Custard profiteroles - step by step recipes, a detailed description. All the subtleties of making profiteroles with custard


Profiteroles are the most tender custard cakes that can have a variety of fillings. But most often it is custard, so simple, affordable, but very tasty and loved by everyone. It's time to indulge in a sweet treat!

Custard profiteroles - general principles of preparation

The dough for profiteroles is exactly the same as for eclairs. No need to be scared of custard technology. If you add the ingredients according to the recipe, follow all the rules, the cakes will surely turn out to be light, airy, hollow inside.

What goes into the dough:

• butter;

• salt;

• water or milk;

• eggs;

• flour.

The addition of eggs requires special attention. The mass should not be cold, but they should not be put in hot dough. The hand must endure. Eggs are added in small portions. If you add a few pieces at once, the dough will seize in separate slippery pieces and it will be impossible to stir it. After kneading, profiteroles are planted on a baking sheet, the process is described in detail a little later in the first recipe.

Custard cream for cakes can be prepared by any technology. Also, the filling can be given different tastes. Usually, custard eclairs are filled with vanilla, chocolate or coffee creams, all these recipes are also below.

Ordinary profiteroles with custard (step by step recipe)

A step-by-step recipe for profiteroles with custard. The cakes are non-greasy, very tender and light. At the same time, they are prepared much easier than it might seem.


• 5 eggs;

• 130 ml of water;

• 130 ml of milk;

• 210 grams of flour;

• 120 g of oil.

Custard Cream:

• 0.25 liters of milk;

• a glass of sugar;

• 60 g of oil;

• 50 grams of flour;

• three yolks;

• vanilla.


1. We make a custard dough. Oil can be replaced with good fatty margarine. We put it in a saucepan, pour in milk and water, set to boil. Add a pinch of salt.

2. As soon as the water begins to boil, and the oil is completely dissolved, add flour, mix quickly, remove the heat and heat the dough for a minute on the stove to dry.

3. Remove the pan from the heat and cool, but not completely. Brewed mass should remain warm.

4. Now the eggs. First we add half, carefully stir, then a whole egg. If you immediately lay out everything, then the dough will not work. Stir thoroughly, transfer to a pastry bag or arm with a spoon.

5. We spread dough balls with a diameter of about three centimeters on the laid baking sheet and immediately send them to bake. Temperature 180, profiteroles will take 35-40 minutes to prepare.

6. While the cakes are baking, prepare a custard. Mix sugar with flour. Add raw yolks, stir and dilute with milk. Put on the stove and boil until the mass becomes like a cream, that is, it does not thicken. Remove from heat.

7. Add butter and vanillin to the cream, stir with a spoon until completely dissolved. Cooling down. Then we take the mixer and whip the cream for a couple of minutes.

8. Profiteroles cool, fill with cream. To do this, use a syringe or make an incision and apply the filling with a small spoon.

Profiteroles with custard (step by step recipe) in chocolate

Step-by-step recipe for profiteroles with custard, which is prepared on water and margarine. The filling is also slightly different from the previous version, cooked on starch and without butter.


• 250 ml of water;

• four eggs;

• 100 g margarine;

• 200 g flour.

For a light cream:

• 300 ml of milk;

• 3 yolks;

• 2 tablespoons of starch;

• 150 g of sugar.

For glaze: 150 g of chocolate, 60 ml of cream 33% or the same amount of butter.


1. Boil margarine with water, salt. Pour the flour, stir, after a few seconds, remove from heat. Cool, introduce the eggs in small parts.

2. We carefully lay out the dough in the form of balls on a baking sheet with a spoon or squeeze out a bag.

3. Bake cakes until cooked, temperature, as in the previous recipe, 180 degrees. Then we take out products from the oven, cool.

4. Starch mix with prescription sugar, add a little milk and add raw yolks, mix, dilute with the remaining milk. Boil the cream on the stove until cooked. Remember that it can easily burn, so constantly stir. To taste, you can add essence, vanilla, any liquor or a little cognac to it.

5. We fill the baked and cooled custard profiteroles with cold cream.

6. We chop the chocolate, put it in a bowl and put in a water bath. Add butter or heavy cream, cook until dissolved.

7. We take profiteroles one at a time, dip the convex side into the icing, shake off all the excess and put it in one layer on the paper, wait for the icing to harden.

Caramel profiteroles with custard (step by step recipe)

Option of profiteroles with custard and a step-by-step recipe for caramel sauce. The recipe for the custard cake can be taken above, anyone will do. The cream is prepared with gelatin, also unusual, but very tasty.


Caramel Sauce:

• 260 g of sugar;

• 0.3 tbsp. water;

• 100 ml cream;

• 120 g of oil.


• 100 ml cream;

• vanilla pod;

• 130 g of sugar;

• 70 g flour;

• 5 yolks;

• 5 g of gelatin;

• 50 g of water.


1. Mix gelatin with water, let it stand for a while. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add the vanilla bean cut into two parts, warm, take out the pods.

2. While the cream is warming, shake the sugar with yolks, add flour to them. Slowly pour this mass into hot, boiling cream and quickly stir. Warm up, remove from heat.

3. Add the swollen gelatin to the hot mass, mix quickly to dissolve.

4. The cream is ready! Cool, fill the baked profiteroles.

5. For caramel sauce, mix water and granulated sugar according to the recipe. Warm until all grains are dissolved, then add heat and cook until caramel color. Add cream, stir. Then put the oil, dissolve and remove the sauce from the heat.

6. Dip profiteroles in caramel sauce and put on a dish. You can just pour the cakes on top.

Chocolate custard profiteroles (step by step recipe)

Profiteroles are baked according to the first or second recipe, you can make a dough, both in water and in milk. Chocolate cream, choose a tile with a high cocoa content, preferably from 60%, it will be tastier.


• 500 ml of milk;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• 5 tablespoons of sugar;

• 140 g of chocolate;

• 2 eggs;

• 0.5 packs of oil.


1. You can take whole eggs or just yolks. If proteins are added, then we thoroughly interrupt, clots should not remain.

2. Add sugar to eggs, pour out wheat flour, stir.

3. Melt the chocolate separately, combine with the total mass.

4. At the very end, add milk.

5. Put the cream on the stove, warm over low heat. Far from moving away, often stir.

6. Cool, introduce softened oil.

7. Fill the profiteroles with the prepared chocolate cream.

Profiteroles with butter custard (step by step recipe)

Cake recipe for those who like fatty filling. Profiteroles are saturated, satisfying, tasty in their own way. Also an unusual version of the test in vegetable oil with water.


• 250 ml of water;

• 100 ml of vegetable oil;

• 4 large or 5 small eggs;

• 1 tsp Sahara;

• 200 g flour;

• a pinch of salt.

For cream:

• 300 g of milk;

• 200 g of oil;

• 180 g of sugar (as much as possible);

• 3 yolks;

• 2 tablespoons of flour.


1. We prepare the dough according to the classical technology, but boil vegetable oil with water, add sugar and salt. Fill boiling water with flour, warm, cool. Enter the small parts of the egg. If they are small, then take five pieces. Large eggs can be taken one less.

2. We sit profiteroles on a baking sheet, bake.

3. For cream, combine all the ingredients except butter. We leave it warm to soften.

4. Cook the milk mixture until thick, cool.

5. Beat the butter with a mixer until it turns completely white, slightly increasing in size. After that, add a spoonful of cream, whisk, then put more and so on.

6. We fill profiteroles and you can help yourself!

Custard coffee profiteroles (step by step recipe)

For these delicious cakes you will need not only coffee, but also a little cognac. Although, any favorite liquor will do. We bake custard cakes according to any of the recipes above.


• 250 g of milk;

• 50 g of boiled coffee;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• a glass of sugar;

• 15 ml of cognac;

• 80 g of oil;

• 3 yolks.


1. Coffee is better to use natural boiled. We defend the thick, drain the drink.

2. Mix the flour with sugar, add the yolks, mix.

3. Dilute all this with milk and immediately pour coffee, send the future cream to the stove.

4. Cook over low heat. As soon as the mass thickens, turn off the stove, remove.

5. Cut the butter into slices, put in a hot cream, quickly stir, cool.

6. Introduce cognac or any liquor, whisk for a couple of minutes with a mixer.

7. We start the baked, cooled profiteroles with coffee custard and you're done!

Custard Profiteroles - Tips & Tricks

• Profiteroles will be rosy if you add a little sugar to the dough. One teaspoon per 250-300 g of liquid is enough. If you add salt, the dough will taste good.

• If you get lumps in custard, you may have difficulty filling custard cakes. The clots will clog in the syringe. It is better to kill the cream with a blender or rub through a sieve, as they do with cottage cheese.

• Remember that profiteroles greatly increase in size when baking. Therefore, we leave enough distance between the cakes when jigging.


Watch the video: Profiteroles. Profiteroles Recipe. Homemade Custard Cream (July 2024).