Home-made pork with potatoes is very simple. Home-baked, stewed and fried pork and potato dishes


Juicy pork roast is an example of a home cooking victory over professionals.

It’s not in vain that, being embarrassed, they call particularly successful dishes, adding the epithet “at home”. And whether it’s beetroot soup or goulash, porridge or jelly, home coloring easily overshadows any recipes.

And you don’t even have to talk about roast: pork meat with potatoes this is the same "Roast at home": an obligatory line of every cafe that respects itself.

Home-style pork with potatoes - general principles of cooking

• Almost all homemade recipes are united by simplicity and speed of cooking, as well as an affordable "budget" set of products. Pork and potatoes can be fried, baked in a sleeve or in a pan in the oven, stewed in pots, cooked in a slow cooker. Complementing various products to the main ingredients, and applying various heat treatment methods, they get completely different dishes.

• How tasty the dish will be depends not only on compliance with prescription recommendations, but also on the right choice of products. The meat should be fresh, with a dense fiber structure and not weathered, without an unpleasant odor. When pressing the pulp, there should be no dents.

• It is advisable to purchase fresh or chilled meat, although frozen is allowed. Slices of fresh pork are soaked in water before use so that blood comes out of them. Frozen meat is thawed at room temperature without being removed from the bag.

• Before use, the pieces of pork must be washed with water, then carefully dried and proceed to cutting. They remove everything superfluous: the remaining tendons, dense films, hanging pieces of fat, and then cut, according to a specific recipe.

• It is better to take non-digestible potatoes for frying and baking, and vice versa for stewing. Potato tubers can be cut into cubes or slices, the main thing is that the slices are the same size.

• Home-made pork with potatoes - an independent dish. It is served on the second or as the only dish, with pickles and fresh vegetables.

Home-made pork with potatoes and beans in pots in tomato sauce


• chilled pork - 700 gr.;

• 600 gr. beans;

• greens of young parsley, dill;

• 800 gr. potatoes;

• water - 600 ml;

• six tablespoons of tomato puree.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the beans and leave them in cold water for five hours, preferably at night. Then rinse again and set to boil. First, with intense heat, wait until it boils, then, removing the heat to medium or less, boil until cooked. Bean kernels should not boil (burst), so cook only with a slight boil.

2. Sprinkle the diced pork with pepper. Put the meat in a frying pan in hot oil, fry until tender.

3. Crush the peeled garlic cloves and put in the water in which the tomato was previously bred. Season the fill with ground pepper and only lightly add salt.

4. Put the prepared meat in a large bowl. Add large cubes of potatoes, chopped greens, boiled beans and mix thoroughly.

5. Put the resulting mixture into pots, not reporting two centimeters to the top, add tomato dressing in containers. It is advisable that it does not reach the edges, otherwise it will pour out during boiling.

6. Set the roasting pan to the middle level of the preheated oven degrees. Place pots on it, cook for half an hour, until the potatoes soften.

Home-made pork recipe with potatoes and bell pepper for a slow cooker


• pork pulp - 350 gr.;

• pod of bell pepper, not fleshy;

• large onion;

• 800 gr. potatoes;

• 60 gr. unsalted tomato paste;

• half a spoonful of mustard in grains;

• three peas of allspice;

• refined oil - 4 tbsp. l .;

• Bay leaf;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• fresh herbs;

• ground sweet paprika and black pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pulp washed with running water into medium-sized pieces. It is desirable that they have a square shape.

2. Prepare the vegetables. Peeled peppers cut lengthwise, in four "slices", then chop them thin strips across. Cut the onion into medium-sized slices, potato wedges.

3. Pour 60 ml of oil into a dry cooking bowl, put onion and slices of pork. Having started the baking program, fry the meat with onions for 20 minutes under the lid. While roasting, mix the contents of the bowl at least three times.

4. Add bell pepper, tomato paste, mix. Continue cooking without changing the program.

5. After about ten minutes, put potato wedges in a slow cooker, pepper, add sugar, paprika, mustard seeds and a little salt. Put the remaining spices - peas with bay leaf, add half a glass of warm water and bring the dish to readiness in the previous mode for an hour.

6. When serving, garnish with chopped greens.

Home-made pork with potatoes in the oven with a cheese cap and milk sauce


• neck - 800 g .;

• 200 gr. hard, preferably a little stale cheese;

• three onion heads;

• one and a half kilograms of potatoes;

• 120 gr. liquid mayonnaise;

• vegetable oil;

• a glass of milk.

Cooking method:

1. Onions, cut into half rings or quarters of rings, potatoes thin, medium-sized cubes.

2. Put the half rings of onion in a pan, in warmed oil and fry until golden until small.

3. Wash the neck with cold water, cut off all the excess from a piece, cut into steaks. From a piece weighing 800 g. six slices should come out.

4. Lightly beat the pork and place in a frying pan without a handle or a baking dish in a dense layer. Season with pepper and salt a little. Put fried onions on top with an even layer, and potatoes on it. Lightly salt the potato layer.

5. Pour all the milk mixed with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with cheese, grated on the large side of the grater, and place in a hot oven.

6. Bake until the potato wedges are tender. Then turn off the heat and let the dish obscure for another five minutes with the door closed.

Home-style pork with potatoes and vegetables, in a sleeve


• kilogram of potatoes;

• 300 gr. clippings;

• onion;

• pod of red bell pepper;

• two medium-sized tomatoes;

• medium-sized carrots;

• 2 tablespoons of any sparing mayonnaise;

• paprika powder and crushed black pepper, "Provencal" mixture.

Cooking method:

1. Clean and wash all vegetables with water. Cut the potatoes and tomatoes medium-sized, into slices, carrot into cubes, and the flesh of sweet pepper into slices. Chop the onion in half rings. Put all the vegetables in a bowl, season with spices, add mayonnaise and a little salt.

2. Wash the tenderloin, wipe dry. Remove the thick films from the meat and cut it into 2 × 2 cm cubes. Put the pieces in a bowl with vegetables, mix.

3. Tie one end of the sleeve tightly, lay the contents of the bowl in it, and secure the second edge. Using a needle or a toothpick, make several punctures on the surface of the sleeve and lay it on a baking sheet.

4. Put the roasting pan in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees. Bake for forty minutes.

Home-style pork with potatoes in a pan


• a pound of pork ribs;

• bitter onion - 3 heads;

• a pound of potatoes;

• 70 gr. fresh lard.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the lard into small sticks, transfer to a heated pan and melt over medium heat. Remove the fried greaves and dip the chopped ribs into the hot fat. At maximum heat, periodically turning over, fry until golden crust appears on pieces.

2. Add half the onion to the meat, reduce the heat to medium. Fry until onion is browned.

3. Put medium-sized potato wedges in a pan, mix and cover. Cook over medium heat until the potatoes soften. Stir periodically to prevent the food from burning. Do it carefully, being careful not to break the potato slices.

4. For a couple of minutes until cooked, season with black, freshly ground pepper, salt.

Home-made pork with potatoes and mushrooms (in the oven)


• six medium potatoes, necessarily of the same variety;

• 200 gr. lean pork;

• fresh, preferably medium-sized, champignons - 150 gr.;

• two small carrots;

• 100 gr. smoked bacon;

• mix of spices "For potatoes";

• a quarter of a spoon of coriander;

• ground rosemary - 1/3 tsp;

• 50 ml of highly purified oil.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse a whole piece of meat in cold water and be sure to pat it well with a paper towel. Cut the flesh into 2 × 2 cm square slices, transfer to a bowl, season with spices. Do not forget to add salt.

2. Put the sliced ​​potatoes in a separate bowl. Medium-sized potatoes are cut lengthwise into six to eight slices. Pour potato with vegetable oil, slightly salt, season with spices and be sure to mix thoroughly.

3. Dry the water-washed mushrooms thoroughly. If the mushrooms are not contaminated, scrape them with a knife and wipe them with a towel or napkin. Cut larger ones lengthwise into two or three parts; leave the smaller ones as a whole.

4. Cut the carrots into medium-sized cubes, fat into thin strips.

5. In a thick-walled pan without a handle, put a layer of meat, carrot, mushrooms and potatoes on it. Top with slices of bacon so that there are no gaps, and put in the oven at 180 degrees.

6. After half an hour, mix everything well, check the readiness of meat and potatoes. If the pieces are soft - get it.

Home-style pork with potatoes - cooking tips and tricks

• Before frying, dry not only meat, but also potatoes. Excess moisture will prevent the potato pieces from browning.

• If the meat is slightly beaten, it will be juicier and cook faster. It is especially important to do this before baking, so that the potatoes and pork are steamed evenly.

• A dish stewed in pots will have a rich meat taste if you take pork on the bone, and even better - ribs.


Watch the video: Super Easy Potatoes w Minced Pork 马铃薯炒肉碎 (June 2024).