You won’t believe it, but women came up with it


In the 19th century, a weaver Tabitha Babbitt seriously facilitated the work of men around the world. Who would have thought that by observing her own brothers sawing thick logs, she would come to the creation of a prototype circular saw?
Tabitha noticed that a tree is only processed when an ordinary hand saw moves forward, and its reverse movement is only a waste of effort and energy. After thinking about this problem, she made a saw with a special round blade, which allowed sawing a tree 2 times faster.

At the beginning of the 20th century, an American Mary anderson, who arrived in New York, was shocked by the snow-covered city and the trolleybuses that drove with open windows, because the snow prevented the driver from taking the road and had to constantly go out and clean the windows.

After thinking about this problem, Anderson thought about this problem, which resulted in prototypes of the first wipers. The driver could only use the handle in the cab to make the review much better.
Surprisingly, Mary received a patent for this invention, but, contrary to obvious benefits, the device was widely used only after a dozen years.

Surprisingly, automobile silencers are also female hands. Old cars made completely un-melodic sounds, scaring horses and passers-by. The society was indignant and demanded to ban cars, but the number of cars on the roads only increased, but the problem remained unsolved. However, in 1917, an American Dolores jonestired of constant noise, invented the first sound filter aimed at reducing noise in cars.

Sculptor Partisia Bellings gave the world industrial silicone. Patricia, wanting to increase the life of her sculptures, for eight years was looking for material that could make her creations more durable. As a result of a series of experiments in 1970, a compound known to us as industrial silicone came out of the hands of Patricia. The material is also heat resistant.

Stephanie Kwolek gave the world Kevlar - the basis of body armor and protective pads used in the military industry today. All her life, Stephanie worked at DuPont and in the course of her experiments she managed to get a unique synthetic fiber, which turned out to be stronger than steel and more flexible than nylon.

And for the achievement - the Wi-Fi network, which almost everyone uses today, should be thanked Heady lammar. A woman of a difficult fate, an actress and an inventor who managed to combine femininity and firmness, in 1941 presented to the "Council of Inventors of the USA" her radio transmission technology, which is noise-resistant. It should be noted that the patent was donated by the US government.
In the sixties, this technology was used in the design of American missiles, well, and after the noisy second technological revolution, which entered our life with thousands of fashionable gadgets, it formed the basis for reliable simple and convenient communication between them.

Lamarr refused a reward, Hadie did all her research and experiments to help the world, and she received more than enough movie fees for her.


Watch the video: Women You Won't Believe Actually Exist 2 (July 2024).