Finger gymnastics for children 2-6 years old: why is it needed. Complexes of children's finger gymnastics with a child of 3, 4 or 5 years old


Psychologists, pediatricians, teachers and simply wise parents assure: at the fingertips of a young child - his mind.

Thanks to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the baby’s brain receives an incentive to actively develop, analyze and process information.

That is why finger gymnastics should be purposefully practiced from an early age.

The value of finger gymnastics

When to start classes? From the first months of life. There is no need to wait until the child is a year, one and a half or two years old: from the first half of life, when the child begins to make purposeful movements with his hands, he needs to do gymnastics, developing fine motor skills of the hands. Constant brain stimulation will help the baby speak faster and generally grow much more developed than peers.

Finger gymnastics for children 2-6 years old is of great educational importance:

• stimulates the development of the brain, especially speech centers;

• teaches concentration and proper distribution of attention;

• improves the accuracy of movements and the ability to control your body, increases the flexibility and strength of the hands and fingers;

• develops imagination and speech of the crumbs.

In addition, daily activities with mom create a favorable emotional connection with her. The child learns to perceive and understand adult speech, to respond to it in time. The logical and emotional sphere, the ability to concentrate attention and control emotions are developing. And this is directly related to school preparation, is the key to future success.

Types of finger gymnastics

You can do it both at home and on a walk, beating exercises in a playful way. Together with finger gymnastics for children from 2 years old and even earlier, articulatory gymnastics is used. Mom will have to learn a few poems and beat them for the baby.

Toys and various objects enhance the effect of finger gymnastics: “prickly” rubber and soft textile balls, old toothbrushes, clothespins, bottle caps, cotton ropes and linen twines, piggy banks (you can put thin objects into them), walnut shells and the nuts themselves (they can be rolled in the palms of your hands), a broken computer keyboard (you need to hit the keys on the keys). In general, all that the baby can touch is full-fledged didactic material.

Finger gymnastics exercises for children would be good to reinforce with self-massage (kids use their own fingers or other items, such as pencils, balls, clothespins) to do it. This technique stimulates the nervous system, increases the sensitivity of nerve receptors.

Together with children's finger gymnastics, it is important to do articulation gymnastics, manipulate objects, learn by heart and pronounce amusements, engage in puppet plays (puppet theater for fingers).

Do not miss the opportunity to give your child a play with sand, water, plasticine. This will enhance the effect of classes. In combination with poems, finger gymnastics becomes a means of correcting emotional or mental disorders, improper breathing, and develops memory and empathic abilities.

Types of finger gymnastics for children from 2 to 6 years are as follows:

1. for the hands - simple entertaining movements that are able to help out mom in the queue or transport. The child learns to differentiate movements, imitate adults, alternate finger movements, relax tense muscles and strain them again;

2. static (conditionally) exercises that require more precise control of fine motor skills. The "reasoners", invented fairy tales and stories fit perfectly into these exercises;

3. dynamic exercises that develop coordination, the ability to easily bend / extend the fingers, as well as to contrast the thumb of both hands with the rest of the fingers.

The complexity of each type of exercise depends both on the age of the child and on the degree of his development. In addition, the state of the baby's muscular system is important.

Finger gymnastics for children 2 years

The famous Magpie Crow is a great finger training for very young children. Mom massages the fingers of the child, and shows how to manipulate them, and develops hearing and speech of the crumbs. For a child of one and a half to two years, other exercises are perfect.

"Petal sprout"

We explain to the child that in one hand he will grow a seed, and the other hand belongs to the "gardener" who planted the seed. We squeeze the first handle into a fist, the second sticks a real or imaginary seed inside, "hides" it.

With our fingers of our free hands we tap on the fist, holding it, saying: “Like a drip, rain. Grow, grow, flower! Sun, sun, shine! And our flower, come up!” Gradually squeezed a palm in a cam, we open the palm - this opens the petals of the flower. When the whole flower opens, the baby's fingers should be as elongated and tense as possible. Hand- "flower" must be pulled up.

Exercise involves all the muscles of the hand and some muscles of the shoulder.

"Forest animals"

Exercise helps you learn the name of wild cubs. Calling everyone, you need to bend your fingers (start with the little finger), pressing to the center of the palm: "Here is a little squirrel, here is a little hare. Here is a little wolf, here is a fox." To move the remaining thumb, saying: "And this is in a hurry, the little, thick, funny little bear is waking up in awake."

You can ask the child to clap his hands after the "bear" is found.

"Hush, kids!"

Exercise works on each finger, strengthens the muscles, teaches to coordinate movements.

First, the palm is collected in a cam. Flexing your fingers sequentially, we say: "One, two, three, four, five, we will count the fingers." As soon as the whole palm opens, throw your hand up, spreading your fingers apart to the maximum. Start again squeeze the cam, first again press the thumb. Say: "Be quiet, be quiet, don’t make noise! ​​Don’t wake up our children! They will begin to twitter birds, they will get up fingers."

Rotate the brush with a clenched cam. After the word “get up”, open your palm again, spreading your fingers apart to the maximum.


A difficult exercise that allows you to work out all the muscles of the hand. New Year theme will bring joy to the baby. We speak and do:

Here comes the New Year! (cotton)

Children stood in a round dance (connect hands, turn out, carefully stretch out arms forward)

Take a look: balls on the Christmas tree (show the ball with your fingers together)

Bright flashlights.

Glistens of ice (sharply in turn to compress the fists)

Snowflakes are spinning (show slow multidirectional movement of flying snow).

Santa Claus is on a visit (to show how he walks, using his fingers)

He brings us presents (rub his palms against each other).

How do we count them? (cotton on the surface: the right hand is open, the left in the cam)

Let’s bend your fingers! (cotton again, changing hands).

Speaking numbers from one to ten, we massage each finger.


We show how to knead a piece of dough, to make a pie out of it and how big this pie turned out. At the same time we pronounce: "They knead the dough, they made pies. Slap and slap, slap and slap. Here is our pie!"

"Feed the doll"

Imitate boiling doll porridge. We show all the actions mentioned in the poem:

I cook porridge porridge.

I'll put the cereal in it

And put it on the stove.

Ah, how porridge is good (you need to slam it loudly),

Eat, Masha, slowly! (threaten the doll).

Finger gymnastics for children 3 years

Three-year-olds need more complicated exercises. For example, this.

"Scratch Cat"

It trains finger dexterity and strengthens the muscles of the shoulder. The kid bends the elbows, connects the tips of the fingers in the form of a cat's paw. Simulating the movements of an attacking or defending cat, say:

Vaskina’s daughter

On the claws of the claws.

Do not rush to touch them,

Scratch it, look!

On the word "scratch" clenched fist and show "claws".


First squeeze the cam. Then pull out the "trunk" of the mosquito - the index finger. Lower the "legs" onto the table surface - thumb and little finger. It is difficult to make such a figure, so mom will have to hold her fingers in the right position and say:

Komarishka flew in

He wanted to bite me.

I'm not afraid of the mosquito

I’ll race away from him!

The child "plays" for an evil mosquito, so he needs to actively move his "legs" and "proboscis", catch up with his mother and try to sting her. Well, mom, in turn, may "slam" too annoying "mosquito".

The task of parents is to make children's fingers work as often as possible. At the age of three, you need to constantly learn songs and poems with your child, playing around their stories. The child will be happy to imitate his mother’s actions in a playful way: how he kneads the dough, sculpts and bakes pies, water the flowers, wash the handkerchief, and collect vegetables from the garden.

Finger gymnastics for children 4 years old

We continue to develop the hands. The child is already capable of combining different types of movements within one exercise. For example, sharp and smooth, intense and soft.


We imitate the famous autumn harvest of cabbage, saying:

We chop cabbage, chop

We have three or three carrots.

We salt and salt the cabbage

We click cabbage, click.

The child shows all the actions: sharp cutting (palms quickly move the rib up / down), vigorous friction (arms horizontally from chest to chest), "pinching" movement with fingers and a brush, strong compression of fingers into a fist.

"Big washing"

Intense exercise simulates washing clothes. We speak:

I’ll wash cleanly, really,

Skirt, blouse and t-shirt.

I will wash the trousers -

My hands are tired!

In addition to rubbing movements, the child must clench his fists, show how he hangs clean linen, how he shakes his hands from water, shakes them to relieve fatigue.


An interesting exercise of finger gymnastics. Kids with great pleasure return to him again and again. Each part of the body mentioned in the rhyme needs to be touched.

A fly flies around the ear. How? Well, well!

Wasps fly around the nose. How? S-ss!

A mosquito flies, op!

And I - clap!

And to the ear. How? Wow!

To let go Let go!

The child blows on an open palm, "letting go" of the mosquito.

Finger gymnastics for children 5 years

Children of this age can be offered to play with abstract concepts and moral categories. Talk about who is more important, how to make peace, if you have a falling out, learn to express emotions (surprised, delighted, etc.).


Show the dispute of the thumbs, clenching your fists and placing them opposite each other.

Argue fingers:

Who is more important?

Who is prettier?

Who is smarter?

Come on, stop the quarrel!

Quick, fingers, make peace!

Show the "World" by clutching your fingers to the castle and shaking tassels from side to side.

"Have lunch!"

In this exercise you can give free rein to the imagination. The child shows how he holds a spoon, gestures, invites neighbors to the table, sets the table, lays out cutlery, prepares food, wipes labor sweat tiredly, etc. Cams are compressed and unclenched, fingers are actively moving, the brush is working.

Once we sat down to dinner

And they called in a neighbor’s house.

The tablecloth was quickly bedded,

Fork spoons laid out.

Sliced ​​bread and cheese

Have a side dish.

And fried cutlets,

Delicious went our lunch!

Salted, pepper

And they didn’t forget about sugar!

We cooked, tired.

And the cheesecakes did not become a furnace.

Finger gymnastics for children of 6 years is carried out in the same way as for five-year-olds. The movements are complex, fast, verses more complex. The child must speak them, simultaneously with the development of fine motor skills, developing memory and articulation apparatus.

Children's finger gymnastics is simple but effective. You need to do it only five minutes a day, but daily. Only with the regularity of the classes will bring maximum benefits. No need to be afraid that the child will get bored every day of repeating the same exercises and listening to the same poems. On the contrary, he will be happy to join the lesson, because everything that is familiar to a small child is a source of pleasure, a natural mechanism for fixing the skill.

In addition, classes will need to be gradually complicated. With age, fine motor skills are becoming more and more perfect, and classes are becoming more complex and diverse.
