Diet "One minute a day"


Now there is a boom in weight loss. Women seemed to be crazy, choosing a diet that they as a result can not adhere to. For weak-willed ladies who want to lose a kilogram or two, we offer an interesting diet. All you need is for you to spend only a minute of your time on your weight loss. So.

  • Make yourself a special juice

Any juice must be mixed in equal parts with plain or mineral water with gas. Such a mixture can reduce up to 85 kcal from a glass, which leads to a loss of approximately 1.5 kg per year.

  • Burn calories while doing housework

When washing clothes, you can burn up to 160 kcal, laying on the table - up to 85%, watering flowers - as much as 102 kcal.

  • Sugar-free chewing gum

As it turned out, such a banal process as chewing gum without sugar for for, can increase metabolism up to 20%. In general, chewing gum you lose almost 3 kg per year.

  • Punishment for sweets

When someone will offer you candy or a slice of cake, and you will unwittingly eat them, fine yourself for a certain amount, which is quite possible to give to children. When you start paying for sweets, it will be much easier to say no thanks.

  • Always read the product description carefully

Taking a chocolate bar or a packet of cookies, you are absolutely sure that there is no crime in eating them, at least once a week. However, having given yourself the trouble to read the composition of the product you have chosen, you can make sure that their energy value is much higher than you thought.

  • Trite, but drink more green tea

Caffeine, which is part of green tea, helps the body burn fat.

  • Do not let yourself relax!

Calories that you burned so hard at the slightest manifestation of laziness return back. Remember this when you want to please yourself with a piece of something sweet. In addition, remember that dieting requires discipline - throwing a diet and returning to it again makes no sense or results.

  • Eat less

An unloading day a couple of times a week will not hinder someone who strives to become slimmer. Depriving yourself of two or three dinners a week, your body will not receive 300 calories, which is very good.

  • No animal butter sandwiches

Replace animal oils with vegetable oils. This is extremely beneficial for the body. Scientists estimate that people who prefer butter to olive “enrich” their body by 52 calories.

  • Flax-seed

Nutritionists recommend sprinkled with flaxseed porridge, cereal, yogurt. This reduces appetite, beneficially affecting intestinal motility. You can buy flaxseed and products with it (for example, bread) in the calories of diet food.

  • Watch thyroid hormones

According to reports, in each of the first twelve women, the thyroid gland does not function well enough, leading to decreased hormone production. All this leads to metabolic disorders in the body, which is unacceptable not only to those who are trying to lose weight.

  • Drink More Mineral Water

If you drink up to two liters of mineral water per day, this will greatly affect the metabolic processes of the body.

  • Be smarter than your hunger

Eating a menthol candy is a great way to drown out hunger and not succumb to the possibility of a snack between meals.

  • Include more milk in your diet

It is recommended to alternate the consumption of mineral water with a glass of skim milk. Besides the fact that milk fills the stomach, it provides the body with useful carbohydrates, which, incidentally, are partly able to saturate the body.

  • Eat more salads

Salads should be prepared from coarsely chopped and hard vegetables: carrots, potatoes, celery, zucchini. The whole secret is that it takes more effort to chew large pieces and as a result a feeling of satiety will be created.

  • Fix what you eat

Fix your daily diet. This will help, firstly, your self-discipline, and secondly, perhaps by counting the calories in the foods you eat, you will review your diet.

  • Worry

Do you know that excitement burns up to 700 feces per day? See more melodramas.

  • Oil the food evenly

There are special sprayers that, say, with olive oil can evenly coat all dishes, while spending a teaspoon of oil, and not 2-3 tablespoons, as you used to do. Such “spraying” will help reduce our diet by another 100 calories.

  • Better less, but better.

Buy fewer products. The less you buy, the less you eat - corny, but true.

  • Cook exactly one serving for yourself

Having prepared a lot of food "by eye" we eat more than we would like, saying: "There is food left, well, do not throw it away." Cook as much as you can eat.

  • Objectively look at yourself from the side

There are studies that have shown that if you look at your reflection in the mirror while eating, your desire to eat is reduced by 22-32%.

  • Review the process of eating soups

Studies have shown that people who ate soup, which included a lot of plant components — beet slices, cabbage leaves saturated faster and ate 20% less during lunch.

  • Maybe strange, but ... eat out of the blue utensils

According to psychologists, the color of the dishes affects the appetite, and therefore the weight. The green and blue colors of the dishes are somehow capable of suppressing appetite.

  • "Vegetables, fruits, pumpkin and rutabaga, imported cranberries"

Citrus fruits, berries, spinach, broccoli, beans are considered low-calorie and have several advantages: they are rich in vitamins and minerals. And most importantly - eating them, you will quickly feel full.

  • Eat more fish

It's no secret that tuna and salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish dishes will help you lose weight, and in addition, they have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and immune systems.


Watch the video: Everything You Need to Know About the Keto Diet (June 2024).