Low-carb diet: efficacy, list of allowed and forbidden foods. Sample Low-Carb Diet Menu


One of the common causes of weight gain is an excess of carbohydrates in the diet. This is especially true for baking, chocolate, sweets. Even some fruits contain a lot of fast carbohydrates.

In the body, they are instantly converted to glucose, as a result, if a person spends little energy, they are stored in fat reserves. Hence the hated excess weight appears.

Without excessive physical activity, the body will function normally with a daily norm of 1200 Kcal.

A low-carb diet based on this principle gives good results if you follow all the rules.

Low Carb Diet: Benefits and Disadvantages of a Weight Loss System

The benefits of weight loss techniques

1. The system includes more protein than carbohydrates in the menu. This allows you to accelerate metabolic processes. As a result, digestive processes are normalized.

2. Suppresses excessive insulin production. This is very important, since an excess of insulin, provoked specifically by carbohydrates, can cause serious harm to human health.

3. Muscle contains glycogen. If most carbohydrates are excluded from the diet, the amount of this substance will decrease. As a result, the body will have to take energy from the "fat reserves".

4. A diet low in carbohydrates prevents puffiness, flatulence. The diet is designed in such a way that all excess fluid will leave the body. It is good for both health and body.

Diet deficiencies

1. The method of losing weight is not recommended for those who are often involved in fitness, strength training, martial arts. Low carbohydrate levels in the diet reduce physical activity. A person will not be able to engage with such intensity as before, will feel tired, weak.

2. A weight loss system requires serious willpower. The diet is quite strict, it is not as easy to transfer it as it seems.

Carbohydrate Restricted Essence

Reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed leads to the fact that the body has to get energy from its own fat reserves.

The main goal of the diet is to properly build your diet. It should be nutritious, nutritious, while low in carbohydrates. This will allow food to be better absorbed.

A low-carb diet does not limit the diet; for weight loss, you do not need to give up food. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the list of allowed, prohibited products, build your own menu on them. It is enough to follow the system for a week to get a decent result.

List of allowed and prohibited products

The "lion's share" of the diet is protein food. Fats and carbohydrates should be as low as possible.

The following products are allowed on the menu:

• mushrooms;

• any low-fat dairy products;

• vegetables (with the exception of legumes, corn, beans);

• eggs;

• any meat, most importantly in moderation;

• seeds, nuts;

• Brown rice;

• fruits (bananas and grapes are not allowed).

The taboo product list includes:

• White rice;

• any pastries, bread, sweets;

• sausages, smoked meats;

• mayonnaise, ketchup, other fatty sauces;

• sugar;

• store juices;

• alcohol.

It is forbidden to overdo it with products that contain a large amount of fat. Even fruits cannot be abused.

Apples, pears, persimmons, any favorite sweet fruits, you can afford in an amount of not more than 1-2 fruits per day. As a result, the body will become catastrophically short of carbohydrates, and energy will need to be taken from somewhere.

Consequently, fat reserves will start to be burned just from the “right” places.

Low-carb diet: 7-day detailed menu

The presented menu for weight loss is designed for a week. It is worth noting that this time will not be enough for a stunning result.

A low carbohydrate diet is not considered fast.

If a person is required lose 7-10 kg or more, the menu is recommended to adhere to at least 2-3 weeks, then a break is made. Meals of the diet can be varied, based on the list of allowed, prohibited foods.

Important! As a snack between the main meals, you can take green apples, orange, grapefruit.

Day 1

1. Morning. The best breakfast for the first day of losing weight is 200 grams of cottage cheese, unsweetened tea, 1 green apple. It would seem that there is nothing special. However, it is worth noting that the presented breakfast option is low-calorie, there are few carbohydrates in it, but satisfying.

2. Lunch. A piece of low-fat fish fillet should be mixed with vegetables (preferably without potatoes), wrapped in foil and baked in the oven.

3. Dinner. Boiled buckwheat (it is advisable to add as little salt as possible), a piece of boiled or baked meat.

Day 2

1. Morning. A cup of natural coffee, an omelet made from 1 egg and a small amount of milk, 1 green apple. It is strictly forbidden to add sugar and cream to coffee.

2. Lunch. Beef stewed with vegetables (spices as little as possible). The allowable portion is 200-250 grams.

3. The evening. Mushroom soup is great for dinner. It is light, low-calorie, while perfectly satisfying the feeling of hunger.

Day 3

1. Morning. A cup of natural coffee, a few slices of hard cheese, 1 orange as a dessert.

2. Lunch. Chicken stock soup. It should be light, preferably frying is not added at all.

3. Dinner. Braised cabbage with beef. By the way, cabbage perfectly stabilizes intestinal motility, removes accumulations of toxins and toxins from the body.

Day 4

1. Morning. 100 grams of buckwheat porridge. For taste, it is allowed to add a spoonful of honey or natural sweet yogurt. It will turn out a very hearty, healthy dish. Buckwheat is good not only for a figure, it strengthens hair, nails, improves complexion.

2. Lunch. A piece of beef pulp must be pickled with onions (only herbs are taken from spices). Now the meat is mixed with vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, green beans). Everything is wrapped in foil, baked in the oven for an hour. It will turn out an incredibly fragrant, delicious dinner.

3. Dinner. 150 grams of boiled brown rice, a piece of fish (also boiled, sprinkled with lemon juice).

Day 5

1. Morning. 1 boiled egg, 3 slices of hard cheese, a cup of green tea with lemon.

2. Lunch. Cabbage salad seasoned with low fat sour cream or natural yogurt, 200 grams of boiled meat (you can take any, even pork).

3. The evening. Braised vegetable stew, 1 cup kefir.

Day 6

1. Morning. 200 grams of cottage cheese, you can add a handful of berries, a spoonful of low-fat sour cream, a cup of natural coffee.

2. Lunch. Any meat soup, the main thing is not to add frying.

3. Dinner. Fillet of low-fat fish baked in foil, garnished with 100 grams of boiled brown rice.

Day 7

1. Morning. 100 grams of buckwheat porridge with a spoon of sour cream, green tea with lemon without sugar.

2. Lunch. Light mushroom soup - 300 ml.

3. Dinner. Baked pork, vegetables are added to it for flavor. A portion of the dish for the evening - 300 grams.

It can be noted that all dishes from the menu are either boiled or cooked in the oven. During any diet, it is generally recommended to refuse fried. The fact is that such heat treatment not only deprives the products of all useful properties, but also adds extra calorie content to them.

The presented menu is just an example. It can be varied according to your taste preferences.

Contraindications to weight loss

Despite the fact that a diet with a low carbohydrate content in the composition is considered balanced, safe, it has some contraindications, which you must know without fail.

1. Weight loss according to the presented methodology is strictly prohibited for women during pregnancy, lactation, as well as for children and adolescents. The body in the periods presented constantly needs energy, therefore, good nutrition will be the key to health.

2. Caution is required to approach the food system for those whose work is associated with constant mental, physical stress. A lack of carbohydrates can negatively affect performance.

3. In the presence of any ailments associated with the digestive system, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician before proceeding with the diet of the weight loss technique.

Important points in the organization of the diet

1. It is necessary to constantly monitor the water balance. It is extremely important to drink enough fluids per day. The main thing is that it be mineral water without gases.

2. Strongly abandon the use of alcohol. They arouse appetite, disrupt metabolic processes, and slow down the process of weight loss.

3. The body during the diet needs an additional source of potassium. For this reason, it is additionally necessary to take a vitamin-mineral pharmacy complex. It contains all the substances important for maintaining the health of the body.

4. Sugar during the diet should be absolutely forgotten. If you want something sweet, you are allowed to eat dried fruits; it is not forbidden to add a spoonful of honey to tea.

5. Physical activity is not prohibited. The main thing is that they are not serious. The maximum that a person can afford is morning exercises.

Low carb diet - An excellent way to get in shape for those who do not want to limit themselves to food. All dishes of the menu are hearty, tasty, healthy. Following the simplest rules, excess weight will "burn" very quickly, then it won’t return back.


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