Cake "Turtle" at home - the very tenderness! Chocolate, emerald and classic tortoise cake recipes


Unusual desserts always attract attention, and if they are also very tasty, then it is doubly pleasant. It is such a cake that can be easily prepared at home, and it is called "Turtle". In fact, there are a huge number of recipes, here are the most popular and delicious options.

Cake "Turtle" at home - the general principles of preparation

For the classic tortoise cake, small biscuit cakes are prepared from ordinary egg dough. Due to their small size and porosity, they are impregnated quickly enough and the cake does not need to stand for long. Cream is usually used sour cream, but can be made with custard or condensed milk. It is not recommended to use thick and oily creams, since the cake with them can turn out to be dry, will stand for a long time, will harden and will not be saturated.

What you can cook "Turtle":

• with nuts;

• fruits, berries;

• dried fruits;

• cocoa or chocolate.

There are many recipes for lazy cake, which is made from biscuits, prepared biscuit cakes, gingerbread cookies and even marshmallows. The original is an option from miniature rolls, the preparation of such a cake will take several minutes.

A cake is formed in the form of a tortoise shell. You can lay out your head, bake several elongated plates for the legs, tail, or simply cut them out of the cakes. In the second case, it is better to do this in advance, so that everything is folded inside the shell. From above, the cake is covered with glaze, sprinkled with nuts or decorated with fruits, for example, kiwi.

Cake "Turtle" at home (with sour cream)

The recipe for a simple tortoise cake that is easy to make at home. It is advisable to take thick sour cream for cream so that nothing drains, and the cakes are well saturated.


• 6 eggs;

• 1.5 tbsp. sifted wheat flour;

• 1 tbsp. granulated sugar;

• 8 g baking powder.


• 700 g sour cream;

• a glass of sugar;

• 1 tablespoon of cocoa (2-3 can be added).

For glaze: 6 tablespoons of sour cream and sugar, 4-5 tablespoons of cocoa powder. To decorate a few nuts.


1. Biscuit tortoise dough. Break eggs, add sugar, beat at maximum mixer speed for 10-15 minutes. Add the cultivator with wheat flour, mix.

2. Cover the baking sheets with baking paper or a silicone rug.

3. We collect the dough in a full teaspoon with the mountain and spread the cakes on baking sheets. Leave the distance between them about three centimeters.

4. We bake at 200 degrees to a wheat color. Browning the cakes is not very necessary, they are prepared very quickly. Leave to cool completely, then remove from paper or rug.

5. Mix the sour cream and other ingredients of the cream. You can add more cocoa, especially if the cream is liquid, the powder will absorb some of the moisture.

6. We collect the turtle. We spread the cakes with chocolate cream, lay on top of each other, forming a carapace.

7. Cook the icing in a saucepan. We mix all the ingredients, cook over low heat until smooth.

8. Lubricate the cake with icing and immediately, until it has frozen, spread the places where the cakes come in contact with nuts.

Cake "Turtle" at home with cocoa

Chocolate version of the tortoise cake at home. Cocoa is added to the dough and cream, which is also made from sour cream.


• 5 eggs;

• 140 g premium wheat flour;

• 25 g of cocoa;

• 150 g of granulated sugar;

• 5 g of ripper.


• 600 g sour cream;

• 2 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 150 g of boiled condensed milk;

• 100 g of powdered sugar.

For glaze: 150 g of chocolate 50 g of butter.


1. Pour the flour into a sieve, add cocoa powder and a cultivator to it, sift together. Combine eggs and granulated sugar, beat until stable and lush foam. Pour the dry mixture into the dough and stir.

2. Place the cakes on a baking sheet, bake in the oven and cool.

3. Combine sour cream with powder and cocoa, add boiled condensed milk, beat the mixture until smooth.

4. Lubricate the biscuit plates with cream and lay down the slide, forming a tortoise shell. We insert the legs, head.

5. Melt the chocolate and butter, cool the icing a little, so that it is not too liquid and does not drain. Cover the tortoise shell, draw chocolate eyes and mouth on the face.

Emerald tortoise cake at home

A feature of this cake is the method of cooking in a pan. The recipe is quite simple, does not require much time, but the dessert turns out to be bright and beautiful. Fresh kiwi fruits are used for decoration.


• 3 eggs;

• 1 standard can of condensed milk;

• 500 ml of whole milk;

• 500 g flour (approximately);

• 1 pack of oil;

• 1 cup of sugar;

• kiwi pieces 5-6;

• bag of a cultivator;

• vanilla.


1. Since custard cream, you need to start with it. It will take time to cool. We combine two eggs with sugar, one is left for the test. Pour two tablespoons of flour and beat. In the process, add milk. We put all this on the stove, cook almost until it boils, but do not let it simmer. Cooling down.

2. Beat a pack of oil with a mixer, add a cream on a spoon until it runs out. We fill with vanilla, put in the refrigerator.

3. We begin to knead the dough. Beat the egg and condensed milk, add half the flour, mixed with baking powder. Then we add more flour until the dough becomes thick.

4. Roll out the sausage from it and divide into 8 parts, roll each slice in flour.

5. Roll out the cakes, bake in a dry pan alternately. They will be prepared very quickly, enough for a minute on each side.

6. Put one cake on a dish, grease with cream, cover with a second layer and so on, leave the upper layer dry.

7. We take a sharp knife and begin to cut the cake, giving the shape of a shell. For evenness, you can cover with a plate.

8. Now you can grease the cake with cream on top, cut the kiwi into circles, decorate the shell with emerald pieces.

Cake "Turtle" at home from cookies

Lazy version of the tortoise cake, which is made from cookies. Used cracker "fish". It is very important that it is not salty and has a neutral taste. Cream classic sour cream.


• 0.5 kg of cookies;

• 550 g sour cream;

• 350 g of boiled condensed milk;

• one chocolate bar;

• 40-60 g of oil.


1. We combine boiled condensed milk with sour cream, there will be a lot of cream, this is normal. In the process, the cookies completely absorb it.

2. Mix the fish cracker with cream, leave for five minutes.

3. During this time, you need to choose a suitable bowl and line the inside with cling film. You can use any package.

4. Put the cookies with cream in a bowl, level and press. Cover with something and send to the refrigerator for at least 5 hours.

5. Turn the bowl over, first covering with a flat dish, remove the film.

6. We chop chocolate, combine with butter, melt. Lubricate the shell, decorate to your taste.

Cake "Turtle" at home with a banana

The basis for this cake is baked according to the first or second recipe. Cakes can be made chocolate or white at your discretion.


• 1 can of condensed milk;

• 200 g of oil;

• 300 g sour cream;

• 4 bananas;

• 80 g of chocolate.


1. Put the butter in a bowl, leave it warm for a couple of hours. Dip the mixer and start whipping.

2. As soon as the mixture becomes homogeneous and begins to increase in volume, we begin to add condensed milk to the future cream. Then spread the sour cream. To taste, put vanillin, cinnamon. You can add a little coconut or cocoa.

3. Release the bananas from the peel, cut into slices.

4. Putting the cake together. According to the classical scheme, we lubricate the flat cakes, lay the first layer and spread pieces of bananas between them. We collect the whole shell in this way. There should be no fruits on top.

5. Coat the cake with the rest of the cream.

6. Grate chocolate, sprinkle shell shell. Let the cake soak.

Walnut cake "Turtle" at home (from ready-made cakes)

You can use any nuts for this cake, but it turns out more delicious and beautiful with walnuts, especially if you do not grind them and spread them on top with halves or quarters. Uses the usual biscuit cakes from the store (white or chocolate).


• packing biscuit cakes;

• 200-300 g of nuts;

• 1.5 cans of condensed milk;

• 300 g of oil;

• 120 g of chocolate;

• 50 g sour cream or heavy cream.


1. Cut the biscuit cakes into squares of arbitrary size, but large pieces do not need to be done.

2. Mix the oil with condensed milk.

3. Lubricate the prepared biscuit slices with cream. If the cakes are thick, then before that they can be sprinkled with any syrup, compote or regular tea (at your discretion).

4. Fry nuts in a pan or in the oven.

5. Combine chocolate with sour cream, melt together in a water bath.

6. Immediately garnish the cake with nuts so that they have time to stick to the icing. Leave the cake in the refrigerator for 7-10 hours to soak.

Cake "Turtle" at home - useful tips and tricks

• Inside the turtle you can lay not only bananas, but also other not too juicy fruits, for example, canned pineapples. A delicious cake is obtained with cherries, cherries, strawberries. Berries should also be dense.

• For a children's holiday, you can cook a turtle with a surprise by placing candies, marshmallows, marmalade inside the shell.

• The shell will look spectacular if you apply patterns of white glaze on it. Melted chocolate or protein cream can be used.

• If the cream flows, collecting the cake does not work, you can lubricate the cakes and put in a deep bowl, then cool, leave for a while to soak. After that, you can turn it over to a dish, glaze it and decorate it.


Watch the video: 12 Amazing Cake Art Designs. Yummy Chocolate Cake Decorating Ideas (July 2024).