Masks to increase hair volume


Beautiful, voluminous curls - this is one of the secrets of female attractiveness. Luxurious mop of hair has always attracted interested looks of men and the envy of rivals. Daily stress to which we subject hair leads to weakening of curls and loss of volume. Proper care of your hair will help restore damaged hair in a short time.

Why does hair lose volume?

Thick, voluminous hair is always in fashion. One beautiful hair is bestowed by nature, other people have to resort to tricks to make the hair look visually more voluminous. But, at the present time, even those who are lucky with the type of hair, can not keep healthy curls.

The amount of hair depends on the thickness, that is, on the number and diameter of the hair. Every day, hair is affected by both internal and external factors, which lead to thinning and loss of volume.

The reasonsfor which hair loses volume:

  • Lack of vitamins and trace elements. When the body suffers from beriberi, it primarily affects the condition of hair, nails and skin;
  • Chemical exposure. Regular coloring and straightening of the strands leads to the destruction of the protective layer of hairs. When the aggressive components of the dye penetrate the hair, the natural pigment is washed out, acquiring a new one. After the procedure, the micro hair scales are in the open state. Therefore, they become more sensitive to environmental effects and lose the ability to fully absorb the obtained vitamins;
  • Thermal exposure. Every day we use electric hair styling devices. The heat dries the curls, after which the strands lose volume. Not everyone knows, but the high temperature is harmful not only from the instruments, but also from the water. It is necessary to clean the head in warm, but not hot water;
  • Wrong way of life. This item includes all bad habits that affect not only healthy hair, but also the state of the whole organism. Smoking, alcohol and unbalanced nutrition lead to thinning hair;
  • Stress. Constant experiences lead not only to bad mood and stress, but also to health problems. First and foremost, traces of stress remain on the hair and skin.
  • Oily scalp. Violations of sebum excretion lead to the fact that the hair becomes very dirty very quickly and after a few hours after washing it looks thin and untidy. In such cases, you need to consult with the trichologist.

The problem with the volume of hair can be solved in different ways. Will help both salon procedures, and national recipes.

Ways to increase the volume of hair

To increase the amount of hair you need to drastically change two things:

  • Cosmetic products for hair care and styling;
  • Styling methods and haircut.

To clean hair and care for them, it is necessary to choose lightweight products that will not weight the hair. Lightweight shampoos contribute to a longer preservation of volume.

When choosing a care product, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • Use products that contain silicone. This component envelops each hair, making it denser. However, these shampoos have one drawback - silicone attracts dust, so you have to wash your head more often.
  • It is better to choose shampoos, which include protein and keratin, as these are natural substances that strengthen hair. Such products are sold more expensive than usual, they are often used in beauty salons.
  • You should not use shampoos containing oils, as they weigh down the hair roots and make them visually more oily;
  • Instead of nutritious hair balms, you should use conditioners. It is necessary to apply the tool not at the root, but in length and tips.
  • When laying the hair is recommended to use creams and sprays for the volume at the roots. They keep the volume for a longer time.

It is recommended to regularly carry out salt peels for the scalp. This will remove dead skin cells, remnants of hair cosmetics, and also allow the skin to breathe, thereby accelerating the growth of hair and giving volume.

You can add volume to your hair during styling. hair. There are several simple methods for this:

  • Bouffant. If you use this method on important occasions, it will not cause any harm to your hair. The main thing to do bouffant is only at the root and not to overdo it with hairspray;
  • Curlers. Slightly wet hair should be screwed on curlers. It is important to try to wind the hair closer to the root and then the volume will remain;
  • Waves at the root. In order to make it seem that the hair on the head is larger, you can wind the lower strands of hair at the root (with a curling or ironing), and leave the upper ones straight. As a result, the lower curls will not be visible, and the hairstyle will become more voluminous;
  • Perm. This is a radical method that will really add volume to the hair, but it will also cause some harm to the strands. A more loyal procedure is carving. In this case, the result is maintained for 2 months, and the curls do not suffer from chemical exposure.

Also give the volume to help the correct haircut. To do this, contact a specialist who will select the ideal option for your type of face and hair.

Return hair health and well-groomed appearance will help popular recipes for masks for hair. The combination of natural ingredients will help to return the volume of hair. Mask recipes can be prepared at home, and a positive result will be visible after 3-4 procedures.

Recipes masks for hair volume

In order to prepare a homemade hair mask, no need to spend money on expensive ingredients. For the funds will need products that are easy to find in the house or on the shelves of the store for a minimal price.

In order for the effect of the masks to fool over the minimum amount of time, you need to be guided by several recommendations for use:

  • Apply the mixture only on wet, but not wet hair;
  • It is recommended to wash off the mask only in warm water, as hot water damages the hair structure;
  • In order to create a greenhouse effect during the procedure, you need to wrap the hair in polyethylene and a bath towel;
  • Observe the procedure time. Some recipes may contain products that cause skin irritation during a long procedure;
  • Before using any formulation, it is worth testing for an allergic reaction. For this, a small amount of the mask should be applied to the wrist or elbow and leave for 15-20 minutes. If no discomfort appears, the mixture can be safely applied to the head.

It is important to choose products that suit your own hair type. Owners of fat roots more suitable mask with products that dry hair, such as mustard, brandy or pepper. Dry curls need additional hydration, so you should use formulations with various essential oils, yeast or honey.

With sea salt

Sea salt has a complex of trace elements that heal the body and strengthen the strands. The salt contains: iodine, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper, selenium and other minerals.

Sea salt masks enhance blood circulation, deeply nourish and restore strands, giving volume. Use of funds is recommended for owners greasy hair, as the salt adjusts the skin-fat balance and dries the roots. It is also useful to combine sea salt with oils and sour-milk products that will enrich curls with additional vitamins.

In order to prepare the mixture for the volume will require the following Ingredients:

  • 15 g of sea salt;
  • 50 ml. kefir;
  • 2 ml. avocado oil.

Sea salt needs to be dissolved 100 ml of warm water, then add kefir and avocado oil, mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass. The tool should be applied to the head with massaging movements and distributed along the length. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes, then the mask is washed off with warm water. If necessary, you can use the balm.

Do not use a mask with sea salt, if the scalp is damaged (scratches, wounds, boils, etc.). This can cause irritation and discomfort.

This composition can be used 1-2 times a week. The optimal course length is 1-1.5 months, after which it is necessary to take a break. Sea salt must be chosen, without fail, dyes and other chemical components.

With gelatin

Gelatin contains collagen, which retains moisture in the strand structure. The substance envelops each hair with an invisible film, providing protection from external influence. Due to this property, the hair gets shine and volume needed by the hair.

To prepare the mask would need:

  • 2 tbsp. l gelatin;
  • 200 ml. cold water;
  • 1 tbsp. l hair balm.

Pour a couple of tablespoons of gelatin into cold water and leave for 20 minutes. Then the mixture is heated to 30-35 ° until the gelatin is completely melted. In the mask, add hair balm (preferably glycerin) and mix until smooth.

Apply the mixture to wet strands, distribute along the length and leave to 30-40 minutes. It is necessary to clean the curls with cold water, since hot water will completely dissolve the gelatin. The procedure is carried out 1 time in 7-10 days, 6-8 weeks. After this mixture, the curls will get the effect of lamination.

With mustard and salt

Mustard - This is a useful product that has a versatile effect on the hair. Mustard seeds contain vitamins B and E, as well as a large number of trace elements (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, etc.).

Mustard masks will help:

  • Reduce sebum secretion;
  • Strengthen hair follicles and accelerate blood circulation;
  • Dandruff free;
  • Give the strands shine and volume.

Mustard is rarely used as the only ingredient in a mask. It is best to add moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. For example, honey, various oils or chicken eggs.

To make a mask for volume would need:

  • 2 chicken yolks;
  • 50 gr. mustard powder;
  • 10-15 grams. sea ​​salt;
  • 25 ml. olive oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l lemon;
  • 2 tbsp. l liquid honey.

For cooking, you need to whip the yolk and add the rest of the listed ingredients. Apply a homogeneous mass to the skin with massaging movements and distribute along the length.

Next, you need to collect the strands in the tail and leave for 4-6 minutes. To create a greenhouse effect, during the procedure, you must wrap your hair in a bath hat and a towel. Keep a mask on your head 20-30 minutesthen rinse with warm water and shampoo.

It is not recommended to use mustard, if the scalp is damaged. This may cause irritation or allergies.

With lemon and aloe juice

Scarlet - This is an indispensable plant for healthy hair and skin. The juice contains natural antioxidants and trace elements that strengthen the roots and accelerate the growth of strands.

Lemon juiceis also a useful product for hair. The rich vitamin complex cleanses the scalp and enriches with essential substances.

To prepare the mixture for the volume will need the following Ingredients:

  • 1 chicken yolk;
  • 50 ml. lemon juice;
  • 50 ml. aloe juice

To prepare you need to press and strain the juice of lemon and aloe. Add the yolk to the liquid and mix until smooth.

To apply ready mix on the head with the massing movements and to distribute on all length. Keep 40-50 minutesthen rinse with warm water. This mask is recommended to repeat 1-2 times a week.

With cognac and honey

To get beautiful, volumetric curls, you can use healing properties. brandy and honey. Cognac activates hair growth, regulates fat secretion, and also adds shine and volume. Honey is an excellent product that provides the whole body with vitamins, including hair.

For the preparation of masks for the volume of hair from brandy and honey will need:

  • 50 ml. cognac;
  • 1 tbsp. l liquid honey;
  • 10 ml. Hypericum oil

It is necessary to mix all the ingredients until smooth, apply the mixture to the roots and distribute it along the length of the curl. During the procedure, you can make a light massage of the head. It is recommended to wrap hair in polyethylene and a towel. Keep the mixture on your head30-40 minutes and rinse with water. If necessary, use shampoo.

It is not recommended to use a mask if there are fresh wounds, cuts or burns on the skin. The active ingredients of an alcoholic drink may irritate.

With cocoa

Not everyone knows that cocoa beans are used not only for the preparation of desserts, but also for health masks.

Cocoa powder and butter contain substances that strengthen and heal the curls. In the product are contained:

  • Squirrels;
  • Fat;
  • Minerals;
  • Acids and alkaloids.

All of these components help the hair to recover from chemical and thermal exposure, to acquire a shine and volume.

To prepare the mask will need the following Components:

  • 1 tsp. cocoa;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 100 ml. kefir.
All ingredients stir until smooth and distribute the hair. Mix hold 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week (1.5-2 months), after which a long break should be taken. With regular use, strands will gain volume after 3-4 applications.

Yeast Mask

Yeast Masks very popular among women. Due to the rich chemical composition, they give the necessary nutrition for thin, weakened hair.

In yeast are contained:

  • Amino acids that strengthen the hair roots;
  • Vitamins of group B. Thanks to vitamin B9, the strands acquire the necessary protection from heat exposure from hair dryers, phoeks and irons;
  • Vitamins E and N. Useful for dry hair, as they give hydration and nourishment from root to tip;
  • Minerals: iron, zinc, potassium, copper, etc.

For the preparation of nourishing maskis necessary:

  • 50-60 gr. yeast;
  • 25 ml. fresh milk;
  • 10 gr. Sahara.

Yeast need to fill with warm milk and add sugar. Mixture insist 30 minutes, after which the mask is ready for use.

To apply structure on wet hair and to distribute on length. Keep the mixture30-40 minutes then rinse with warm water. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week as needed.


Kefir - It is an indispensable component in masks to increase the volume of hair. It contains a large number of microelements, which provide careful nutrition and strengthening of the hair. Kefir masks are easy to prepare and suitable for any type of hair.

For the recipe will need the following Ingredients:

  • 100 ml. kefir. The fatter the curls, the less you should choose the percentage of fat content of the product;
  • 2-3 drops of essential oil of orange, chamomile and bergamot.

To make a mask, just mix all the ingredients until smooth. Apply the mixture to the roots and distribute along the length. It is recommended to wrap hair in polyethylene and a towel. The procedure lasts 30-40 minutesafter which the mask is washed off with warm water. If necessary, you can use shampoo.

You can also add other essential oils to kefir that are useful for your hair type. With regular use, the result will be noticeable after a month of use.


Watch the video: 4 Proven Home Remedies for Thicker Hair (June 2024).