November 11: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


November 11, 1821 The outstanding Russian writer, genius, Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, whose works are classics, was born. Dostoevsky was world famous for his works Crime and Punishment, Idiot, Poor People, Notes from the Dead House, The Player, The Humiliated and Offended, Demons, The Brothers Karamazov. Many novels by the Russian writer are filmed by domestic and foreign filmmakers.

Every year on the second Sunday of November in Estonia, Fathers Day is celebrated. The first family holiday was held in 1992, although the history of the holiday is much older. In 1909, Mrs. Dodd lived in the United States, brought up in a large family by a caring father. As a sign of respect to the head of the family, who raised six children alone after the death of his wife, a holiday was celebrated. Interesting events are held in Estonia on the second Sunday in which parents and children participate. Police officers and rescuers come to orphanages to support kids and introduce them to male professions. In addition to Estonia, Father's Day is also celebrated in Sweden and Finland.

On November 11, the Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated in Latvia. In the Baltics, this holiday is usually called Lacplesis, in honor of the Latvian national hero, who is a symbol of courage and courage. On November 11, 1919, the Lachplesis Order was established, which is awarded to people who showed heroism in battle. Every year, on Lachplesis Day, Latvians lay flowers and wreaths at the Mass grave; a parade of troops of the Riga garrison takes place at the Freedom Monument. Locals light candles in their homes, light lamps and in cathedrals.

The First World War ended on November 11, 1918, the signing of the Compiegne Armistice entailed a complete redivision of the world, such world empires as the Austro-Hungarian, German and Russian ceased to exist, a similar fate befell the Ottoman Empire. During the First World War, about 10 million people died, on November 11, a memorable date is celebrated in different countries of the world (Russia - Memorial Day, Belgium - Armistice Day, USA - Veterans Day, etc.).

Annually, St. Martin's Day is celebrated on November 11, the holiday symbolizes mercy and kindness. On this day, residents of cities and towns lit large bonfires, threw baskets at them, into which a new crop was harvested a little earlier (the baskets were already empty by that time), jumped through the fire, cleansing of everything evil. The main hero of the holiday is St. Martin - a boy whose body and arms are wrapped in straw. Martin was the patron saint of the military and a great military commander; his mercy can be judged by the following story: once Martin and his troops approached the French city of Amis, about to enter the gates, the commander noticed a poor old man who was cold from cold and had not eaten for a long time. Martin stopped, cut off part of his red cloak with a sword and gave it to the beggar, treated the old man to the commander and with bread.

Today, according to the folk calendar, Avramy Ovchar and Anastasia Ovnitsa. Saints Abrami and Anastasia were the defenders of the shepherds and sheep, on that day it was customary to treat the shepherds the whole village. The housewives baked bread from rye flour and treated them to sheep, it was believed that such food protects pets throughout the next year. It was customary to place the icon of St. Anastasia on a tree in the place where the sheep grazed, the shepherds sincerely believed that she would save the animals from the wolves.

Alexey - a man of action, he cannot be called a talker, the word is always confirmed by action. Whatever a man with the name Alexei would undertake, he will succeed, because he has a desire for the final result. It seems easy for Alexei to take laborious work, not spontaneity and risk. Alexei is a reliable person, his wife can be sure that she will always find support and understanding in the person of her husband. Alex is anxious about the family.

Anastasia - the favorite of all, as a rule, is this beautiful dreamer who sincerely believes in her chosenness. Anastasia is naive, from which she often suffers, but it is hardly possible to find a representative of the fair sex who would be more responsive and sensitive to the problems of others. Often women named Anastasia have paranormal abilities and are able to predict the future. Due to excessive sensuality, Anastasia usually gets married early, because it is important for her to have a strong shoulder and support. The husband of Anastasia can not unreasonably hope that their family will be strong, and warmth and comfort will reign in the house.

Andrew - a person who requires increased attention to himself, and sometimes the situation reaches the point of absurdity, for example, when Andrei is jealous of his mother for his father, brother or sister, his wife for his own child. Andrey is a fidget and a dreamer, in life he can become quite successful, because in the soul there is a constant desire to be the best and convince others of this. Andrei is a rather scandalous person, but in the hands of a tender and sensual woman he becomes flexible and soft.

Anna - A born teacher, from childhood, the girl becomes an assistant for others, she is ready to look after the younger brothers and sisters, neighborhood kids, kittens and puppies. The main quality of Anna, which she carries through her whole life, is kindness. Anna is a fair and responsive person, this is what often disturbs a woman in adulthood, since there is not enough time for herself, and good intentions often turn into troubles for Anna herself. Rudeness and rudeness for the fair sex with the name Anna are unacceptable.

On November 11, Vasily, Victor, Eugene, Cyril celebrate their birthday.

November 11, 1974 The famous actor Lenny Williams, better known as Leonardo DiCaprio, was born. At a young age, Leo starred in TV shows, including the famous "Santa Barbara". Later, roles were followed in the feature films "What Gilbert Grape Eats" (Oscar), Fast and Dead, Basketball Diary, the legendary Romeo and Juliet and the Titanic (Golden Globe Award). After his role in Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio became Hollywood's highest paid actor. Two more Oscars were awarded to an American actor for playing in the films Aviator and Blood Diamond.

November 11, 1891 Lilya Urievna Kagan (Lilya Yurievna Brik) was born, a ballerina, the beloved of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. The best writers of that time constantly visited Brik's apartment. Lily did a lot so that Mayakovsky's name would be widely recognized after his death.

November 11, 1480 The Moscow state became sovereign; unity was replaced by the warring principalities. Unification became possible after the famous "Standing" on the Ugra River, which forced the leader of the Horde Akhmat to deploy his troops and go home. After just over two decades, the Horde was completely destroyed.

November 11, 1837 opened the first passenger road that connected Petersburg with Tsarskoye Selo.
The construction of the highway began in 1836 and lasted almost a year and a half. The road was divided into small sections, for each of which groups of several dozen people were responsible, about 3 thousand people worked at the facility. About two dozen high-class engineers were responsible for organizing the work. The grand opening of the railway took place with a large concentration of high-ranking officials. It took a little more than half an hour to overcome the train, in Tsarskoye Selo the train was met on a large scale, tables were laid right at the station with expensive dishes.

November 11, 1918 as a result of the signing of the Compiegne Armistice, the First World War officially ended. An agreement was signed between the Entente and Germany, old Europe ceased to exist, four empires fell (Russian, Austro-Hungarian, German, Ottoman).

November 11, 1983 the first computer virus in history was invented, its author was an American student Fred Cohen. Later, Cohen wrote a book in which he spoke about the danger of the emergence of computer viruses in the future and the need to create special programs that could counteract this phenomenon.


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