Melt melt: the benefits and harms of structured ice. How to prepare live meltwater for the benefit of the body and whether there is harm from it


The healing properties of melt water became known several centuries ago. Remember fairy tales about living water? Scientists believe that it was meltwater, the use of which is comparable to real magic, that our ancestors called living.

What is melt water

Melt water is called structured. This means that as a result of freezing and thawing, the structure of water molecules has changed, that is, its structure has become different. That is why the properties of melt water change compared to ordinary:

• when water freezes and turns into ice, its crystalline structure changes. Water molecules are reduced, become similar to protoplasm and easily penetrate through cell membranes;

• defrosting, water restores its original state of absolute energy and information purity;

• in addition, if the water is prepared correctly, then harmful heavy metals, chlorine, and salts are frozen out of it.

The result is a unique liquid with a special taste and healing properties. It gives health, strength, improves immunity and energy of the body. A cup of drunk water melt water helps the body better absorb the incoming nutrients, accelerates chemical reactions, accelerating metabolic processes.

One of the substances harmful to the human body that is found in tap water is deuterium. It is a heavy isotope that inhibits the cells of a living organism and causes great harm to people. When a person drinks structured water without an admixture of deuterium, his body is healed, all life processes are normalized.

Our ancestors used melt water to treat ailments and prevent them. Women retained the beauty of skin and hair, and men retained physical strength. Thawed water was sprinkled with seedlings, getting an excellent crop.

To preserve the healing qualities of melt water, you need to drink it immediately after thawing. After 5-6 hours, it will lose some of its beneficial properties, although it will remain pure and healing. Melt water can not be boiled and generally heated. Therefore, it can only be thawed naturally by taking it out of the freezer and leaving it at room temperature.

The benefits of melt water

A special form of melt water molecules is the secret of its beneficial effects on the human body, regardless of age. The healing properties of the healing fluid are as follows:

• increases the speed of metabolic processes;

• memory improves;

• insomnia passes;

• toxins and toxins are removed from orgasm;

• increased immune defense;

• digestion is normalized;

• allergy goes away;

• increased performance.

Improving the condition of all organs and the composition of the blood, melt water can postpone the aging process of the body. Due to the increase in metabolic processes, cells begin to be actively updated, the number of young, completely healthy cells increases.

At the same time, meltwater helps to normalize weight. If you have to get rid of extra pounds, be sure to try to drink melt water in addition to diet and physical activity. A glass of water before eating is what the body needs for fast and healthy weight loss.

How to use melt water to treat

The benefits of melt water for people suffering from vascular diseases are especially great. Since the magic fluid improves the composition of the blood, the heart and blood vessels strengthen, and the level of "bad" cholesterol is reduced. In some cases, varicose veins at the initial stage of the development of the disease disappears.

On the basis of melt water, compresses can be made by applying them to sore spots. If you brew medicinal herbs, for example, celandine, and then freeze the broth, then the benefit of such an ice cube will be much more than a regular lotion. The tool will help, for example, hang out warts and acne.

How else can you use melt water for healing:

• for diseases associated with poor digestion and poor bowel function, you need to drink half a glass of melt water three times a day. They drink water in small sips, in no case in one gulp;

• if you suffer from heartburn, you should drink water in the same way: three times a day for half a glass;

• patients with diabetes should take a glass of thawed ice three times a day.

Excellent results were shown by the use of melt water in skin diseases associated with immune or allergic processes. Regular intake of thawed structured ice in combination with a comprehensive treatment prescribed by a doctor helps to relieve the condition after 4-3 days. Passes severe itching of the skin with neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. Redness and irritation of the skin gradually disappear, a sick person feels incredible relief.

It is important that melt water should not be perceived as a panacea. This is not a medicine, it is not able to replace the treatment prescribed by a doctor, especially when it comes to serious diseases. The harm of melt water with a misunderstanding of the goals of its intake can be significant. It is only about healing, preventing ailments and cleansing the body. For medicinal purposes, melt water is part of a comprehensive course that can only accelerate recovery.

Harmful meltwater

Miracle fluid, however, cannot be drastically and abundantly included in the diet. Remember that this is not ordinary water, there are no salts, minerals, additives that the human body needs or is used to.

First you need to take half a glass to accustom the body to the flow of life-giving moisture. Gradually, the amount of melt water can be brought up to one third of the amount of liquid that a person should drink. the rest should be in purified drinking water.

Harm from melt water can occur if a person does not properly prepare it. The technology of freezing and thawing has features, and it is important to precisely follow all its requirements.

How to make melt water

It is not necessary to harvest melt water for future use. A portion of fresh water is the best solution for prevention and general recovery. Moreover, the process does not take much time:

• Pour tap water into a jug or bottle. The optimal amount for preparing a serving is a liter;

• let it stand for 4-5 hours (you can pour water from the filter so that it does not need to be defended);

• pour the settled water into a plastic food container and put it in the freezer;

• after two hours, open the lid of the container and remove the ice crust formed on top (it contains deuterium), return the dishes to the chamber again;

• when two thirds of the total volume freezes, then drain the remaining water - harmful chemicals are concentrated in it;

• leave a piece of ice at room temperature.

Melted ice - this is melt water. It is best drunk with pieces of ice - such a drink will come with incredible vigor and saturates with energy for the whole day. If possible, the first glass is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. You can eat in an hour. When taking water for three days, you should also follow the "empty stomach rule", that is, drink structured water before meals.

Up to a liter of melt water can be consumed per day. Start taking water gradually and be sure to drink in small sips. Remember that you need to get used to it and taste buds, and your body.


Watch the video: How Does Salt Melt Ice? (June 2024).