Haircuts lunar calendar for august 2014


A little more, and the hot summer will fly away into oblivion, but for now you need to catch the best days of languid August. All things have been put off, the time has come for rest and relaxation, which means you can add new sensations to your life and live out the last summer month with style. What, if not a new haircut, will allow you to enjoy this vacation to the fullest, saturating the lazy sunny space with new impressions.

The most important dates that the lunar calendar of August draws attention to are the full moon and the new moon on August 10 and 25. And this means that the growing moon at the beginning of the month is quite capable of giving hairstyles positive energy along with excellent hair growth. Realize your intentions immediately, since the most auspicious days under the constellation Virgo are at the very beginning. Pause on the 5th and 6th numbers, and again forward. The haircut will be even, the hair obedient. After the haircut, stock up on hair styling products and create a new look yourself. This is completely uncomplicated. From an ordinary "bean" on a short leg, you can make a lot of interesting variations. For example, a hairstyle for every day - divide the hair into a very low side parting, curl it in curlers and lay it on the other side.

Having fixed with varnish, you can walk with such a hairstyle for a couple of days. The same hairstyle in the festive version will look different: curl your hair on curlers, then make out the curls into messy locks. Separate curls highlight modeling wax. Or another option - comb back, lubricate with gel from the roots, and comb on the back of the head. Sprinkle everything with varnish. All of these options do not have to spend a lot of time. And if the haircut is done at the right time, it will fit perfectly. Such "little things" can be done with many other types of haircuts, and this makes them so popular especially in the summer, when it is possible to walk without hats.

Haircuts lunar calendar for august 2014 - hair waving

In August, many characters expect a creative upsurge, especially in the second half. People have long known how the lunar calendar affects hair condition. Curling curls, you also need to pay attention to favorable and unfavorable periods. The first and last quarters, which this month almost coincide with the regular calendar, favor any hair surgery. Curl your hair in the first three days of the month, starting from August 13, all week, and from August 26 to the very last days. Hair may begin to curl on August 25, but you should not do perms on this day. You can twist hair into papillots, which in modern design can take the most bizarre shapes.

Haircuts lunar calendar for august 2014 - hair coloring

There is nothing easier than making your hair brighter or discoloring it by several tones. In August 2014, hair coloring will be successful almost all the time, especially when the moon is under the signs of the Virgin and Leo, Aries and Taurus. Postpone the staining procedure on August 6-10. A temporary dye, holding on for only a few days, will help you feel which color and what concentration is best suited. Dyes are washed off quickly, because only the top coat is stained, but the gray hair is completely painted over. In this case, the color fades gradually.

The dye and coloring lotions are well suited for tinting and have the advantage that the paint is washed off with completely potent, non-staining lotions. A good hair dye for about 20 washing procedures remains almost unchanged. After only about 5 weeks, only the overgrown tips will have to be painted, and previously painted areas are refreshed. Persistent paint paints gray hair almost forever - to the border where the hair grows. The pigment enters the cortex in the 30 minutes that are indicated in the instructions, then another 10 minutes is fixed from the inside.

It is recommended to dye only regrown hair, otherwise pigments, again oxidizing in the hair, will make them porous. When dyeing hair, it becomes thicker, and a change in porosity reduces the greasy hair. The rich tone of the paint makes the hair thicker, and vice versa, thin hair looks even thinner when lightening.

Haircuts lunar calendar for August 2014 - favorable haircut days

Just a hundred years ago, a woman with a short haircut caused ridicule and misunderstanding. Everything happened quickly enough - the world changed with the development of technological progress. Movement speeds increased, and it took a lot of courage from the weak half of humanity to make a short haircut simple and familiar. First, the hair was cut off to the line of the chin, and then they were given a diverse shape.

A rare beauty at least once in her life will not try to radically change her image, and make herself a short, daring hairstyle. Haircut very brightly emphasizes facial features, especially the eyes. In August, several positive factors successfully intertwine - the growth of the moon, the zodiac signs and more. The first and last weeks of the month fit perfectly. Under the signs of Taurus and Crayfish, the haircut will also be smooth and clear, from August 17 to August 22 you can try something new. After August 25, hair will grow especially well.

Haircuts lunar calendar for August 2014 - adverse haircut days

In August, which is favorable for hairstyles and well-being, only a few days are excluded - the full moon, the new moon and the constellations of Lions and Scorpios. These days it is better to take care of your hair - in the summer heat, they can become too dry. Dry hair can occur for many reasons, from the genotype and ending with nervous stress. But most often the problem is caused by improper hair care. This is frequent staining, constant drying with a hairdryer and open hair under the scorching summer sun.

When buying a hairdryer, ask if there is a temperature switch there. On hot days, dry your hair only in cold mode. In the heat, do not wash your hair every day, because a lot of the lipid layer is washed off when washing. Hair care products should be appropriate for their type. Dry your hair ends with your fingertips with cosmetic oil. Self-massage the scalp to improve blood circulation at the roots of the hair.

Haircuts lunar calendar for August 2014 - conclusion

The lunar haircut calendar helps you find out the best time to do hairstyles, regardless of whether you radically change the image, or just trim the locks. The horoscope of hairstyles allows you to choose the time for the design of the bangs.

Is bangs coming for me?

Every girl asks herself such a question, even one who has never tried walking with her bangs. Indeed, in this original detail lies many opportunities for reincarnation. The thick and wide bangs from ear to ear makes visually more voluminous. The milled edges seem stylish, and too short bangs above the forehead reduce the woman's age, turning her into a naive and sweet child. A vamp woman makes her bangs covering her eyebrows and eyes. If you thin out the bangs and beat the hair from the top of the head, the image becomes youthful and touching. Oblique bangs can be with a different slope, combed to the temple or located directly. The length plays an important role, and it is selected based on the proportions of the face.

Use the lunar horoscope of haircuts, and your changes will be successful.


Watch the video: - Economic Calendar by Dukascopy (July 2024).