in society. If you are in business, such a dream will mean its rapid development.

In the Women's Dream Book it is said that if in a dream you open the shell of a nut, and it turns out to be rotten - such a dream portends to you that all your hopes will be empty. Also, such a dream can be a warning to a young girl that she should lead a decent and measured lifestyle, otherwise she may pay her reputation for fleeting hobbies.

In Miller's Dream Book it is said that if a girl dreams that she holds dirty nuts in her hands - such a dream means that she is threatened with separation from the second half due to a love triangle. Choke in a dream with a nut - you better now keep your mouth shut.

If you dream about walking on a nutshell and hurting your feet at the same time, you will be overcome by disappointments and passions, you will be overly emotional, and this will lead to the fact that you will miss the opportunity to improve relations. Whatever the dream - in no case should not be disappointed and sound the alarm. Dreams give clues, but each manages his own life.


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