Scientists: determined the most effective diet


Danish scientists have conducted the largest study in the field of nutrition. The aim of the study was to identify the best diet. After receiving the results, the scientists determined: only a diet rich in proteins most effectively helps to lose weight.

The experimental group included more than 700 families: 1000 adults and 800 children. The cost of the study was more than 15 million euros.

The study was as follows:

Overweight adults were on a diet (low protein, low protein high and low glycemic index, as well as their similar high protein diets), consuming 800 calories per day, losing more than 10 kg.

According to the results of the study, the most effective low-protein diet with a low glycemic index was found to be: the proportion of overweight people was reduced by 20%. The least effective diet turned out to be the least effective, as a result of which only 1% of the participants in the experiment lost weight.

Children showed almost the same results: about 15% of children sitting on a low-protein diet with a low glycemic index managed to significantly lose weight.

Thus, the most effective diet is one that includes a moderate amount of low-fat meat, milk and legumes. At the same time, it is recommended to lower the consumption of white bread and rice.


Watch the video: Which Diets Actually Work? (July 2024).