January 7: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays January 7

Christmas and Christmas fasting

Christmas in its significance and scale is considered the largest holiday after Easter. Throughout history, many prophets have predicted the birth of Christ the Savior. If you believe one of the textbooks of God's Law, this event happened: "The Roman emperor Augustine ordered the people to correspond on the land subordinate to him. All the Jewish people had to be recorded in the cities of their ancestors. For this, Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem. There in the city, they could not find a place to live because the city was crowded with people and they settled in a cave outside the city.This cave served as a crap for livestock during bad weather. The holy Virgin swaddled him and put him in a nursery. On this significant night, the shepherds, as always, grazed a herd of cattle in the field. And suddenly an angel appeared to them, they were very frightened at first, but the angel told them that he should not be afraid and that he brought them good news that the Savior of the world was born.At this second, many angels appeared in heaven who sang songs praising God.The angels disappeared, and the shepherds went to Bethlehem to see what the Angels were talking about. When they saw the baby, they knelt down and told their father and mother about night vision. Christmas put an end to pagan culture, and gave rise to the Christian faith, which became fundamental to our civilization. In pagan culture, it was somewhat cruel; polygamy and blood feud were present in it. And Christianity carried light, love and forgiveness. It was the birth of the Savior that gave rise to the beginning of the reckoning.

Before this holiday, in order to deepen one's spiritual labors, it is necessary to observe strict fasting, at this time it was necessary to avoid all sinful things. It was necessary to exclude all meat from the diet, not to eat animal food, and generally limit yourself from accepting any write. Church canons claim that during holy fasting one should not eat meat, fish, eggs, milk and wine. And on weekends it was allowed to eat fish, drink wine and use vegetable oil. As expected during fasting, people go to church to confess and receive communion. Observance of this great fast gives a person spiritual cleansing. While the fast lasted, people were preparing for the great holiday. Mistresses cleaned the house, bought holiday gifts for family and friends, and were engaged in cooking. When it ended in the church of worship, the feast of the Nativity officially began. Before the Christians sat down at the table, they sang special Christmas prayers. This holy evening was necessary to spend necessarily in the family circle, talking with blood relatives and close friends. When the holy dinner was over, all those present went to the tree, sat next to it, and one person began to give out gifts. The faces of all people shone with joy and sincere happiness. In addition, in each house, according to tradition, there should be a decorated Christmas tree, which becomes the center of attention. This holiday is very loved by children, they participate in different performances and deservedly receive many gifts.

When decorating a festive tree, they always hang a garland of lights that symbolize the spiritual light that illuminates the whole world when Christ the Savior came into it.

January 7th in the folk calendar


This holiday is considered in Russia as one of the main holidays. For all people of the Christian faith, this is a great day. In all countries of our world where this holy holiday is celebrated, Christmas is considered a family holiday. They thoroughly prepared for it, because Orthodox Christians waited a whole year for this holiday. By tradition, six weeks before the holiday, they held a strict fast. But the festive table was rich in various treats. The main place among the prepared dishes was pork, the peasants on that day killed livestock. Even on this holy day, kutia, jelly, pancakes, duck with apples, various cakes and gingerbread were prepared for the holiday table. In Russia on this day there was an ancient rite, which was called Christmas time. And nowadays, the whole twelve days between the holidays, Christmas and Baptism is called the same name. Sacred traditions came to us when there was no Christianity, they are associated with agriculture, which was the main occupation of the peasants. Initially, according to tradition, the beginning of the new year and the revival of the sun were celebrated. In the old days, young people dressed in old clothes, put masks on their faces and had fun games. Today, there is also a tradition at the Christmas time to have fun. On Christmas, people believe in many signs, and observe ancient customs. There was a custom according to which a girl who suffered from unhappy love could free her suffering heart from torment. To do this, she had to take a stone, heat it up in a stove, and then drown it in an ice hole. Unrequited love left the girl if the stone cracked from the cold. There was another custom, the senior mistress of the house that day was to sweep the corners of the house with a broom made of nettles. People believed that in this way unclean power was expelled from the hut. Believers always put on a new shirt, otherwise they doomed themselves to a lean year. They also paid attention to the weather that day. If there was hoarfrost, it was believed that there would be a good harvest of bread, and if there was a starry sky, then peas would be born. A snowstorm is blowing in the yard, which means that bees will swarm well, and beekeepers will have an excellent honey harvest.

Historical events of January 7

1610 year Galileo discovered four moons of Jupiter

On the night of January 7, the distinguished scientist Galileo Galilei discovers four moons of Jupiter, Io, Europe, Ganymede and Callisto. The discovery was made possible thanks to the telescope designed by Galileo. Through a telescope, the scientist first saw the lunar landscape, mountains, troughs and craters. In addition, the astronomer calculated the approximate diameter of Ganymede and established that it is larger than the diameter of Mercury. Nowadays, the satellites discovered by Galileo are named after him - the Galileans. More accurate data on the moons of Jupiter, remoteness to receive only in our days. For example, it turned out that under the icy surface of Europe, there is a colossal ocean, and Io is affected by the largest and most volatile volcanoes in the solar system. Jupiter was studied using space interplanetary stations. There were eight such stations in total. The stations were launched by NASA. The largest contribution to the study of Jupiter and its satellites was made by the stations Pioner, Galileo, Voyager and New Horizons. The last device is currently being sent to Pluto. To date, astronomers have discovered more than 60 satellites of Jupiter, but open Galilee turned out to be the largest, but Europe, of course, remains the most mysterious satellite, because water is found on it, and therefore life could be. The collected scientific data most likely indicate that under the ice layer of the satellite, an ocean of global ra mers. Some scholars suggest that the bottom of the ocean there are active volcanoes are geothermal. In any event, the interest in Europe is never weakened, too many questions she asks humanity.

1928 year test flights of the U-2 aircraft were carried out

In 1927, the famous designer N. Polikarpov, completed the project of creating a training aircraft, U-2. The first pilot of the flying machine was Mikhail Gromov, who in 1928 began practical testing of a new flying machine. However, the first Soviet aircraft was far from modern models, it was a simple wooden structure equipped with an M-11 engine. But at the same time, the device was quite stable and perfectly manageable. In fact, it was a biplane weighing 900 kg and with a maximum speed of 150 km / h. The tests were successful, and the aircraft was immediately launched into mass production, and soon took part in an air show in Germany. Due to its simple design and operation, the U-2 was actively used as an agricultural and ambulance aircraft. In some cases, it was used as a passenger aircraft. In 1938, for the first time, a U-2 flight was made beyond the Arctic Circle to the northern belt. Pilot Vlasov flying to the pole, sits on a drifting ice floe. During the war, the aircraft is used as a lightweight night bomber. On board the U-2 could carry 350 kg of bomb shells. It was also used to adjust art fire. U-2 is a relatively silent aircraft, which can plan well, and these qualities were also suitable for reconnaissance operations. But the main drawback of the biplane was the lack of armor and the poorly protected fuselage. Even a shooter with a rifle could bring down such a plane. And when he got anti-aircraft installations, the pilot had practically no chance of survival. And yet this simple and unsophisticated aircraft served the good service of the Soviet army.

1989 year Prince Akihito Proclaimed Emperor of Japan

After the death of Emperor Shoe, Prince Akihito was proclaimed the new Japanese ruler. The coronation, which took place in November 1989 in Kyoto. The event was attended by ambassadors of 158 countries. The slogan of the reign of the new emperor was the words: "I will establish peace in the state and with the world." It is interesting that the emperor’s slogan was not only his personal initiative, but also the desire and desire of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Parliament of Japan. The new emperor has been on the throne for more than twenty years. For the entire time of the reign, the emperor never once departed from the laws and traditions of the country. Moreover, all his efforts were aimed at limiting the power of the emperor and turning it into a formal institution of statehood. At the moment, the Emperor in Japan performs representative functions and practically does not have real power levers. For the Japanese, the imperial family is a ceremonial symbol of the state. But nevertheless, despite the whole symbolism of the institution of imperial power, the head of state, everyone has to fulfill some responsibilities related to the functioning of the power as a whole. The emperor formally confirms at the post elected by the coalition the Prime Minister of the country, as well as single-handedly appoints the chairman of the supreme court. The head of state also accepts credentials from ambassadors of foreign countries. In addition, almost all official ceremonies in the country are held with the participation of the emperor. In his spare time, Emperor Akihito studied marine life, played musical instruments, and also engaged in literary work. The imperial couple has three children, two sons and a daughter.

1979 year the invasion of the Vietnamese army in Cambodia, the fall of the Pol Pot regime

Pol Pot's strategic mistake cost him power and life. With his utopian ideas and criminal actions, Pol Pot brought the country to a socio-economic catastrophe. In addition, unleashed a military conflict with neighboring Vietnam. In May 1975, the first armed clashes took place in the areas bordering Vietnam. However, the culprit of the armed provocations was the Cambodian side. The Vietnamese government tried not to succumb to provocations, if only to avoid a large-scale military conflict. However, in 1977, the Pol Pot detachments crossed the Vietnamese border and captured the village of Bachuk, in which they destroyed almost the entire civilian population. The brutal act of the Polpot soldiers caused a surge of indignation throughout the world and in Vietnam in particular. Citizens demanded to punish punishers. The government of Vietnam decided to take extreme measures and in 1978, the Vietnamese troops launched a full-scale invasion of Cambodia. However, the Pol Pot detachments were not able to provide serious resistance, and on January 7, 1979, Vietnamese troops captured the capital of Cambodia, the city of Phnom Penh. The Vietnamese military administration transferred civilian power to the Kampuchea Rescue Front, led by H. Samrin. Having lost the capital, the Pol Pot detachments were forced to retreat westward to the areas bordering Thailand. The Vietnamese army drove the animals back into the jungle. But the Khmer Rouge had a powerful patron - China. The Chinese leadership was angry at Vietnam over the overthrow of the Pol Pot regime, and in February 1979, the Chinese army invaded Vietnam. However, in this conflict, the valiant army of Vietnam won. And after the reflection of Chinese aggression, the Vietnamese forces launched a new offensive on the Khmer Rouge! By the end of the 80th year, Vietnamese troops controlled a large territory of Cambodia. Until the end of the 80s, Vietnam was forced to keep a powerful military contingent in Cambodia, after which the withdrawal of the Vietnamese army from Cambodia began.

1852 year New Year tree decorated and exposed in St. Petersburg for the first time

Emperor Peter I brought the tradition of decorating Christmas trees to Russia. However, the new tradition took root poorly and slowly in Russia. Indeed, according to popular belief, spruce was associated with evil spirits. According to an ancient custom, in Christmas in Russia it was customary to decorate houses with branches of fruit trees. However, the king’s insistence was stronger than stupid prejudice. For the first time, a public New Year tree was put up on the premises of a railway station in St. Petersburg. It happened on January 7, 1852. The Christmas tree was richly decorated, on it flaunted toys, sweets, fruits and candles. The top of the tree was crowned with a Christmas star. The first public Christmas tree in post-revolutionary Russia was put up on December 31, 1917, in Petrograd. Subsequently, the Christmas tree began to be decorated, annually starting in 1936. In 1938, a huge fifteen-meter Christmas tree was installed in the columned hall of the House of Unions. Forest beauty was decorated with ten thousand Christmas tree decorations. Since then, the Christmas tree installed in the Kremlin has been the country's main Christmas tree. Recently, against the backdrop of the New Year tree, the presidents of the Russian Federation wish the Russians a Happy New Year.

Born on January 7

Vasily Alekseev (1942-2011), the legendary Soviet weightlifter

The great weightlifter was born on the seventh of January in 1942 in the Ryazan region. Already at school, the guy became interested in weightlifting. A physical education teacher began to study with Vasily. At that difficult wartime, the boy had to work on logging. But, despite his eleven-year-old boy, they were accepted into the brigade on an equal footing and respected for honesty and hard work. At the age of 17, Vasily easily complied with 6 standards for logging. In sports, Alekseev developed his own individual training system. Vasily Alekseev for the first time in weightlifting gained 600 kg in eventing. In 1970, he became an honored master of sports. His height was 186 cm, and weight over 160 kg. In 1972, Alekseev won the Olympic Games in Munich, there, in triathlon, he gained 645 kg and set his 54 world record. For the entire time of his sports career, Alekseev set eighty world records, eight times became the world champion, six times the European champion, seven times the USSR champion. Since 1980, Alekseev in coaching. From 1989 to 1992, Alexei Ivanovich was the head coach of the USSR team. He died in 2011 due to an exacerbation of heart disease.

Nina Sazonova (1917-2004), People's Artist of the USSR

She was born on January 7, 1917 in the suburbs.The actress spent her childhood and youth on the Volga, in Kimry. When she was not, and seventeen years old, she came to the theater of the Red Army. Her first work was the role of Masha in the production of "Lev Gurych Sinichkin." Then there were Tanya Boytsova in the production of The Immortal, the nurse Marusya in the play Front. With the beginning of the war, the so-called "front-line tours" of the actress began; she gave more than three thousand front-line concerts. In any role, the actress remained a simple and kind woman. Simple people loved her very much. She played different characters heroines, courageous and loyal women who know how to sympathize and sympathize. It is not possible to introduce Sazonova without her films and performances, she literally has grown together with art, and art with her. In the movie, Nina Sazonova played more than thirty roles. Songs performed by the actress became popular and loved by the people. After all, it was she who first performed the songs "I Stand on a Half-Station", "Daisies Hid", "Waltz" and others. The actress was awarded the high title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Natalya Gvozdikova (1948 ...), Russian actress

Born in the Chita region. In 1971 she graduated from the All-Union Institute of Cinematography. The first filming in the movie "White Dunes". Her roles in the films “Oh, this Nastya” and the role of Polina in the film “Big Change” became quite famous. Then she played Maria in the movie epic “Born of the Revolution.” It was the role of Mary that made Natalia a recognizable and famous actress. For this role, the actress was awarded the USSR State Prize. It is known that in 1983 she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Almost all the roles of Natalia are positive characters. Since the mid-80s, Natalia began to act in films less and less. According to the actress, this is due to a kind of creative crisis that the artist has been experiencing for many years. Recently, Natalia began to engage in social activities. At home, she reads a lot, is interested in history and art, and is engaged in animals. Married to the famous actor Evgeny Zharikov. The period of the 90s, the actress considers the most difficult time for domestic cinema. Now, according to the actress, Russian cinema is taking slow steps, but is being reborn.

Maria Mironova (1911-1997), People's Artist of the USSR

Maria Mironova was born on 01/07/1911 in Moscow. Her mother was a teacher, and her father was an ordinary employee. For the first time, Masha entered the stage when she participated in school performances. By nature, Mary was a stubborn and purposeful girl. After leaving school in 1925, she entered the Lunacharsky Theater College. After graduating from college, the actress worked a lot. Her first theater was the Moscow Art Theater, where she played dozens of roles, each of her roles became legendary. After the Moscow Art Theater, the actress serves in the theater of transport. At the beginning of 1928, Maria Mironova first appeared with a number in which she played the role of Capa. The central plot of the issue was a satirically built telephone conversation. In the future, the actress reworked the image and changed its names. The number received the approval of viewers and critics. Since 1938, the actress has been working in the theater of miniatures. Here, her rooms are very popular and collect full rooms. In 1939, Mary and her husband presented the audience the number of quarreling spouses. The couple have been together for decades. Subsequently, the number became a classic of the Soviet stage. Parents transferred their acting talent to their son - Andrei Mironov.

Emil Borel (1871-1956), French mathematician

An outstanding mathematician was born on January 7, 1871 in France. Emil received primary education from his father, who served as Pasteur in the church. From childhood, little Emil showed interest in the mathematical sciences, and at the age of 3 he began studying geometry. Studying at school, the boy participates in various contests and olympiads on mathematical subjects, in which he takes prizes. After school, the young man enters the university. After his graduation, he begins teaching. Soon he makes a series of discoveries. He formulates the theory of measure and compares it with the theory of relativity, develops mathematical analysis, and develops the theory of functions. Even during his life he becomes an outstanding mathematician. In 1934, Borel became President of the Paris Academy of Sciences. His names are concepts in algebra, theorems, functions, measures, criteria, classes, etc. Over his entire scientific career, Borel has published more than three hundred works in the mathematical sciences. During World War II, the scientist was on the side of the French resistance forces. After the war, continued scientific research.

January 7th

Gregory, Timothy, Ilya, Julian


Watch the video: Highlight events, weekends and holidays on calendar in Excel (July 2024).