Makeup Ideas for Brown Eyes for Different Cases


One of the first features that attracts a woman is the eyes and, especially, their color. You can emphasize the look and make it more expressive with the help of makeup. Not every make-up suitable for one eye color will be relevant for another, therefore it is important to select exactly those shades and design that fits your eyes.

Basic makeup rules for brown eyes

Brown eyes are attractive and expressive by nature. Girls with brown eyes are bright and dynamic, attracting everyone's attention. Therefore, taking up makeup, you need to be extremely careful to emphasize the merits of color and natural beauty, and not to overdo it with make-up.

Make-up for brown eyes requires a certain approach and compliance with the basic rules:

  • It is necessary to consider not only the color of the eyes, but also the shape and size;
  • The selection of shadows must match the purpose of the makeup;
  • A little shine won't hurt - use a shimmer, highlighter, or luminizer;
  • Follow the main law of any make-up - you need to allocate only one thing: eyes or lips. In this case, the rest of the make-up should be done in restrained colors;
  • If the shadows are brown, then their shade should be darker or lighter than the eye color;
  • Do not forget about eyebrow shaping. They complement the makeup and should look as natural as possible.

Make-up for brown eyes may depend on their shade, hair color, skin tone, time of day, time of year and the occasion for which the make-up is applied.

The dependence of makeup for brown eyes on hair color

It is extremely important to choose the right makeup, not only for the color of the eyes, but also for the shade of the hair. Blondes and brunettes are often suited for completely different tones. However, there are common shades of shadowsSuitable for light and dark hair:

  • light beige;
  • creamy;
  • coffee;
  • cinnamon;
  • bitter chocolate.

Shadows are designed to create a slight hint of shadow on the eyelids, especially if day makeup. In other cases, other colors and make-up techniques are used.

For dark hair

Makeup for brown eyes and dark hair depends on skin tone. Golden and green shades, especially emerald and olive tones, are suitable for brown-haired women and brunettes. Strongly not suitable orange nuances.

For fair hair

Makeup for brown eyes and blond hair should be applied in accordance with specific instructions:

  • Blondes are recommended to use mascara of brown shades;
  • For greater expressiveness, the lower eyelid can be drawn with a brown pencil on the inside;
  • Highlighter is best applied exclusively under the eyebrows;
  • Dark-skinned girls will get shades of gold, and pale-skinned - bright saturated colors in a blue-blue palette.

Blonde girls are recommended to put shadows in small quantities, creating the illusion of a light haze. The exceptions are evening and holiday make-up.

The main shades of shades for blondes with brown eyes:

  • sand;
  • coffee;
  • pink;
  • peach;
  • Violet;
  • Gray.

We select makeup for brown eyes by the time of day

Any makeup, whether day or evening, must comply with the generally accepted rules of application. Each make up includes:

  • Eyebrow correction;
  • Skin preparation;
  • Applying shadows;
  • Use lipstick;
  • Application of mascara.

At these stages, shades, techniques and an abundance of makeup are different. Makeup artists recommend performing day makeup in a light style with a small amount of cosmetics. Evening requires a more detailed approach and attention to detail.


Daily makeup for brown eyes should be as natural as possible. This make-up is suitable for dating or work and is almost universal. Everyday light makeup for brown eyes is to use nude shades of shadows and a minimum amount of cosmetics.

Primary colors for daytime make-up:

  • nude shades;
  • brown palette;
  • soft pink color.

Bright colors are not recommended, for example: blue, green, purple or white shadows. However, it is allowed to use eyeliner to create arrows, especially if the makeup is intended for a hike on a date. Look good with arrows of shades of brown, printed in pencil or shadows.

Step by step photo

Daytime makeup does not have to be monotonous or boring. This make-up can be diversified by adding several color shades to give the eyes expressiveness and depth.

Step 1: It is necessary to apply a light opaque shade with a brush to the eyelid, not forgetting the white nuance in the inner corner of the eye. Suitable gently pink or powdery color shadows.

Step 2: Further, in a darker shade, we draw a dividing line between the mobile and fixed eyelids. Here you can use peach, light brown or even cinnamon tones.

Step 3: In a saturated color, preferably darker for a couple of tones, we select the outer corner of the eye along the lower eyelid, slightly blend it.

Step 4: The final stage - the selection of the outer corner of the upper eyelid in a dark color. The most relevant dark brown, chocolate shades, always matte. We shade shadows to make a smooth transition from dark at the corner to lighter by the middle of the century. Allowed to add a little gray on top of the main to give a piquant nuance.

Step 5: Thoroughly dye eyelashes, trying to keep them from sticking together. Loose eyelashes will only spoil the makeup, they will look unnatural and ugly.

The described makeup is also referred to as a relief technique. It aims to create the most natural, but mysterious and intriguing make-up. In combination with nude shades of lipstick, embossed makeup is ideal for daytime meetings and work.


In the evening make-up for brown eyes mainly resort to the help of a special glitter, which is applied to the mobile eyelid. Also very popular option Smokey ice, made in purple hues.

Evening make-up can include various elements:

  • shimmer instead of shadows;
  • glitter and glitter;
  • arrows of different lengths and thicknesses;
  • pasted eyelashes;
  • saturated shades of lipstick;
  • highlighter or bronzer.

When creating makeup for a festive event, a dinner party, a holiday, or another important event, various make-up techniques are often used.

  • The most popular techniques for evening makeup:
  • Smokey Ice;
  • nude style;
  • cat eye or cat eye;
  • cut crease;
  • relief.

Step by step photo

The most relevant option for evening make-up for brown eyes is the “loop” technique, resembling Smokey Ice. The difference between such a make-up and a traditional smoky ice is that it is done solely on the corner of the eye, giving it an oval shape.

Step 1: To begin with, the eyelid is completely covered with matte shades of nude hue. Then a pencil draw an oval contour on the outer edge of the eye.

Step 2: From the outside, dark shadows are applied along the contour, preferably brown shades a few tones darker than the eye color, and slightly light them with a brush.

Step 3: At the last stage, one or two lighter tones are added to the base color of the shadows with light movements and the mascara is applied.

Step 4: "Loop" refers to the classic techniques of applying makeup and resembles a pointed pointed feather arrow. This make-up visually enlarges the eyes, making the look more attractive, and emphasizes their color.

Makeup for brown eyes depending on the occasion

A huge influence on the choice of makeup has an event that you are going to attend. Types of makeup can be divided into two large groups: everyday and festive. Accordingly, techniques, methods of application, shades of shadows and lipsticks will differ.

Special attention is given to make-up for work and wedding. Both types can be made in the nude style, as it is universal.

Depending on the occasion, the makeup may be minimalistic or bright, even artistic. It also directly depends on the purpose of the make-up, the abundance of additional elements, such as:

  • arrows;
  • shine;
  • false eyelashes;
  • Eyeliner;
  • lip liner

To the wedding

Makeup for brown eyes on the wedding in the first place depends on whether the girl is a bride or a guest. For brides there is a rich selection of gentle make-up of various colors and shades. In the trend of makeup, including color nuances from the general palette of the wedding, wardrobe or even the bride's bouquet.

Makeup artists are advised to adhere to traditional techniques in the guests: cut crease, cat eye or smoky ice. Especially popular this year are the two-color arrows.

For a festive makeup for the wedding, you can use the technique with arrows:

  • Nyudovye cream shadows are applied on the eyelid, in the absence of those, primer is added over the usual shadows.
  • Then the movable eyelid is covered with glitter, giving the desired shape: corner, loop, banana.
  • For the growth of eyelashes with a pencil or eyeliner, they draw a black line from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one, ending with a neat tail.
  • Next, draw the color with the same eyeliner exactly the same arrow above the previous one. For brown eyes suitable colors: blue, green, purple.
  • Cilia well stain and share a special brush or use the overhead.

Another way of this make-up implies the absence of glitter. Matte shadows are used and at once I draw a colored arrow, twice as thick as the usual one, and a black one is added over it. This option is suitable for the bride, who wants to focus on a particular color. It should be borne in mind that the red, orange and pink arrows for brown eyes will not work.

To work

Make-up to work, especially if the charter provides for a dress code, should be as restrained and natural as possible. However, the world's leading makeup artists claim that even daytime minimalist makeup can be made interesting.

To create a make-up for work, brown eye owners recommend using shades of delicate nude shades:

  • dusty rose;
  • sand;
  • Ivory;
  • light brown;
  • coffee.

The simplest makeup that does not require a long practice or special skills, is a relief application of shadows. It will require several shades of shadows, best of all three colors from light to darker. Shadows are applied according to the rules:

  • All eyelids cover the lightest shade;
  • The fold between the moving and stationary part is drawn in a medium tone;
  • The same shade is bleached on the mobile eyelid;
  • In line with the growth of eyelashes carefully draw a line of dark shadows;
  • Soft brush “shake” the shadows from top to bottom and back to create a smooth transition.

This makeup should not be supplemented with arrows, bright colors or drawings, it is enough to paint over the eyelashes and put a little highlighter on the inner corner of the eye to give brown eyes shine. Lipstick in this case is also recommended to choose nude shades. Matte lipsticks in brown tones look best.

To the party

The make-up for the party is festive, but at the same time it varies greatly from the wedding one. The purpose of this make-up is to highlight and emphasize the feminine beauty. For brown eyes, the makeup base for the party will be the colors:

  • Violet;
  • aquamarine;
  • emerald;
  • blue;
  • bright pink;
  • Gray.

The best way to apply bright makeup for brown eyes is in a few simple steps. To begin, choose the main color of the shadows, for example, silver. We put shadows on all eyelids, for bigger effect it is allowed to add black color to an external corner of an eye, a little shading. Black or green eyeliner or soft pencil draw under the lower eyelid a line that resembles an arrow.

The combination of bright pink and purple shadows with a wide arrow will look beautiful and impressive. Shadows should be applied in a relief technique or in the style of Smokey ice.

Makeup for brown eyes by seasons

Over the years, trends are changing not only for clothes, but also for make-up. Depending on the season, makeup artists recommend choosing the most fashionable and appropriate shades of shadows and lipsticks. Autumn and winter use more restrained colors and an emphasis on smooth transitions, and the spring-summer season plays on contrasts and vivid color combinations.

Matte shades will be most popular in the cold season, especially in combination with gold color and lipstick wine shades, as Marsala's favorite color for many women and girls.

Hot seasons are identified by the minimalism of make-up in bright and saturated colors.

Spring Summer

In the spring and summer for everyday makeup it will be enough to apply the foundation on the eyelids and add a bright shade to the moving. Colors are ideal for hazel eyes:

  • gentle blue;
  • aquamarine;
  • pink;
  • purple.

At evening meetings, experts advise to resort to the same colors a few shades darker. Versatile is the version with bright colored arrows and even multicolored mascara. The main thing in this case - do not overdo it and use no more than two colors in the make-up, while necessarily from a different color palette, for example: mother-of-pearl nyud and aqua.

Autumn winter

Winter and autumn makeup for brown eyes is rich in deep rich shades. Most makeup artists are advised to choose colors in brown tones with the addition of red, purple and gold nuances.

For evening makeup suitable shimmer, adding shine and visually soothing look. It is also recommended to bring the lower eyelid, gently blending from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, to create an ombre effect.

Lipstick is better to choose in accordance with eye makeup. For a light nude make-up, rich matte colors are better suited, and for bright light shine and natural shades.


Watch the video: The Best Eyeshadow for Your Eye Color. ipsy U (July 2024).