Testicular cyst in men - causes, symptoms and treatment. What is the prevention of testicular cysts in men


A cyst is a hollow formation filled with fluid, delimited from surrounding tissues due to the fibrous membrane. It can occur in almost any organ in both women and men.

When examining all men, approximately 30% of them show a testicular cyst. But it refers to rare diseases due to the fact that men do not pay attention to the first symptoms. In addition, most do not have clinical manifestations of a cyst - this does not give cause for concern or to see a doctor. Therefore, as a rule, a testicular cyst is detected, like a find on an ultrasound scan, when a man is treated, possibly for a completely different reason.

Testicular cyst in men is a benign formation. May form in the epididymis (epididymis).

It adjoins the back of the testicle, in it there is a "ripening" of sperm. Or cyst formation occurs in the spermatic cord.

It contains blood vessels and duct through which sperm go out. A cyst occurs due to their blockage of the excretory duct. It develops for a long time, so it can remain undetected for a long time.

Testicular cyst in men - causes

Despite the fact that a third of men have testicular cysts, the exact causes of its formation have not yet been established.

All the causes of testicular cysts in men are divided into congenital and acquired.

A congenital cyst appears during the period of fetal development up to 20 weeks and the causes of its formation may be:

- an imbalance in a woman during pregnancy;

- the threat of abortion;

- premature birth;

- injuries during pregnancy.

Causes of acquired testicular cysts in men:

- injuries;

- inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system (orchitis, epindidymitis).

Testicular cysts in men are single-chamber and multi-chamber (has partitions in their cavity).

Testicular cyst in men - symptoms

Basically, a testicular cyst in men does not manifest any symptoms for a long time. Therefore, there are visits to the doctor when the cyst reaches a large size or any complications associated with the presence of a cyst occur. An asymptomatic ovarian cyst in a man happens if its size is up to 2 cm. When it grows to 3 - 3.5 cm, the following symptoms appear:

- pain during physical exertion, walking, sexual intercourse, giving to the leg;

- an increase in the scrotum from the side of the lesion;

- edema and hyperemia with the addition of the inflammatory process;

- as the cyst grows, an increase and an increase in soreness;

- Symptoms of general intoxication with complications of the cyst by inflammation: general malaise, fever, weakness, fatigue, headaches.

The contents of the cyst in case of rupture fall into the scrotum, causing inflammation. In such cases, the temperature rises, there is intense pain in the scrotum, edema and hyperemia.

When the cyst enlarges to a large size, protrusion is visually observed, dysuric phenomena appear due to the pressure of the cyst on the bladder (rapid urination or urinary retention). Most often, a cyst develops in the left testicle of a man. This is due to the anatomical structure.

Methods for the diagnosis of testicular cysts in men

It is not possible to make a diagnosis based on patient complaints only. But the urologist at the appointment will palpate the scrotum and, if there is an education, will appoint an ultrasound, where the location and size of the cyst will be clarified.

Diaphanoscopy is another method for diagnosing a cyst with a special flashlight: a cyst when examining a beam glows pink (this is a diagnostic sign). Diaphanoscopy allows you to differentiate the cyst from other formations and estimate the amount of fluid.

In unclear cases, magnetic resonance therapy (MRI) is performed. This research method provides a layered analysis of testicular tissue, is very informative. It is rarely used to diagnose testicular cysts. In most cases, the diagnosis becomes clear at the stage of ultrasound.

Testicular cyst in men - treatment

Testicular cyst in men is a benign formation, with a small amount of a threat to health and life does not pose.

Treatment of testicular cysts in men is carried out in cases when the cyst increases to a certain size and symptoms appear.

Conservative treatment of cysts in men is ineffective.

Such treatment methods are used as:

- removal;

- sclerosis;

- puncture followed by suction of the liquid.

1. To remove the cyst, the laparoscopic method is used. This is a gentle operation. It is carried out using a laparoscope - a special device that is inserted through a small incision. The risk of complications is minimal, there is no trauma to the surrounding organs. General condition is quickly restored. After surgery, the patient spends 1 to 3 days in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor. This time you need to lie on your back to avoid swelling of the scrotum. A special bandage for immobilization is applied to the scrotum, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Within two weeks, you will have to abandon the usual lifestyle, removing sports loads and sex. You should follow a diet, eat 5-6 times a day with simple food in small portions without stress on the stomach, eat more vegetables and fruits, exclude alcohol and mental stress. To prevent complications after surgery, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed. In rare cases, infertility can become a complication of the operation, which the patient is warned about before surgery.

In general, practice shows that treatment of testicular cysts in men is effective and safe. In 95% of cases of testicular cyst removal, the man completely gets rid of the problems associated with the cyst. Extremely rarely there can be some unpleasant consequences associated with non-compliance with the regimen and recommendations in the postoperative period.

In order to refute the malignancy of the formation, part of the removed cyst after surgery is sent for cytology and histology.

2. Sclerotherapy It is a procedure for husking a cyst with the introduction of a chemical into the cavity, which "sticks together" the walls of the cavity. This method of treating testicular cysts in men can be complicated by gluing the spermatic cord, which will lead to infertility. Therefore, sclerotherapy is carried out if the man does not plan to have children, because the likelihood of complications is very high. Sclerotherapy is less effective than cyst removal.

3. When performing a cyst puncture a small incision is made on the scrotum and the fluid is removed from the cavity with a special needle. Then the incision is sutured.

In general, the technique is the same as with sclerotherapy, only the cavity is not filled with a chemical substance. The disadvantage of this method is the relapse of the cyst. Therefore, puncture is a temporary measure.

If the testicular cyst in men is not treated, complications may develop:

1. Purulent inflammatory process. It develops with hypothermia or infection of the scrotum. More often the process is one-sided, so one half of the scrotum increases, hyperemia, edema, severe pain appear.

2. Rupture of the cyst of the spermatic cord, as mentioned above: the contents enter the scrotum, causing an inflammatory process in the scrotum.

3. Infertility. With an increase in size, the cyst compresses the vas deferens, disrupting the passage of sperm.

4. Reduced potency. When the cyst grows and reaches a size of 3 cm or more, blood vessels and nerves are squeezed, which is accompanied by pain and problems with potency.

Testicular cyst in men - prevention

Recommendations for the prevention of testicular cysts in men are very simple and easy to do:

1. Avoid perineal injuries.

2. Avoid hypothermia or overheating of the genitourinary area.

3. Timely treat inflammatory processes in the genitourinary sphere - urethritis, prostatitis, inflammation of the epididymis.

4. Conduct self-diagnosis: examine the scrotum for neoplasms.

5. Visit a urologist once a year. Remember that the problem is easier to prevent than to treat, so timely detection of testicular cysts will allow you to quickly and effectively cure it, avoid complications and improve the prognosis after treatment.

For the timely prevention of infertility, it is recommended to carry out an ultrasound of the scrotum in boys as early as childhood.


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