It happens that it’s healthy, it’s beautiful and tasty - carrot souffle. Carrot souffle recipes with cottage cheese, chicken and crackers


Vegetable, carrot souffle - an easy culinary surprise. It can be dietary and quite high-calorie and even sweet. Do not be lazy to please your little one with them, in this form even the most capricious little gourmets will love carrots. And if the head of the family suddenly prescribes a steam diet, convince him not to burst the "quietly" fried eggs. Complementing the classic recipe with cheese and other ingredients, you can cook a luxurious dish with completely dietary characteristics.

Carrot souffle - general principles of preparation

• Souffle base - carrot puree and eggs. Mashed potatoes are made from boiled carrots, interrupting a slightly cooled vegetable with a blender or grinding it through a sieve. Small pieces of fresh carrots are boiled in a small amount of water to preserve all the valuable substances of the root crop. Sometimes water is replaced with milk, which gives the dish a more delicate taste with a creamy tint.

• Eggs are never inserted into the soufflé mass immediately. First, the yolks are thoroughly mixed with it, and the whites are whipped separately. They are separated in a clean and necessarily dry bowl, and then beat with a mixer until they get a dense foam. To speed up the process add a little fine salt, but not more than a pinch. Lush foam is combined with mashed potatoes very carefully, gradually interfering it from the bottom up. If you whisk or stir vigorously, the foam settles and the soufflé’s delicate structure is broken.

• Carrot souffle is not only a light diet dish. Depending on the added products and the method of preparation, it can also act as a dessert. Carrot soufflé can be supplemented with cottage cheese, cheese, crackers, and cook in the oven or steamed. For a dessert dish, carrot soufflé is prepared with oranges and covered with a layer of cottage cheese jelly, then cooled in the refrigerator.

A simple recipe for carrot souffle for the oven


• fresh carrot - 100 gr.;

• a teaspoon of semolina;

• one egg;

• a quarter of a spoon of vanilla powder;

• 30 gr. sweet cream butter;

• pasteurized non-fat milk - 100 ml;

• a spoonful of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled carrots into smaller pieces and transfer to a small saucepan.

2. Add half the cooked milk, put the butter and set cook on medium heat. Once it boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and continue cooking for about a quarter of an hour. Be sure to cover the pan with a lid.

3. When the carrot becomes soft, cool slightly and grind the contents of the pan through a sieve, cool. You can kill with a blender or rub it thoroughly with a blender.

4. In a separate bowl, beat the egg until foam. Pour semolina into carrot puree, add granulated sugar and vanilla. Mix everything and set aside for 20 minutes.

5. Then pour in the remaining milk, add the beaten eggs and mix again.

6. Transfer the carrot mass into small molds made of silicone. If you will use metal, be sure to apply butter to their walls and lightly sprinkle with semolina.

7. Place the carrot soufflé tins on a baking sheet and place in the oven for a quarter hour. The temperature is 180 degrees.

8. Serve with yogurt, whipped cream or sour cream.

Tender carrot souffle steamed with cottage cheese


• home or factory low-fat cottage cheese - 150 gr.;

• 300 gr. carrots;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• butter "Peasant" butter - 50 gr.;

• three eggs;

• fat factory sour cream - 2 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. Grate the carrots using a medium grater and simmer in butter with moderate heat for 10 minutes. If the root vegetable is not juicy, add a couple of tablespoons of water so as not to burn.

2. Twist the cottage cheese in a meat grinder, setting the smallest wire rack. Add the eggs, whipped in a froth with sugar. Put sour cream in the curd mass, slightly add salt, adding a pinch of salt, and thoroughly beat with a mixer at low speeds.

3. Grind the soft carrots on a fine metal sieve. Cool the mashed potatoes, combine it with the curd base.

4. To stable peaks, beat the chilled proteins and, mixing with gentle movements in the direction from the bottom up, combine with the carrot-curd mixture.

5. On a double boiler grid, spread the cheesecloth folded in half and fill the container with the prepared soufflé mass.

6. Steam carrot soufflé with cottage cheese for at least half an hour.

Airy carrot souffle with salted crackers and cheese in the oven


• young juicy carrot - 1 kg;

• 200 gr. Russian or Poshekhonsky cheese;

• head of white onion;

• three eggs;

• milk - a full glass;

• 200 gr. friable salty crackers;

• a third of a spoon of ground pepper;

• drinking water;

• ground paprika;

• for lubrication of the form - 20 gr. "Peasant" oil.

Cooking method:

1. Finely chop the onion, transfer the crackers to a bowl and mash into small crumbs. You can kill with a blender or roll with a rolling pin, after placing the cookies in a tight bag. Grind cheese on a large or medium grater.

2. Cut the peeled carrots into small circles, place in a saucepan and fill with water. At maximum heat, boil, lower the temperature, cover and cook until the carrots are soft. In order for the root slices to soften well, it is enough to boil only 10 minutes.

3. Prepare mashed potatoes from the prepared carrots in any convenient way. Intensively whisk, pour in a thin stream of milk into it. Put chopped crackers, grated cheese, chopped onions and soft butter here. Add salt, season with pepper and beat well again.

4. Wash the eggs, it is advisable to use a soapy solution and carefully break. Drain the squirrels into a clean, completely dry bowl and, at high speeds, beat them with a mixer until you get high foam. Pour a little salt and continue the process until steady peaks appear.

5. Put the protein foam to the carrot mass and mix gently. Do not whip! Then shift the soufflé mixture into the mold and set to bake for 40 minutes, keeping the temperature at 180 degrees.

A simple recipe for carrot souffle with ginger for the oven


• two large carrots;

• two tablespoons of wheat flour;

• one egg;

• cinnamon and ground ginger - to taste;

• four tablespoons of dark sugar;

• 1/2 spoon of the dough ripper;

• 60 gr. creamy 82% butter.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the carrots into small pieces and boil, pouring a little water, until tender. Drain the broth, cool the root crop and grind it in mashed potatoes, grinding through a sieve or interrupting with a blender.

2. Mix flour with sugar, add ground ginger with cinnamon, beat the egg and beat.

3. Continuing to beat, add carrot puree to the egg mixture and beat for another three minutes.

4. Moisten the molds with vegetable oil. Powder the oil layer a little with flour and spread the carrot mixture over the prepared containers.

5. Place in the oven and bake for 30 minutes. Serve the finished carrot souffle hot, lightly sprinkling powdered sugar on the surface.

Carrot souffle dessert with oranges under cottage cheese jelly


• low-fat cottage cheese - 200 gr.;

• 300 gr. medium-sized carrots;

• 12 gr. gelatin sheet;

• oranges - 200 gr.;

• six branches of fresh mint:

• 100 ml of drinking water;

• cow's milk - 150 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Put gelatin in a bowl, pour cold water for 20 minutes.

2. Peel the oranges, sort the fruit into slices. Remove them from the film and select all the bones.

3. In a blender bowl, put carrots, pulp and orange zest, chopped into pieces, chop. Use turbo mode, interrupt for at least 20 seconds.

4. Transfer the carrot-orange mass to a thick-walled pan, put the stew on a small fire. Do not forget to stir occasionally, otherwise it will burn.

5. After about 10 minutes, place the hot mixture over the bowls, gently compact and gently smooth the surface. Be sure to leave a little souffle for decoration.

6. Blender beat the cottage cheese with milk, put the mixture on medium heat. As soon as it begins to boil, set aside from the stove and add gelatin, whisk.

7. Pour the jelly into the creams with a second layer, on top of the carrot-orange jelly. Cool and refrigerate for two hours.

8. Garnish a frozen dessert with a soufflé and sprigs of mint on top.

How to cook carrot souffle with minced chicken


• minced chicken - 350 gr.;

• one large onion;

• large carrot;

• three eggs;

• garlic;

• 50 gr. "Dutch" or "Edam" cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Chop the onions lightly, and mince twice with a meat grinder with a fine wire rack.

2. Warm the pan, pour a little oil into it, and dip the onion. While stirring, fry the onion slices until transparent, then add the minced meat and continue cooking over low heat until all the moisture has evaporated. Salt for a couple of minutes before cooking, add chopped garlic.

3. Boil carrots in a small volume of water. Cool, having filtered the broth, beat in a mashed blender.

4. Separate the squirrels, pour them into a separate bowl and beat until a strong foam is obtained.

5. Without interrupting the whipping, add the cooled carrot puree to the squirrels and continue the process for another half minute.

6. Finely grate the cheese in warm minced meat, add the yolks, mix.

7. Carefully combine the meat mass with proteins, interfering the protein-carrot mixture from the bottom up.

8. Put the soufflé mass in a silicone mold and put in bake at 180 degrees in the oven. When pressed, the carrot souffle should not creep when pressed.

Carrot souffle - cooking tricks and useful tips

• When boiling carrots, add a little sugar to the water. This will improve the taste of the boiled vegetable and make its color more saturated, which will positively affect the upcoming dish.

• Break the eggs very carefully so as not to disrupt the integrity of the yolk. Even the smallest drop that gets into the protein will not allow to whip it.

• Beat whites better when chilled, so take care of this in advance. Separate the squirrels well in advance and refrigerate. To prevent the yolks from drying out during this time, place them in a jar and tightly close the lid.

• Put the soufflé mass for baking and steaming in silicone molds. Such containers do not need to be lubricated and it will not be difficult to remove the dish from them.

• Be sure to apply a thin layer of butter to the bottom and walls of ceramic or metal forms, otherwise the soufflé will “weld” to them.


Watch the video: Jamie's Quick Chicken & Mushroom Pie (June 2024).