Products That May Harm Your Skin


Skin imperfections constantly cause people troubles. The struggle begins already in adolescence, when some have acne, and continues at a more mature age, when the first wrinkles and, later, sagging skin make themselves felt. The market is replete with creams, serums and other skin care products, but this is not enough. If you do not maintain healthy skin from the inside, problems can not be avoided. Dermatologists from New York attach great importance to proper nutrition and maintaining the immune system in improving skin health.

Some products moisturize the skin, thus protecting it from premature aging. But there are those that cause great harm. This is not only convenience foods, fast foods, dyes and preservatives. They also include products that are quite harmless and even considered useful.

The first is seafood. Seaweed, crabs, lobsters, shrimps are rich in iodine, an excess of which in the body can cause the formation of acne. It is especially not recommended to be fond of seafood to owners of an oily skin.

Secondly, salt. It is known that by holding fluid in the body, it contributes to facial swelling.

Thirdly, skim milk. This product should also be used with caution for those with problematic skin.

Fourth, high glycemic index foods that increase oily skin. Such products include flour, sweet and starchy foods.

Fifth, sugar that breaks down collagen. The skin loses its elasticity and becomes wrinkled.

Sixth, alcohol. It dehydrates the body, which contributes to the early formation of wrinkles.


Watch the video: 7 "Safe" Products That Can Do Harm to Your Face (July 2024).