Tablets have irreparable harm to children's motor skills


It is difficult now to imagine a teenager who would not have, or at least would not dream of a tablet. Indeed, it is very convenient: you can watch movies, take pictures, read news and much more. However, more and more tablets were given to small children. Kids can perfectly operate this complex electronic device: watch cartoons, play games. And special educational activities designed specifically for children can also be beneficial. But, as it turned out, not always. According to pediatricians, young children are contraindicated in any games with modern gadgets.

As it turned out, the dignity of tablets - their sensory control, causes irreparable harm to the motor skills of the hands and fingers of babies. Prolonged use of tablet devices leads to improper formation of the child’s muscle tissue, which, of course, negatively affects a person’s ability to write. In addition, a long session with a touch screen, according to American experts, leads to weakening of the muscle tissue responsible for fine motor skills.

Experts recommend that parents replace the tablets with drawing on paper, a board, asphalt, which, in their opinion, contributes to the formation of a child’s health. However, we must make a reservation: these studies concern only children who have not yet crossed the boundary of two years of age. Doctors recommend that older children spend no more than two hours a day on electronic devices.
