December 12: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays December 12

Kenya Independence Day

For Kenya, Independence Day is not just a holiday. The date of December 12, 1963, is the liberation of the people of Kenya from the oppression of the British Empire, this is the chance for the first time in centuries to build a state for Kenyans, to realize the dreams of a decent life for a black man and citizen. Given the special importance of the holiday, Kenyans celebrate this celebration with special scope. They arrange magnificent feasts, decorate houses with national symbols, organize folk games and festivities. A traveler who accidentally came to the celebration of Kenya’s Independence Day will leave unforgettable impressions of the goodwill of Kenyans, the national cuisine and culture of this African people.

Constitution Day of Russia

Constitution Day in Russia is a relatively young holiday and has been celebrated since 1993. Then on December 12, the most important constitutional document was adopted at a referendum. Boris Yeltsin, the president acting at that time, insisted on the adoption of the Constitution by direct popular will, bypassing the discredited and not sufficiently stable institution of parliamentarism. In the XX century, Russia changed the Constitution five times, in 1918, in 1924, then the pre-war version of the Constitution was adopted in 1936 and the last Soviet Constitution was adopted in 1977. This Constitution is a fundamental document focused on the democratic development of the Russian state. It is important to remember that the Constitution of the state is not a formal set of laws, but a kind of linking document, a framework of the legal system of the state. The Constitution works and acts daily, ensuring the interaction of all spheres and concepts of modern society and the state. The knowledge of the Constitution by citizens of the country is the key to the balance of state structure, the system of law and economic processes. The first copy of the Constitution, also called official or inaugural, is kept in the residence of the head of the Russian state. The document is made of red leather, the state emblem of the Russian Federation is placed on it, as well as a golden embossed inscription - the Constitution of Russia. Currently, the date of December 12 is not a day off, according to the amendment of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of 12.24.2004.

Turkmenistan Neutrality Day

On December 12, 1995, a session of the UN General Assembly approved a resolution recognizing Turkmenistan as a state with permanent neutrality, based on the will, the Turkmen people and the government. By this decision, the young country wants to emphasize its desire for peaceful coexistence with all the peoples of the earth and undertakes not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. From now on, the date of December 12 is considered to be a state holiday in Turkmenistan.

Ground Forces Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Every year on December 12, Ukraine marks the Day of Ground Forces, on the basis of the decree of the President of Ukraine, which was signed on 18.10. 1997 year. Keeping the traditions of the Soviet army, the Ground Forces of Ukraine today are the most developed type of troops in the Ukrainian army. They are fully equipped with modern military equipment and are in full combat readiness, as well as able to quickly respond to any threat or challenge directed against Ukraine.

Switzerland Flag Day

The Swiss Confederation has existed for more than seven centuries. The independence of the state personifies its flag, the flag of Switzerland for its centuries-old history, practically did not undergo significant changes. This banner is square in shape, the fabric is colored red, and a white cross is depicted in the center of the flag. The Swiss flag, the most unusual among European powers. Estimated time of occurrence of the flag of the country, 1339. In ancient times, the symbols of the Swiss army were red banners, later white crosses were added to them, however, the ends of the cross reached the edges of the flag. Flag Day in Switzerland is a rather significant holiday, celebrated in all cantons of the confederation.

Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico

This day in Mexico is special, it symbolizes the victory of Christianity in the lands of Mexico and the consolidation of Catholicism in the minds of the indigenous people. Officially celebrated since 1859, in fact, from December 12, 1531. According to legend, then, at the beginning of the 16th century, the Virgin Mary appeared to a young Indian, Juan Diego, in the vicinity of the Tepeiac hill, and instructed the Indian to preach the Christian faith. In honor of this event, the Basilica Church was built on the hill in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe ... The Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico is a great holiday, symbolized by the flowers that, according to legend, Juan Diego gathered on the hill at the behest of the Virgin Mary.

Feast of the Nineteenth Day of the Month of Masail

An important holiday in the Arab world, translated "questions", has deep religious roots. It is celebrated on December 12 and marks the opening of a peculiar month of “fasting,” according to the nineteen-month calendar of the Baha'i community. The holiday also aims to unite society, regardless of social and financial status. On this day, all walks of life become, as it were, one whole people. The celebration takes place in a friendly atmosphere with a manifestation of love for each other.


On December 12, Jews celebrate the so-called candle festival, which begins on the twenty-fifth day of the Kislev month and lasts more than a week. The holiday immortalized itself, the events of two thousand years ago. Namely, the struggle of the Jewish people with Egyptian and Greek oppressors. The symbol on these events was the Temple on the Temple Mount, in which the fire in the golden menorah burned for 8 days, but there was only one day's supply of oil in it. Thanks to this miracle, it was possible to stock up with the necessary amount of oil and consecrate the Temple again. To celebrate this holiday, Jews light candles in a special order. They give children toys and money, as well as treat them with sweets.

December 12th in the folk calendar

Paramon Winter Pointer

Saint Paramon suffered for the faith, along with 370 martyrs in the year 250. Gentiles imprisoned Christians, forced them to renounce their beliefs and worship idols. Upon learning of this, the local Christian Paramon spoke out openly against cruel rulers. In punishment for such a fearless act, he and the other martyrs were beheaded. Paramon was nicknamed the Winter Indicator because on his day it was possible to foresee the weather for the whole month of December. "Morning is red - December to be clear," people said. If there was a blizzard that day, this weather will last until December 19. People believed that from this day the winter walks through the villages in a bear's skin, knocks on the roofs, tells women to get up, cook porridge, and heat the stove. In Paramonov day on snow made forecasts for next year. Snow did not fall in winter; there will be no bread; if the snow is deep, it will be a good year; a lot of snow - a lot of bread. The peasants believed in such signs.

Historical events December 12

December 12, 1787 US state of Pennsylvania ratifies US Constitution

The state of Pennsylvania, perhaps the "most democratic state" of the United States, is not for nothing that the state's motto is the words "Virtue, Freedom and Independence." The state was the first among the North American states to pass slave liberation law. He was one of the first twelve states of the founders of the United States of America and without hesitation adopted the US Declaration of Independence. And December 12, 1787 and the Constitution of the new state.

December 12, 1905 Proclaimed Novorossiysk Republic

On December 12, 1905, the so-called Novorossiysk Republic was formed, the putschist self-education based on the proletarians, peasants and rebellious Cossacks. The ideology of this pseudo-state was based on the struggle against the autocratic state system existing at that time and on the path to building socialism. This utopian education lasted exactly two weeks (December 12 - 26, 1905). Government troops sent to Novorossiysk to crush the riot literally crushed the uprising in just one day. The organizers and instigators of the coup were severely punished, the city was restored to legal authority.

December 12, 1911 India announces relocation of capital from Calcutta to Delhi

The Indian emperor George V. announced the transfer of the capital to Delhi. The Indian capital was transferred several times from one city to another and only in 1911, it was finally decided that Delhi would still remain the capital of India. If you look at the map of India, you can see how Delhi seems to dominate the whole country. The city is located in the center of the northern part of the state, at the intersection of important cultural, economic and transport routes. Since antiquity, a peculiar metropolitan tradition and the elite of society has developed in it. And most importantly, all the states of India perceive Delhi as the capital of the whole state, and not of any ethnically isolated territory.

December 12, 1941 Soviet liberation of Solnechnogorsk and Stalinogorsk

Cities liberated on December 12, 1941 during the Moscow defensive - offensive operation, tank brigade of Colonel A. Kravchenko and the Guards Corps, Lieutenant General Belov P.A. The city of Stalinogorsk (now Novomoskovsk) was severely affected by the short-term German occupation, which lasted no more than seventeen days.

December 12, 1961 The United States launched into orbit the world's first radio satellite OSCAR-1

On December 12, 1961, American radio amateurs, with the support of NASSA, launched an amateur radio satellite into orbit, the launch of which was a stable transmission of a telegraph signal. The satellite worked in orbit for no more than twenty-two days and stably transmitted HI HI signals at a frequency of 144.983.

December 12, 1901 A table tennis association founded in Britain

Between 1901, a new sport appears in the UK, table tennis, later called Ping Pong. It is believed that the founders of the game were the British military, who returned from service in India and Africa. A significant contribution to the development of the game was made by the British James Gibb, he significantly modernized the attributes for ping-pong and in many ways reworked the rules of table tennis. Soon, the new game became so popular that on December 12, 1901, a table tennis association was formed in England. And in 1927, London hosted the first world table tennis championship.

December 12 were born:

Leonid Bykov (1928 - 1979), Russian and Ukrainian actor, director.

On December 12, 1928, the outstanding Soviet and Ukrainian actor and director Leonid Bykov was born. Leonid Fedorovich, had a natural talent for acting. All the roles played by him were given to him so naturally and easily that the viewer believed this brilliant actor from the first moments of his appearance in the frame. Famous roles; Maxim Perepelitsa - Maxim, Bunny - Leo Bunny, some old people go to battle - Titorenko and others. The actor was very fond of Ukraine and proudly bore the title of People's Artist of Ukraine. After the death of Leonid Fedorovich, he left his wife, daughter and son.

Nikolay Karamzin (1766 - 1826), Russian writer historian-historiographer.

Until the end of his life, Nikolai Mikhailovich wrote the History of the Russian state. He began to write from very ancient times, from the time when the Slavs were first mentioned. The writer managed to bring "his History" to the period of "turmoil." Karamzin’s colossal work includes 12 volumes of a text containing high literary dignity; they analyze and publish historical sources, thoughts and opinions of Russian and European authors.

Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), English naturalist, doctor, forecaster, poet.

He promoted the development of evolution under the influence of external environmental factors. He was a doctor, conducted a series of experiments in physics and biology. He gained fame as a predictor, as he foresaw the scientific and technical leap of mankind. He was persecuted by the church. He was married twice, had ten children.

Vladimir Shainsky (1925) Russian and Soviet composer.

The legendary Soviet and Russian composer was born on December 12, 1925 in Kiev. People's Artist of the RSFSR. The most talented composer of his time, wrote and writes music for films, cartoons, musicals, television shows. But his main activity is aimed at creating simple, soulful music that would win the hearts of both children and adults. The music of Shainsky is kind and memorable for life, for many generations.

Edward Munch (1863-1944), artist.

The famous Norwegian artist. The author of the famous painting "Scream". Adherent of expressionism. Born December 12, 1863, died January 23, 1944. Suffered from a chronic mental illness

Alfred WERNER (1866-1919), Swiss chemist, Nobel laureate.

Years of life December 12, 1866 - November 15, 1919. An outstanding Swiss chemist, made a number of important discoveries in the field of coordination chemistry. For which he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Name Day December 12th:

Fedor, Ivan, Paramon, Nikolay, Denis, Daniel.


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