Flowers - helpers for skin and hair


Not many people know that plants are not only pleasing to the eye, cheer up, but also effectively help to prolong youth, generously share their beauty with us.

For skin

In cosmetology, the most widely used rose. The extract from its petals has an amazing emollient effect. And rose oil is just perfect for different skin types. It treats acne, helps restore the elasticity of aging skin.

At first glance, a nondescript calendula has bactericidal properties, helps with inflammation, has a relaxing effect and strengthens blood vessels. Calendula is especially suitable for owners of problematic and oily skin.

Lily heals well wounds and small cuts, soothes. The infusion of this flower acts as an effective, pore-tightening agent. Infusion is prepared as follows:

  • two tablespoons of lily petals should be put in a bowl (better enameled);
  • pour them with one glass of hot water, cover tightly and heat for 25 minutes (in a water bath);
  • after cooling, the infusion must be filtered and poured into a container.

This infusion can be used no more than 2 days.

For hair

With the help of linden, the hair becomes radiant mirror shine. You just need to rinse them with linden infusion. To prevent hair loss, it is good to use a decoction of linden: 6 tablespoons of dried flowers are poured with hot water (200 ml.), Brought to a boil, then boiled for half an hour (over low heat). This tool is used to rinse hair after washing.

For the acquisition of a golden hue, chamomile has long been used. Preparing a decoction: 70 g of dried chamomile flowers is poured simply with a glass of hot water. Chamomile broth is infused for half an hour, filtered. The hair along the entire length should be abundantly moistened with the prepared broth. With seborrhea, a cornflower will help. A glass of boiled water is added to two tablespoons of the cornflower, infused for two hours.

To make your hair soft and silky, you just need to rinse it with infusion of oregano.

Scientists have found that all flowers give us a large gamut of energy vibrations. Each of them not only helps to prolong our youth, but also helps fight depression, relieves anxiety and stimulates us to work.


Watch the video: GREEN JUICE FOR CLEAR SKIN. nourish your beautiful (June 2024).