Not so difficult - we cook dried pork at home. A selection of simple recipes for dried home-made pork


To cook real jerky, just like in children's books about Indians and natives, it is quite possible in an ordinary apartment.

The simplest way to make corned beef is dried pork.

It is responsive to spices, contains a lot of fat and has quite soft fibers, so even an inexperienced chef to dry the product is not so simple. Try to use our recipes and be sure to carefully follow the technology, do not risk your health and your loved ones.

Dried pork at home - general principles of preparation

• At home, it is not so difficult to flesh meat; special devices are not required for this. There are several common ways to dry pork: in the fresh air, in the refrigerator, and the fastest - in the oven.

• Before drying the pork, it must first be well salted. There are two methods of salting: dry and marinade. With dry salting, the meat is placed in a small container with a tight-fitting lid, on the bottom of which half a measure of salt is scattered, and the remaining meat is poured on top. For several days, pork is kept in the refrigerator, then washed and roll in spices. The principle of salting the meat in the marinade is similar, but after such salting the corned beef is not washed, but carefully dried from moisture, and then it is dried with spices.

• After the meat has salted well, and it is rolled in spices, the pieces are wrapped tightly with parchment or gauze and placed in a cool place, preferably in a suspended state. If this is not possible, you can put the packages in the refrigerator and, in the process of drying, at least twice a day, turn them over.

• The duration of the process depends on the method of salting and the specific recipe. Pork can dry from a few days to a month; cooking in the oven takes up to six hours.

• A refrigerator is used to store dried pork at home. Finished pieces of pulp are wrapped in parchment or loose fabric (gauze can be) and left on a shelf. Corned beef must not be stored in a tight, non-breathable packaging; it may become moldy.

• Serve dried pork as an appetizer for spirits or wine. You can take it on long trips by making sandwiches.

Dried pork at home with brandy salted with dry salting

Ingredients for 1 kg tenderloin:

• one kilogram of table salt of “ambiguous” grinding;

• two pods of chili pepper, replaceable 2 tbsp. l sharp, ground;

• two tablespoons of cognac;

• dried sage - 2 tbsp. l .;

• eight tablespoons of freshly ground black pepper;

• a handful of coriander kernels.

Cooking method:

1. If you will use fresh chili pepper, remove seeds from it and chop. You can grind pepper with a blender or grate using the smallest grater.

2. Mix the salt with all the seasonings, add chopped Chili or two tablespoons of ground red, add cognac and mix well. The mixture should only be slightly moistened.

3. Put half of the prepared mixture in a container of suitable size, place a piece of washed, moisture-dried pork on it, and cover it with the remaining mixture of spices and salt.

4. Tightly tighten the container with cling film and place in the refrigerator. After twelve hours, remove, carefully wash off the adhering salt and spices, and dry.

5. Wrap a piece of pork with a thin, breathable cloth, and best of all, wrap in gauze and put it back in the refrigerator for twelve hours.

6. At the end of the exposure, rub the coriander grains grated in the mortar and wrap in gauze. In several places, tie with a cord and hang in a room with good ventilation. It can be placed in the refrigerator, but at the same time it will need to be turned over at least three times a day.

7. After a week and a half, dried pork can be removed the first sample.

Dried pork at home salted in marinade

Ingredients per 700 gr. meat

For marinade:

• litere of water;

• 150 gr. coarse salt;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• two large leaves of parsley;

• allspice - 3 peas;

• carnation umbrella;

• five peas of black, preferably large, pepper.

To the mixture for boning meat:

• black, ground pepper manually - 1 tsp;

• a teaspoon of coriander seeds;

• Chili pepper - a small pod;

• ground paprika and rosemary - in a spoon;

• a teaspoon of caraway seeds;

• a tablespoon of salt;

• ground lavrushka - 0.5 tsp;


• a piece of gauze and parchment paper.

Cooking method:

1. Bring the water to a boil with the diluted salt in it. Add sugar, lower the lavrushka, put the cloves and peppercorns. Boil the marinade for a couple of minutes, then set aside and cool completely.

2. Lower a piece of pulp thoroughly washed with water into the marinade, place a small load on top, pressing the fillet so that it is completely in the liquid. Place the container for 2 days in the refrigerator.

3. Remove the pickled piece of pulp from the marinade and dry it well, wiping with a towel.

4. Combine all the spices intended for boning. Before adding rosemary, coriander, caraway seeds and black pepper, grind them by grinding in a mortar or chopping in a coffee grinder.

5. Rub the dried pulp with spicy mixture, wrap tightly with parchment and tie in several places with a twine. Place the package for three days in the cold, in the common chamber of the refrigerator.

6. Free the pork from paper. Add a little more of the same spices and tightly wrap it in gauze, which you fix with a thread. The canvas should fit tightly, completely covering the piece.

7. For five days, hang the package in a draft in a cool room.

Dried pork recipe soaked in vinegar at home


• two kilograms of pork pulp from the neck or carbonate;

• rock salt - 1 kg.

For the ambassador:

• vinegar 6% grape or apple - 1 liter;

• garlic - 4 large wedges;

• crushed paprika, black pepper - a teaspoon;

• a small pinch of ground oregano or thyme.

Mix of spices and herbs for drying:

• a large spoon of salt;

• hot pepper - pinch;

• a spoonful of coriander and the same amount of a mixture of dried herbs (oregano, thyme, Provencal herbs, dry parsley).

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the meat with cold water. Cut off any irregularities to give a more oblong shape and thoroughly dry using a towel.

2. Pour half of the salt into a large plastic container, flatten it and lay a piece of pulp on top. Pour it with the remaining salt, close the container tightly and put it in the refrigerator.

3. Not earlier than three days later, remove the pork from the refrigerator. During this time, excess moisture will come out of it, and it will have time to absorb the salt well. Rinse the pulp with cold running water and dry on a wire rack or towel.

4. In a large bowl, mix finely chopped garlic with ground paprika and black pepper. Add thyme or oregano, add vinegar, mix again and dip the dried meat into the prepared brine. For half an hour, soak the pork in brine, periodically turning the piece over.

5. While the meat is steeped, in a separate, dry bowl, mix the spices and herbs for curing with a spoonful of salt. Take a large sheet of parchment and pour the prepared mixture in its center.

6. Remove the soaked pork, and dip the moist piece with all sides into the spices sprinkled on parchment. The pulp should be completely covered with a fragrant layer.

7. Wrap a piece of pork tightly in parchment, for reliability, drag it in several places with a tight rope and lay it in a common chamber of the refrigerator for three weeks.

Dried pork at home for three days


• pork tenderloin - 600 gr.;

• three large tablespoons of salt;

• a teaspoon of ground pepper mixture;

• dessert spoon of vodka, if there is alcohol, it is better;

• two large cloves of garlic.

• a quarter of a spoon of grated red pepper in a mortar.

Cooking method:

1. In a small bowl, mix the spices with salt. Pour vodka into the mixture, mix.

2. Rub the washed and dried pulp on all sides with a mixture. Put the piece in a food container, cover and put away in the cold for 12 hours or more. During this time, it is advisable to turn the meat over twice.

3. After that, rinse all the spices with running water. Dry the piece dry with a towel and rub the garlic crushed on a fine grater.

4. Wrap the seasoned pork in a gauze section so that the fabric fits tightly and put it back in the refrigerator, and best of all hang it. If the suspension failed, periodically turn the piece over so that it fails evenly.

5. In no less than twenty-eight hours, the corned beef will be ready.

A simple recipe for cured pork at home


• a kilogram of chilled or fresh pork;

• a pound of coarse salt;

• head of garlic;

• one leaf of parsley;

• peppers: black, pea and ground;

• sage, red pepper, coriander, rosemary.

Cooking method:

1. With dried meat, cut off all excess veins, lard, films and cut it into three pieces. Pour about half of the salt onto a chopping board or parchment and dip each piece of pork into it from all sides.

2. Fold the breaded flesh into a deep bowl of a suitable size, cover and place for 72 hours in the cold, common compartment of the refrigerator. Once a day, be sure to check if liquid has accumulated in the tank, drain it. Sprinkle with salt if necessary.

3. After the allotted time, remove the pieces of pulp and rinse them from salt in cold water, dry.

4. In one liter of water, dilute 250 grams of salt, add six peppercorns, coriander. Dip the brisket in brine and bring it to a boil on intense heating, then cool to 30 degrees.

5. With cooled brine, fill in the dried pieces of pulp and leave in the refrigerator under the lid for another 72 hours (three days).

6. Place the meat which has matured in brine between two smooth planks. Install them with a slight slope and press down with a load. You need to wait about six hours for all the moisture from the pulp to go away.

7. For breading, prepare a mixture of chopped garlic and spices. In addition to the spices indicated in the recipe, you can add a little dried herbs to taste.

8. Free the pork from the press and carefully roll the slices in a mixture of spices. Wrap them tightly in a loose, easy-to-pass air, cloth or gauze and place on a shelf in the refrigerator. After at least 24 hours, change the fabric to dry and keep the corned beef in the refrigerator for another 48 hours.

9. It is advisable to store such a product by wrapping it in parchment or a dry, thin cloth.

Recipe for dried pork at home in the oven in five hours


• chilled pork tenderloin - 900 gr .;

• Tabasco sauce - 1.5-2 ml;

• a spoon, or a little more sugar;

• 1 tsp. chopped chili peppers and garlic;

• dark soy sauce - 30 ml;

• six juniper berries;

• two teaspoons of a mixture of ground paprika, dried cilantro and black pepper;

• Worcestershire sauce - 40 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse a piece of pork, dry it well with a towel and place in the freezer for half an hour. Then take out and cut into thin, half-centimeter thick slices.

2. Mix in a deep bowl all the other ingredients, dip the meat slices in the cooked marinade. Stir and leave for forty minutes.

3. Then, string the pieces onto long wooden skewers, lay them on the wire rack, under which substitute the baking sheet. Pieces should hang freely between the bars of the lattice.

4. When all the moisture has drained, drain the liquid from the pan and place it back in the oven. Turn on "Convection", raising the temperature to 80 degrees, let the pork dry for an hour. Then reduce heat to 50 degrees and continue cooking for another four hours.

Dried pork at home - cooking tips and tricks

• For drying, it is better to take chilled or fresh pulp. Pork, which has been frozen, collects a lot of moisture during thawing and loses taste.

• Use salted salt only for large salted salts.

• Before drying, remove moisture from the meat to the maximum. You can even put it under a little oppression for a while.

• If you are to dry the pork indoors, keep in mind that it should be cool, and hang the pieces of meat in a draft.

• Do not exclude red pepper powder from the spice mixture; it not only gives pungency, but is also an excellent natural preservative.


Watch the video: How to Make Dried Sausage. Cured Meats. 2016 (July 2024).