Potato with eggplant in a slow cooker - fast and tasty. How to cook potatoes with eggplant in a slow cooker - best recipes


Potatoes with eggplant in the oven have been cooked for many decades. Now it has become even easier to make this dish, because in almost every kitchen there is such an assistant as a crock-pot.

Vegetables in it are cooked evenly and saturated with aromas and tastes of each other.

Potato with eggplant in a slow cooker - basic principles of cooking

Potatoes with eggplant in a slow cooker will be a great independent dish in the post. For those who love hearty dishes, there are recipes that use minced meat or meat.

Even novice cooks will cope with the preparation of this dish. Potatoes with eggplant in a slow cooker can be stewed or baked.

In addition to potatoes and eggplant, other vegetables are also used. Most often these are onions, zucchini, garlic, tomatoes and bell peppers.

All vegetables are peeled, washed and ground according to the recipe. They can be laid all at once all at once, or first fry the onions and carrots, and only then add the remaining vegetables.

To make the dish juicy, add sour cream, tomato paste, cream or mayonnaise to it.

If the dish is baked in a slow cooker, spread the vegetables in layers, then pour them in tomato or sour cream sauce. Top all sprinkled with grated cheese.

Recipe 1. Potato with eggplant in a slow cooker


potatoes - 600 g;


eggplant - 700 g;

dried dill;


freshly ground pepper;

garlic - two cloves;

sea ​​salt.

Cooking method

1. Chopped peeled onions finely. Run the appliance in baking mode for a few minutes. Pour a little lean oil into the bowl and fry the onion in it until soft.

2. Wash and cut the eggplant stalk. Cut the vegetable into thin slices. Put in a bowl and salt. Leave for half an hour to get rid of bitterness. Then rinse and wring.

3. Turn on the “baking” mode and transfer the chopped eggplant into the bowl.

4. Peel the potatoes and chop them with straws. Put the potatoes on the eggplant. Salt, season and pour the water so that it covers the vegetables a little more than half. Lower the lid and switch to "pilaf" mode for forty minutes.

5. When the beep sounds, open the lid, squeeze the garlic into the dish and mix. Serve the dish with pickles.

Recipe 2. Potato with eggplant and cheese in a slow cooker


100 g of cheese;

three eggplants;


three potatoes;

a piece of butter;

three tomatoes;

30 g sour cream;

a bunch of greenery.

Cooking method

1. My little blue ones under the tap and cut the stalks. Cut the vegetable into circles. Dip them in salt water and soak for half an hour.

2. Peel the potatoes and cut into small pieces. My tomatoes and finely chopped.

3. Lubricate the bottom of the multicooker with butter. Rinse and squeeze the eggplant. Spread them on the bottom of the bowl. We put a layer of potatoes on top, on top of which we lay the tomatoes. Repeat the layers in this order again. Sprinkle with finely chopped greens on top. Lubricate with sour cream and sprinkle with cheese chips abundantly.

4. Lower the lid, activate the “Baking” program and cook for an hour. Serve the dish with spicy sauce or ketchup.

Recipe 3. Baked potatoes with eggplant in a slow cooker


five potatoes;

sea ​​salt;

two eggplants;

fresh greens;


40 ml of vegetable oil;

low-fat cream - 150 ml;

cheese - 100 g.

Cooking method

1. Wash the little blue ones under a stream of water, cut into circles and put them in a bowl, pouring each layer with salt. Leave for half an hour. Then rinse and dry on a disposable towel.

2. Peel the carrots, wash and chop on a coarse grater.

3. Cut peeled potatoes into thin circles.

4. Lubricate the bottom of the multicooker container with oil. Put some eggplant on the bottom. Place a piece of potato on top. Again a layer of eggplant. Lay on it half of the grated carrots. On top of the carrots, lay a layer of potato, which is covered with eggplant. The last layer will be carrots. Lightly salt each layer. If you wish, you can season with your favorite spices.

5. Run the baking program and cook for an hour, tightly closing the lid.

6. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, pour the vegetables with cream and sprinkle with large chips of cheese. Serve as a standalone dish, or as a side dish for meat.

Recipe 4. Potato with eggplant and other vegetables in a slow cooker


vegetable oil;

potatoes - 5 pcs.;


sweet pepper - two pods;

sea ​​salt;

two tomatoes;

garlic - three cloves;

onion - two heads;


two eggplant.

Cooking method

1. Wash my little blue ones and cut them into small pieces.

2. Cut the stalk of sweet pepper and clean the seeds. Grind the pepper into cubes.

3. Peel potatoes, onions and carrots. My vegetables and finely chopped.

4. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and place the vegetables in it. Salt and mix. Close the lid tightly and activate the baking mode for forty minutes.

5. Tomatoes are washed and cut into small pieces. When the signal sounds, open the lid and put the tomatoes. Mix and continue cooking, switching the device to the "quenching" mode, for an hour. Serve with sweet and sour sauce or fresh cabbage salad.

Recipe 5. Potato with eggplant and stew in a slow cooker


600 g of potatoes;

sea ​​salt;

300 g eggplant;


340 g of pork or beef stew;

clove of garlic;


vegetable oil;


Cooking method

1. Peel potatoes, onions and carrots from the peel and wash. Wash eggplant and trim the tails. Grind vegetables into small pieces. Place the blue ones in salt water and soak for half an hour. Then rinse and wring well.

2. Start the slow cooker in frying mode. Pour the refined oil into the bowl. When it warms up well, add cumin and fenugreek to it. Fry for a couple of minutes to give the spices their flavor. Then put the onion and fry it until transparent. Add finely chopped garlic. After a couple of minutes, add the carrots. Fry until the vegetables are soft. Now add the chopped eggplant.

3. Stir the vegetables and lightly fry. Add chopped potatoes and stew. Close the appliance tightly and turn on the porridge program for five minutes. Leave the dish in the multicooker in “heating” mode for 25 minutes. Then let off steam, try the dish, if necessary, add salt. Serve with fresh herbs or a salad of fresh tomatoes and bell peppers.

Recipe 6. Chinese potato with eggplant in a slow cooker


800 g eggplant;

5 g of sugar;

1 kg 200 g of potatoes;

5 g sesame;

half a kilogram of bell pepper in different colors;

5 g dried cilantro;

100 g of starch;

3 g of black pepper and sea salt;

30 ml of soy sauce;

70 ml of olive oil;

garlic - a few cloves.

Cooking method

1. Peel the potatoes from the peel, wash and cut into circles. Dry the vegetable on a napkin.

2. Pour olive oil into the multicooker bowl and heat it well. Put the potatoes in it and fry, periodically stirring, until half cooked. Remove the potatoes from the multicooker and set aside.

3. Wash the eggplants, wipe with a towel and cut into large bars. Place them in the preheated container of the appliance and fry, stirring constantly, for seven minutes.

4. Add the potatoes to the eggplant. Dilute starch in soy sauce, salt and season with sugar. Dilute the resulting mixture in 150 ml of drinking water. Pour the vegetables with the resulting sauce and mix.

5. Put the appliance into the quenching mode and cook, stirring often, for ten minutes. The sauce should thicken.

6. Add sliced ​​bell peppers, sesame seeds, black pepper and dried cilantro to the vegetables. Squeeze the garlic. Mix gently and leave under the lid in heating mode.

Recipe 7. Potato with eggplant and beef in a slow cooker


400 g of beef pulp;

30 ml of olive oil;

three young eggplants;

ground paprika;


dried basil;



600 g of potatoes;

Extra salt;

pod of red bell pepper;

half a bunch of fresh dill;

75 g of sour cream.

Cooking method

1. Cut the washed eggplant into large pieces, salt and set aside for ten minutes.

2. Pour olive oil into the appliance bowl. Cut the beef pulp into slices and put in butter.

3. Activate the frying program. After five minutes, add the onion and carrot chopped into cubes. Shuffle. Fry for about three minutes, then switch the appliance to the quenching mode.

4. Add coarsely chopped potatoes and squeezed eggplant. Salt, season and add sour cream. Close the lid tightly. Ten minutes before the tap, add chopped dill and mix. Serve with pickles or fresh vegetables.

Potato with eggplant in a slow cooker - tips and tricks

  • So that the eggplants are not bitter, soak them in saline or peel the vegetable. Find out: Do I need to peel eggplant?
  • Do not chop the vegetables too finely so that you don't end up with porridge.
  • You can cook a potato with eggplant with pulp of pork, lamb or chicken.
  • Instead of meat, you can use smoked sausages.
  • Use young eggplant to prepare this dish.


Watch the video: Eggplant Potato Tomato Stew (July 2024).