Microinfarction in men: causes, symptoms, possible complications. Treatment of microinfarction in men, prevention


Microinfarction in men is a condition in which partial myocardial necrosis occurs due to insufficient blood supply.

Consider in more detail the first symptoms of a microinfarction in men, as well as methods of treating this dangerous ailment.

Causes of microinfarction in men

The main reason for the development of microinfarction in men, doctors call atherosclerotic lesions of the blood vessels of the heart and their further thrombosis, which is why a certain part of the human heart dies.

Additional reasons that may affect the development of microinfarction in the stronger sex are:

1. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic serious illness that causes a sharp deterioration in lipid and carbohydrate metabolic processes in the body.

2. Smoking. It provokes a narrowing of blood vessels, which is why a person gradually develops ischemia. This bad habit at times increases the risk of developing a microinfarction.

3. Atherosclerosis is a chronic vascular disease in which a person deposits cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, which over time contributes to the formation of blood clots.

4. Excessive physical exertion, which increased the heart's need for oxygen, but the body could not supply enough blood. Because of this, a microinfarction can also occur.

5. Obesity.

6. Emotional stress (stress, excitement).

7. Sharp jumps in blood pressure contribute to the destruction of the walls of blood vessels.

The first symptoms of a microinfarction in men

The first symptoms of a microinfarction in men may not be very pronounced. Moreover, in some cases, people who suffer from chronic heart diseases may not even give them any significance until their condition worsens.

There are such frequent signs of a microinfarction in men:

1. At the very beginning after the development of the disease, a person may feel soreness in the area of ​​the location of the heart. In this case, the pain can be pressing, burning, cutting and give to the left shoulder blade or lower back.

2. It can become difficult for a person to breathe (feeling of lack of air even when staying on the street). Also, shortness of breath and a feeling of pressure in the chest often occur.

3. A characteristic blueness may occur in the nose and lips.

4. The patient may faint or suffer from severe dizziness. Severe headache is also often observed.

5. A person may be disturbed by a panic attack, the fear of death, which will be accompanied by cold sweat and chills.

6. Strong anxiety occurs as a reaction of the body to a malfunction in the cardiovascular system. Moreover, the person himself may not know that he had a microinfarction.

7. The pulse will be poorly felt in the hands. The heartbeat is uneven, intermittent.

8. There is an increase in body temperature.

9. Hands and feet can become very cold due to severe circulatory disorders.

10. Body aches and joint pain.

11. Often there are symptoms of the digestive system: nausea, loss of appetite, pain in the left side.

Important! When the above symptoms appear, a person should contact a cardiologist as soon as possible and make a diagnosis, because a timely detected microinfarction is much easier to treat. Moreover, this is the only way to protect yourself from the development of a real myocardial infarction.

Microinfarction in men: treatment

If you suspect a heart attack in a person, you should follow this first aid scheme:

1. Lay the person in a horizontal position.

2. Open the window so that there is more fresh air. You also need to unfasten the top buttons of the shirt and loosen the belt so that it is easier for the patient to breathe.

3. Measure blood pressure and calculate the pulse.

4. Give the person a tablet of nitroglycerin.

5. Call a doctor.

It is very important that after an attack the patient does not exert any physical activity. For this reason, it is best if ambulance doctors deliver him to the hospital.

Giving a person any other medications is prohibited, as they can only worsen the patient's condition. All medicines should be prescribed by a doctor after a diagnosis.

Traditional therapy after a microinfarction is not very different from the treatment of a heart attack with severe myocardial lesions. In this case, the patient is hospitalized without fail and he is constantly monitored for heart function.

Drug therapy for microinfarction involves the appointment of such groups of drugs:

1. Anticoagulants.

2. Diuretic drugs.

3. Aspirin Cardio (usually prescribed for life-long administration after a microinfarction).

4. Statins are used to combat atherosclerosis.

5. Preparations for the normalization of heart rhythm and overall heart function (Cordinorm).

6. The use of pain medications.

7. Prescription of drugs for vasodilation.

8. Prescribing drugs to improve blood circulation.

If a microinfarction caused a blood clot, then the patient can be injected into the vessels with drugs that will dissolve the resulting blood clot. Less commonly performed surgery.

In addition, a person after a microinfarction should adhere to such medical advice:

1. In the first days after an attack, you need to observe bed rest, as well as completely limit any physical and psycho-emotional stress.

2. A person is shown to follow a strict diet aimed at strengthening immunity. Thus, you need to eat cereals, dairy products and vegetable purees.

3. During the rehabilitation period, you can give small physical exertion, but you should not overdo it.

4. Even after discharge, you need to constantly monitor blood pressure. If the condition worsens, consult a doctor immediately.

It is important to know that the addition to the diagnosis of "micro" heart attack should not lead patients to conclusion, because this condition is no less dangerous.

Microinfarction in men: treatment, complications, prevention

Complications and consequences of the experienced microinfarction in many respects depend on the existing pathologies in a person, as well as the time when treatment was started. Thus, if a patient has been delaying for a long time with a visit to a doctor, then a microinfarction can develop into a full-fledged heart attack, which, in turn, has a high risk of death.

If a person started treatment on time, then all the same he cannot escape the consequences of such a pathology. Most often, patients develop chronic heart failure, arrhythmia, and frequent heart pain.

Whatever the degree of complexity of a microinfarction, it always has a huge negative effect on the human body and does not pass without a trace.

To reduce the likelihood of developing this disease, men should adhere to the following doctor's recommendations:

1. Stop smoking. Just once brute force this habit a man will protect himself from vital consequences.

2. Be physically active. This means that you must regularly give an allowable load on the heart. At the same time, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself in the gym - it will be enough to practice long walks, cycling, swimming or running in the morning. Such sports loads will keep the body in good shape, increase immunity, and also help stabilize the nervous system.

3. Eat right. The diet should consist primarily of protein foods and fiber-rich foods. It is better to completely abandon the so-called "cholesterol" food (fried meat, lard, sausages, etc.).

4. When the first signs of a microinfarction appear, you do not need to self-medicate and wait until everything "goes away". The right decision will be to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

5. To control your psycho-emotional state and not to allow strong unrest, because they increase the heart rate.

6. Control your weight and prevent obesity. If you can’t get in shape on your own, then you need to contact an experienced nutritionist who will prescribe a suitable diet.

7. To treat diseases that may contribute to the development of microinfarction (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, etc.).

8. Monitor blood pressure and prevent sudden jumps.


Watch the video: Acute Coronary Syndrome and Heart Attack (July 2024).