What does the well dream about: with clean or muddy water, dig a well, fall into a well. Basic Interpretations - What a Water Well Is Dreaming of


"As he looked into the water" - so they say about those who can predict the development of events in the future.

There is also a belief that if you peer into the well water for a long time, you can see your betrothed in it.

But why dream of a well? What does such a dream mean?

What the well dreams about - basic interpretation

Well in a dream - you will come up with interesting ideas, thanks to which you can change your life for the better. You want to learn secrets, to reveal what was previously hidden from you, if you look in a dream in a well.

If you are bent over a well in a dream and peer into it for a long time, but it is empty - your hopes will not come true, you will lose more than you will receive. What is the dream of a well with water for? To the search for hope and a way out of a difficult situation. You peer into the expanse of water as yourself. You need answers and you will receive them.

It is also worth paying special attention to the following interpretations of dreams about a well:

• Collect water from the well - your secret and long-standing desires will be satisfied;

• Artesian well - a symbol of your outstanding capabilities and they will open before you the door to a brighter future;

• Turbid water in the well - quarrels and problems;

• The well is empty - fate will turn away from you;

• Pump water from a well - your prospects for improvement;

• Fall into the well - you are in despair;

• If you go down the well yourself - the machinations of enemies will not succeed.

If you dream that you drink water from a well - in reality you will return to your sources. This dream may portend your return to your family, to your old job, to a past relationship. If you drop something into a well in a dream - in reality you will lose what you treasured. A destroyed well warns against unforeseen and uncontrolled actions. It is worth doing everything wisely.

Why dream a well with water in a gypsy dream book

What is the dream of a well with water for? In a gypsy dream book it is said that such a dream promises in reality an increase in wealth. If a you draw water from a well in a dream - in reality you will have a marriage, a meeting with the person with whom he will become possible. Drinking muddy water from a well in a dream is a matter of doubt and concern. But they will be justified. You should not be upset in advance, it is better to look at the bed and understand why it is you who are forced to slurp mud and muddy water from the well.

It is believed that the appearance of a well image in a dream is psychological in nature and is a reflection of past events. So, it is worth noting that if you dreamed about how you spat in the well - you should not count on waking support from friends. Most likely - you already need it badly, but you won’t get it.

If the well is destroyed in a dream - you will be unfair to a loved one, and anger and anger will govern you. It is worth reconsidering your attitude to close people, not succumbing to minute weaknesses.

If in a dream you dropped something into the well - You should be attentive to your desires and needs. Don't you want too much? Perhaps the time has come to change priorities so as not to lose what you already have in pursuit of what might happen sometime.

Why dream well on Miller’s dream book

In Miller’s dream book it is said that the well appears in a dream as a symbol of the fact that you will begin to use your power to the detriment of another. In the past, you abused your power and directed your knowledge against another innocent person. Today you have to pay for your oversight.

You should be very attentive to the behavior of people from your environment. You should not reveal secrets to anyone and share your feelings. Let your interests remain with you for now, because the probability that you will be betrayed and you will not be ready for such a turn of events is too great.

If in a dream you fell into the well by pure chance - Your plans for a brighter future will be destroyed. Do not exaggerate your advantages, as you have a lot of disadvantages. You should moderate your ardor and be more considerate with the people around you. If someone pushed you into a well - it is worth remembering who it was. This person is waking up a conspiracy against you, has long dreamed of depriving you of your well-being and material well.

If you look into the well and see in it a reflection of a stranger to you - An unexpected but fateful meeting awaits you. It is worth remembering the image that you saw in the well, it is very likely that this person you will meet in reality.

If you yourself go down the well - life is on your side and all the machinations of enemies will not succeed. To pump water from a well - to find a lot of opportunities for your development and personal growth. Do not rush to lose heart - incredible prospects open before you.

Empty well in a dream promises emptiness of hopes, empty promises, do not put too much hope in your soulmate. Most likely, your relationship will not live up to dreams and will outlive itself.

Dirty muddy water promises you the severity of thoughts, the severity of decision-making. You should be more collected and not pay attention to what others are saying. In the literal sense of the word, they will smear your life with dirt and expect a reaction from you. Do not waste energy on empty showdowns.

Why dream of a well with water according to Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that water personifies purity and integrity of feelings. And if in a dream you see a well with water - this dream indicates that you are filled and saturated with emotions. Do not complain about fate, everything is in your hands.

If a lonely girl dreams of a well - she should expect increased attention from the opposite sex. In fact, she may have a man in her heart, but she so wants light and naive feelings. I want to love, and that love is mutual.

If you look into the well, and the stars are reflected in it - It’s time for you to end with dreams and return to reality. Perhaps you have played too long and take what you wish for reality. Do not you relate to your soulmate with great love, which does not give you the opportunity to see things really.

What does the dream book recommend? Open your eyes to the essence of things and the essence of your relationship. If family people dream of a dried-up well - it is worth fearing a break in relations. The reason for it may be a cooling of feelings and a lack of sexual desire between partners. It is important to maintain harmony within yourself and fill the energy of your partner. Do not give up - you need to fight for relationships.

If in a dream you yourself throw the well with earth - in reality you will abandon those relationships that have filled you for a long time and give you the strength to live. This refusal may be justified, but at the same time it will not bring you any satisfaction, you will always want to restore the lost relationship.

Why dream of a well in other dream books

In the dream book of Meneghetti It is said that water has life-giving properties, so a dream in which a well appears promises an improvement in life and an improvement in relations between people. If the water is transparent in the well - in your life there will be no place for negativity and problems. But if the water in it becomes sharply cloudy - you should be afraid of negativity from ill-wishers.

In the dream book of Zhou Gong it is said that digging a well and seeing water in it is worth expecting good news from afar. If the well itself collapses, it is worth waiting for problems in the family, empty quarrels and gossip are possible.

If the water from the well is in full swing - the energy will also hit you, you can bring any matter to the end and get a lot of benefits from this. If you see how the well is drying up to the last drop - you should not expect profit, you will spend everything to the last penny.

If you draw water from a well and drink it with someone - such a dream means that in reality you will share your glory and your success with a person you know. If you drink water with your beloved, it means that understanding and peace of mind will reign in your relationship.

Any dream, good or not, it promises joyful events or sad ones - this is just a dream. In reality, a completely different action takes place - life. It is she who should pay special attention. Dreams can only tell you how to improve life and what to do in order for everything to work out in it. Believe the tips or not - everyone chooses their own, but it is worth listening to the tips. Any warning about potential losses and problems is a great value. Of course, it is better to see only joyful and bright dreams. Then life resembles a fairy tale.

And what is the dream of water for?


Watch the video: . u200eWater Well. u200e. u200eDream Interpretation (June 2024).