Mannik with raisins - baking instead of porridge! The best recipes for classic and unusual mannins with raisins on kefir, milk, sour cream


Not everyone loves semolina. But no one can refuse a piece of the pie. Especially if manna with raisins! Recipes for simple but tasty pastries from the most affordable ingredients.

Mannik with raisins - general principles of preparation

Manka does not require prior preparation. Croup is used in dry form, the quantity is measured according to the recipe and combined with the liquid. Mainly use dairy products. In the lean version, juices, compotes, decoctions are used for the pie. Semolina is always insisted for swelling before adding the rest of the ingredients. Otherwise, the cake will not turn out so tender and crumbly.

What else is added:

• sugar;

• eggs;

• cultivators;

• flour.

Raisins are laid at the end. So that there are a lot of grapes and they really become a filling of the cake, the product is soaked in hot water. Do not use boiling water. After swelling, the raisins are squeezed. If you have time, you can dry it. Mannics are baked in slow cookers and in ovens. This usually takes from 30 to 50 minutes, depending on the recipe. In a slow cooker, making a pie will take a full cycle of 50-60 minutes.

Mannik with raisins on kefir

Time-tested recipe for manna with raisins on ordinary kefir. The dough for such a pie can be kneaded on yogurt, sour milk, fermented baked milk, the result will be almost the same.


• a glass of semolina;

• a glass of kefir;

• 80 g of oil (melted, cooled);

• 100 g sugar;

• raisins about 70-90 g;

• 1 egg;

• a spoon of powdered sugar;

• drinking soda 0.7 tsp.


1. Kefir should not be cold, but the drink should not be overheated so that it does not go round. It is better to just remove it from the refrigerator in advance or hold it on the battery.

2. Also pour raisins with warm water to make it swell.

3. Mix kefir with cereal, leave for half an hour.

4. Beat the egg with sugar, add to the manna.

5. Immediately pour soda, you do not need to extinguish the powder, the acid of the drink will be enough.

6. Add melted butter, squeezed raisins from the water. For flavor, you can sprinkle half a bag of vanilla.

7. Stir the dough until smooth, pour into a mold no more than 20 cm in diameter.

8. Put the manna in the oven. Cook at 190 approximately 45 minutes. The mass should thicken, the cake is covered with a golden brown.

9. Put the cake on a flat dish, cool, decorate with icing sugar.

Mannik with raisins on milk

A variant of a magnificent cake with raisins on milk. Along with semolina, wheat flour is also added to the dough.


• a glass of milk;

• 20 g of oil;

• a glass of semolina;

• 15 g of ripper;

• vanilla;

• a glass of sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• 0.5 cups flour;

• 60 g of raisins.


1. Wash raisins several times, leave in clean water for swelling.

2. Connect semolina with milk, leave for a while, half an hour is enough.

3. Lubricate the mold liberally with a piece of oil, sprinkle dry semolina on top so that a crisp appears on the pie.

4. Eggs need to be broken into a bowl for beating, immediately add sugar. Immerse the mixer, beat for 5-7 minutes. Egg mass should become lush, light.

5. Into the swollen semolina we introduce flour with a cultivator, pressed raisins.

6. Top with beaten egg mass. Take a spatula and stir all at once together. We make accurate movements from the bottom up.

7. We shift the dough into the form that we prepared earlier. Similarly, you can use a slow cooker. Therefore, the dough is shifted to the bowl.

8. Put in the oven. Preparing milk manic with raisins at 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes. In a slow cooker 50 minutes on a standard baking mode.

Mannik with raisins and dried apricots (recipe for a slow cooker and oven)

A recipe for an amazing manna with raisins and a wonderful aroma of apricots. You don’t have to wait for summer to cook Everything turns out perfectly with dried apricots.


• 100 g of oil;

• a glass of kefir;

• 50 grams of dried apricots;

• 50-60 grams of raisins;

•? Art. Sahara;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• salt;

• 1 egg;

• for decorating powder.


1. Rinse dried fruits, fill with hot water. Set aside for about fifteen minutes, maybe more.

2. Pour kefir into a bowl, add the cereal to it, stir and also forget about the mixture for 15 minutes.

3. The oil must be melted on a stove or in a microwave, cool. You can use good quality margarine in the dough.

4. Add the egg with salt, with the prescription sugar to the swollen kefir, introduce the baking powder and oil, stir.

5. Wring out raisins from the water, add to the dough.

6. We get dried apricots and also squeeze. Cut dry apricots into pieces the size of one zest. Sent in semolina dough, stir.

7. Pour into a form or into a multi-cooking pot, send it to bake.

8. An apricot mannik is prepared with raisins 40 minutes at a temperature of 180. But we look at the crumb, periodically pierce the cake and check.

Mannik with raisins and poppy seeds on sour cream

A variant of an amazing manna with poppy seeds, raisins on sour cream. For kneading, a mixture of flour and semolina is used, due to this the cake turns out to be similar to a biscuit. It can be used for subsequent lubrication with a cream or coating with glaze.


• 250 ml sour cream;

• 180 g of sugar;

• a glass of semolina and flour;

• soda, vinegar;

• 20 g of poppy;

• 50 g of raisins;

• 3 eggs.


1. Mix semolina and sour cream, add egg yolks and half granulated sugar. Stir the mixture, let stand.

2. The proteins are placed in a large and clean bowl, whisk with a pinch of salt until splendid. Then we begin to introduce granulated sugar in small portions. Get a thick white mass of gogol-mogul.

3. Add poppy seeds to a glass of flour, stir. Pour washed and dried raisins.

4. Pour the flour mixture onto the swollen semolina.

5. Top with whipped protein mass.

6. We begin to stir.

7. Extinguish 1 tsp. soda without a hill of vinegar. You can take lemon juice or diluted acid instead. Pour into the dough with stirring.

8. We shift poppy dough into the form.

9. Send the cake for baking. For poppy manna it will take 35-40 minutes. The temperature is average, approximately in the region of 180-190 degrees.

Manicured Citrus Raisins

For such a manna, the zest and lemon juice are used. But similarly, you can take an orange, grapefruit. Zest is suitable not only fresh, but also dried.


• a glass of yogurt or kefir;

• 100 g of oil;

• 3 eggs;

• a glass of semolina;

• 0.5 cups flour;

• 0.5 cups of raisins;

• 1 lemon;

• 1 tsp cultivator (or half soda).


1. Citrus should be washed with a brush. Then we take an ordinary grater and carefully remove the zest on the side with small holes. Cut citrus, squeeze juice out of half. The second part is not useful to us.

2. Mix semolina and yogurt, let stand.

3. Soak raisins if it is dry. If the grapes are not too hard, then you can just rinse well, squeeze. Leave to dry.

4. Add melted butter to the semolina, followed by eggs and sugar, mix with a spoon for a minute.

5. Combine flour with zest and a small pinch of small salt.

6. Introduce lemon juice and then flour. If instead of baking a cultivator you use soda, then the powder can be extinguished with citrus juice, also add at this stage.

7. Pour prepared raisins in advance.

8. All mix well, shift the lemon dough into the mold.

9. Bring to readiness in the oven, temperature 180.

Mannik with raisins and cottage cheese

A recipe for a healthy cake with semolina and raisins. Take any cottage cheese for him. But if the product is wet, you may have to add flour.


• 100 g sour cream;

• 200 g semolina;

• 300 g of cottage cheese;

• 100 g of raisins;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 0.7 tbsp. Sahara;

• 3 eggs.


1. Grind cottage cheese or interrupt with a blender.

2. Break the eggs to the curd.

3. Immediately pour granulated sugar and semolina and add sour cream. Stir the dough. We throw a small pinch of salt.

4. In a separate bowl, pour the washed raisins with hot water.

5. After 15 minutes, squeeze the raisins, transfer to the dough.

6. Add baking powder, mix.

7. We shift the mass into the form. Cooking cottage cheese mannik 45-50 minutes at 180 degrees.

Lenten manic with raisins

A variant of lean manna with raisins, which will also be appreciated by vegetarians. For the pie, any juice or compote is used, you can take honey water.


• a glass of semolina;

• 40 g of raisins;

• 10 g of ripper;

• 0.5 cups of oil;

• sugar 2/3 cup;

• a glass of compote or juice;

• 4-5 tablespoons of flour.


1. Combine semolina with juice or compote, immediately add sugar, washed raisins, stir a couple of minutes to dissolve. Pour in the oil.

2. Leave the dough for thirty minutes.

3. Mix the flour with a cultivator. Add cinnamon and vanilla to them, if desired.

4. Pour the flour mixture into semolina dough, re-stir, transfer to the cake baking dish.

5. We send to the oven. We cook the lean manic at 180. Let stand in the form of 15 minutes, then transfer to a dish, decorate.

Mannik with raisins - useful tips and tricks

• Mannik can be turned into a wonderful dessert, if you use cream, colored or chocolate icing for decoration.

• You can add cocoa to the manna dough. Chocolate cake with raisins looks unusual, but it will certainly delight you with its taste.

• Instead of raisins, you can add other dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts to the dough.

• Part of the sugar in the manna can be replaced with honey. In this case, the pie will turn out to be unusually lush and airy, the crumb will be brown. Honey is especially appropriate in lean recipes for mannins, ennobles the taste of baking, hides the scarcity of ingredients.

• If flour is added to the dough in addition to semolina, it is not necessary to take wheat. You can pour a little corn, buckwheat flour or oatmeal. Baking will be more useful, and the taste will be more original.


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