Omelet in a package: recipes for an unusual diet dish. Cooking boiled omelet in a bag of meat, berries, vegetables, herbs


Omelet is a traditional "morning" dish, very tasty, healthy and low-calorie. Having high nutritional value with a minimum of calories, it gives strength, but does not harm the figure. A boiled omelet in a bag has a particularly delicate taste.

The benefits of omelet in the pact and its differences from a traditional dish

Traditional omelet variants are cooked in a pan, in the oven, in a double boiler or in a slow cooker. Few people know that you can make boiled omelet in a bag. Meanwhile, an unusual dish differs from a classic one, and significantly.

Omelet made in such a strange way is completely oil free. It is not necessary to fry it, therefore, a fried crust inappropriate in an omelet is not formed. It is harmful and even dangerous to health. Adults can make decisions on their own, but the children's body must be protected. Therefore, the omelet in the bag is ideal for baby food.

In addition, the unusual way of cooking solves the most important problem of a real delicious omelet: it makes the dish high, airy without any flour or decoy. To achieve this in a pan or slow cooker is very difficult. Even if a piece of a magnificent beautiful omelet falls on a plate, a modest egg cake often gets to the table.

The omelet in the package is guaranteed to be lush, while maintaining a pleasant fullness and after cooling in a plate. Given the ease of preparation, this is a pleasant bonus to the undoubted benefits. There are other pluses: in boiling water, the dish will not be able to burn and does not require special supervision during cooking.

Like a regular omelet, an unusual boiled can be complicated. For example, add meat, chicken, greens, vegetables and other ingredients to it.

Omelet in a packet: general principles of preparation

The omelet base is prepared in the same way as for the preparation of a classic omelet. The milk is whipped with eggs and salt using a hand whisk, mixer, blender or the old fashioned way, manually. Everything is very simple, and subject to proportions, the taste of the dish will remain unchanged.

The technology for thickening a cooked omelet in a package is special. Here's what you need to get an excellent tasty dish:

• pan with boiling water;

• a dense food bag (it is best to take special plastic bags to freeze foods, they are stronger and guaranteed not to tear);

• clerical gum.

Here, in fact, the whole simple set that is needed for a culinary experiment. The omelette mixture will remain placed inside the bag, tie it firmly and dip in boiling water.

Cooked omelet recipes in a bag

The first experience in preparing an omelet in a pact should be enjoyable, so you should master the classic recipe. In the future, you can go to more complex options for the dish.

Classic omelet

The minimum ingredients make this recipe the perfect base for breakfast or dinner. You can combine an omelet prepared according to the classic recipe with anything: ham, fresh vegetables, cheese, meat are suitable.


• three chicken eggs;

• 160 ml of fresh milk of normal fat content;

• salt;

• one and a half liters of water.

Cooking method:

Eggs must first be washed. The shell may be stained with honor, particles of dirt and feathers. All this must be washed off with running water, and then blot the eggs with a dry cloth.

In a perfectly dry bowl break the eggs.

Pour in the norm of milk.

Beat everything vigorously by hand or with a mixer.

Salt and beat again.

Open a thick plastic bag and attach it to a deep plate so that you can not worry about the fate of the egg-milk mixture, that is, not to be afraid that it will pour out.

Transfer the omelette base into the bag.

Tighten the edges tightly and grab with an elastic band.

Put a small pan on the fire, pouring a norm of water into it.

Put the bag with the future omelet in water and bring it to a boil.

Cook the omelet for ten minutes until completely thickened.

The readiness of an omelet is determined by its consistency. As the boiled omelet in the bag becomes dense, it is ready.

Remove the bag with the finished dish from boiling water, put on a plate and allow to cool slightly.

Cut off the top of the bag along with the elastic, being careful not to burn your hands.

Put a magnificent, very tender omelet on plates and serve.

Omelet in a bag with cauliflower

The more sophisticated omelette recipe in the package includes various components. For example, cauliflower. It has many vitamins and minerals that are useful for the body, it helps fight skin problems, and is indicated for diabetes and gastritis.


• one hundred grams of cauliflower;

• three eggs;

• 140 ml of milk;

• salt;

• greens (optional).

Cooking method:

Cauliflower cut into thin plates.

Chop dill with a knife as small as possible.

Break eggs into a bowl, mix with salt and milk and beat thoroughly until dense bubbles of foam appear.

Add cabbage and greens to the omelette base.

Gently pour into the bag as described above.

Cook the omelet after boiling for about half an hour.

Remove from boiling water, cut the bag and arrange on plates.

Sweet boiled omelet with berries

Surprise and delight a child with a sweet berry omelet - what could be better to start a new happy day? As a filler for an egg-milk base, any berries are suitable: raspberries, sliced ​​into pieces strawberries, blueberries. If a berry miracle is prepared on a low-calorie diet, you can not put sugar in it. But milk is not necessary for this dish.


• two eggs;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• a handful of berries;

• a pinch of salt;

• half a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking method:

Separate the proteins from the yolks and beat until a dense mass is obtained.

Squeeze lemon juice and add to the protein with sugar and salt. Beat everything up again.

Pour in the yolks and mix gently with a whisk.

Wash the berries, dry them slightly on a paper towel and sprinkle in a bag.

Pour the scrambled eggs base.

Tie a bag and cook for twenty minutes.

Omelet in a bag with meat and tomatoes

A very tasty and satisfying dish will turn out if you cook an omelet with tomatoes and pieces of meat. Such an omelet can replace a full dinner. It prepares quickly, which is especially pleasant after a busy day. The meat can be anything. Boiled beef or poultry, and a slice of baked pork, and high-quality store ham will do. If desired, you can add your favorite spices to the dish.


• three eggs;

• half a glass of milk;

• one hundred grams of boiled meat;

• one small tomato;

• a tablespoon of chopped greens;

• salt.

Cooking method:

Cut the meat into small cubes. If it is too wet, put it on a paper towel to absorb moisture.

Chop greens and tomato.

Beat eggs, milk and salt to make bubbles appear.

Throw meat and greens into a bowl with egg base, mix.

Pour into a bag and cook according to the main recipe for about half an hour.

Omelette in the package - tricks and tips

Boiled omelet can be varied with shrimp, meat, vegetables, herbs and even berries. Dried fruits are suitable for the sweet version of omelet: they do not give excess fluid. For a child, you can make a sweet dish by simply adding a teaspoon of sugar instead of salt.

By the way, boiled omelet is convenient to do in the morning, raising the child after sleep. While the bag with the scrambled eggs base boils independently and completely safely in a saucepan, you can wash the baby, put it on, put the bed in order. When the morning business is over, you just have to get the finished omelet from the bag and put it on plates.

Instead of bags for freezing, you can take two ordinary plastic bags to protect yourself from troubles. First tightly tie one, then the second. Such a design is unlikely to break. In addition, be sure to check the tight bag to freeze the products for holes in it.

You can lower the bag into boiling water only if you are confident in its strength. Thermal difference resistant bags will safely survive bathing in boiling water. If there is no confidence in the strength of the bag, it is better to lower it in warm water.

By cutting the package, you can get very burned. Therefore, you need to act very carefully so that the steam jet does not damage the skin.

A cooked omelet made according to any recipe is a light, tasty, healthy dish. It fits perfectly into the concept of children's, sports and dietary nutrition and is suitable for everyone who adheres to a healthy diet.


Watch the video: How to Cook Perfect Roast Beef. Jamie Oliver (June 2024).