Camelina oil: the benefits of the product for the human body, use in cosmetology, cooking. Can camelina oil harm


Ginger oil - such a frivolous and even slightly funny name does not reveal all the properties of the product. Get it from a plant with yellow-red flowers of Camelina Sativa. The fact that camelina oil benefits the body is incredible, many do not even realize. It is worth noting that the product is characterized by a valuable biochemical composition. A huge number of minerals, vitamins, composition favorably affect the general condition of the body. In addition, camelina oil is indispensable in cooking, home cosmetology.

Camelina Oil: Valuable Product Composition

The camelina oil is based on polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are incredibly useful for the human body (oleic acid, linolenic and linoleic). Each allows you to strengthen the immune system, make it more resistant to infections of various origins.

Of the vitamins in the camelina oil can be found:

• A - useful for vision and skin;

• E - normalizes the work of sweat glands, slows down the aging process of dermal cells;

• D - strengthens the skeletal system;

• K - “monitors” blood coagulation.

The saffron oil, whose health and body benefits are multifaceted, also contains other valuable substances:

• phytosterols - characterized by bactericidal effects, fight hormonal disruptions;

• chlorophyll - characterized by antibacterial, wound healing effects, increases hemoglobin, normalizes the functioning of the heart, digestive system;

• phospholipids - favorably affect the work of the liver.

The product contains valuable minerals, an honorable place among which goes to magnesium. The substance relaxes muscles, gives an anti-inflammatory effect.

Camelina oil: benefits for the body in various diseases

It turns out that back in ancient times, oil from "camelina" was actively used to treat many ailments. This is not surprising, because the composition of the product is saturated with useful acids, trace elements, minerals, vitamins.

Saffron oil practically can not do harm. The only serious contraindication is a person’s individual intolerance to the product.

Camelina Oil: Health Benefits

1. The product can be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. It is also characterized by anthelmintic properties, so it is recommended to include oil in the diet, both for adults and children.

2. Normalizes the work of the heart, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthens them. Oil "saffron milk" prevents the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body.

3. Normalizes blood coagulation, maintains blood pressure.

4. Ginger oil gives an amazing result in the treatment of diseases associated with the female and male reproductive systems. It is especially useful for the fair sex during pregnancy, lactation. Oil removes pain during menstruation, allows you to cope with menopause.

5. The saffron oil normalizes intestinal motility, removes accumulations of toxins and toxins from the body.

6. The product strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of cancer.

7. It is recommended to include saffron oil in the diet in order to prevent urolithiasis, diabetes, osteoporosis.

Cosmetic use

The presence of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated acids in the composition favorably affects the general condition of the skin. Home-based recipes based on the product allow the dermis to return its velvet softness, healthy attractive shine. Camelina oil can also be used to make hair masks. Curls will not split at the tips, will restore natural elasticity, will grow faster.

The camelina oil is perfectly absorbed into the skin and is easily washed off. After the mask there will be no unpleasant oily sheen, the product does not clog pores.

Beauty Recipes

1. Mask with a tonic effect. It is necessary in the same proportion to mix butter "saffron milk" and sour cream of medium fat content. Products are mixed to make the mass homogeneous. The mask is distributed evenly by the fingertips over the face, the area around the eyes is processed. The recipe helps to get rid of age spots on the skin, tones, increases firmness and elasticity of the dermis.

2. Mask for skin prone to the formation of inflammation. You need to take 2 teaspoons of camelina oil, peach and grape seed oil (1 teaspoon each) are added there. Everything is thoroughly mixed. Before applying the product on the face, it is necessary to thoroughly steam the skin. The mask is aged 20 minutes, then washed off with chamomile products.

3. A restorative recipe for hair. It is necessary to mix 5-6 tablespoons of camelina oil and 1 chicken yolk. The mixture is thoroughly beaten to become homogeneous. This mass is rubbed into the scalp, evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair. Rinse it off after 30 minutes.

The saffron oil perfectly helps to remove diaper rash in young children. The effect of it is better than that of any baby cream.

Cooking Application

In cooking, camelina oil is very much appreciated. Its spicy, slightly islandy taste stimulates appetite. Oil is great for dressing vegetable salads. A plant product can also be used for the preparation of side dishes, pilaf, as well as baking. Oil is combined with fish and meat, the finished dish will delight with a rich aroma.

It is necessary to store camelina oil in a dark place where it is not "reached" by the rays of the sun. This will extend the shelf life of the product.

Camelina oil: harm, important contraindications

Saffron oil cannot harm the body if consumed in moderation. The only nuance when using the product is strictly prohibited is the presence of an allergy to it.

Other contraindications

1. Ginger oil is high in calories. Despite its usefulness, with caution, it should be included in the diet for those who are overweight or follow a strict diet.

2. In the presence of diseases associated with the digestive tract (gastritis, ulcer), the use of oil is recommended to be minimized.

3. With cholecystitis and pancreatitis, it is also not recommended to eat camelina oil in large quantities.

The benefits of camelina oil is manifested only if you use it on a regular basis. Before starting a treatment course, it is recommended to consult with your doctor so that he eliminates possible side effects.

Saffron oil really has a general healing effect on the whole body. To maintain a strong immune system, it is recommended to eat 1 tablespoon of the product daily on an empty stomach. Such a procedure will be useful not only for adults, but also for children. The main thing is not to abuse it in order to avoid unpleasant consequences for your health.


Watch the video: Stop Eating These Oils Immediately Plus, 5 Alternatives. Dr. Josh Axe (July 2024).