November 10: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


The professional holiday of internal affairs employees has a rather long history. Its beginning can be traced back to 1715, when Peter 1 created the police in Russia (a public order policing service). Translated into Russian, this means "government." When the new state was formed in 1917, police units were transformed into police, it was called upon to protect revolutionary public order. In 1946, the Ministry of the Interior was established. In 2011, the President of Russia issues a decree by which a new law on the police enters into force prescribing the celebration of November 10, "Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation." The staff celebrates their holiday at a labor post, guarding the order and quiet life of the country. A big holiday concert on television will be a traditional holiday present.

Science in the name of peace and development is such a slogan of a holiday dedicated to scientists and their achievements. On this day, particular attention is paid to the desire of modern science for the progress of society. Events dedicated to World Science Day are held in many countries of the world, and the beginning was laid at the World Scientific Conference, when UNESCO established an official holiday in 2001. Significant events include open house days, museum excursions, round tables and seminars. Lectures on the role of science in modern society are held in schools and educational institutions, and scientific and technological projects are beginning.

Any commercial enterprise is inconceivable without a strong team of accountants; on November 10, these specialists celebrate their professional holiday. The date for the celebration was chosen in memory of an event that took place in the 15th century. On this day in 1494, Louis Pacioli published a book, All About Arithmetic, Geometry, and Proportion, which summed up the knowledge of mathematics at that time. The book described the double-entry bookkeeping method. Labor served as the basis for the creation of commercial accounting, some cycles are used to this day. Pacioli first mentioned the creation of order books, described the accounting register, introduced the concepts of debit and credit. The author did not come up with anything new, but merely described the methods used by merchants in Venice during the Renaissance.

WFDM (World Federation of Democratic Youth) was established at the conference in 1945 on this day, and since then, World Youth Day has been celebrated. The international youth movement that year brought together 30 million young people, regardless of political and religious particularities. Youth all over the world have come together to fight for the rights of youth and the independence of peoples. The biggest event is the festival of youth and students, which was first held in Prague in 1947. It was attended by 17 thousand people. Twice this festival was held in Russia (1957 and 1985).

The fuller name of this holiday is the day of the first declaration of independence of Panama from the Spanish colonists, which occurred in 1821. Independence Day is celebrated two weeks later, when the second major Panamanian city also declared independence. After some time, Panama declared its independence from Colombia. On this day, all citizens of Panama go out into the street, mass celebrations and carnivals are organized. Performances in masks and costumes tell about the past: rebellion and the declaration of independence. The ritual and celebration ends with pagan dances with the participation of festival guests.

For the Italian city of San Miniato, nicknamed the "City of White Truffles", this festival is a real pride. Wonderful mushrooms and dishes from them attract gourmets from around the world. It was here that the largest truffle in the world was named - weighing 2.5 kg. San Miniato is famous for white truffles, the best restaurants of the world are pleased to offer dishes from them. They are much less common than French blacks, and are very expensive. Sometimes the price can go up to 2 thousand dollars per kilogram. In November, the mushroom-picking season is the most, they are short-lived and quickly deteriorate, which is why the holiday takes place at the most fruitful time. The festival provides an opportunity to try mushrooms at discount prices. White mushroom has become a real symbol of the city.

In 1938, Turkey suffered a significant loss - the first President of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal, left this world. On this day in Turkey, a minute of silence is declared every year. For a moment, the vehicles stop moving, the plants stop and the national flag lowers. Airplanes also delay departure for a minute - this is how the country honors the name and memory of its hero. Memorial days last several days. Entertainment facilities close, television stops showing programs, except for programs on the activities of the President.

(October 28, Old Style) - Paraskeva-Friday, Babyn Defender

Christian great martyr Paraskeva lived in the III century. She died in the persecution of Christians, not giving up her faith. Paraskeva translated into Russian - Friday. The Slavic deity Friday was the patroness of mothers and all women. On the fifth day of the week, the saint's name day was special, this week is called Pyatnitskaya. You can’t bathe children on Paraskeva, patients were washed at the spring to wash away all ailments. A holy woman, the patroness of marriage and family, she was always considered an assistant in women's cares.

November 10, 1933 - Ivan Bunin awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature

For literary skill, Romain Rolland nominated Ivan Bunin for the Nobel Prize. Bunin became her laureate in 1933. Russian people around the world, and especially abroad, rejoiced at this award and were proud that our man received it. He was called to Stockholm right from the movie show. The Nobel Prize was a turning point in the fate of the writer. The whole award went to help and donations to emigrants, support of various societies. The remaining amount was lost along with an unsuccessful financial investment. Ivan Bunin never returned to his homeland, even as a tourist.

November 10, 1910 Leo Tolstoy left Yasnaya Polyana

He was 82 years old at that time, on the table he left a letter for his wife, in which he apologized and tried to explain his behavior. The main reason for leaving, he called the inability to live more in luxury, when the world is so unfair to other people. He died a few days later at Astapovo Station, in the Lipetsk Region. Countless streets, towns, museums and libraries are named after him. His departure to the desert and the completion of life can be considered as the best result of the life of this amazing person.

November 10, 1885 In Germany, the first motorcycle was invented.

It was an incredible phenomenon: with an extraordinary speed (12 km. Per hour), which hit a passerby on the embankment of the Neckar River, the first motorcycle swept through. The frame and four wheels were made of wood, the tires were made of iron. A four-wheeled bicycle with a motor moved on gasoline or kerosene. It was possible to start the engine in two stages - first, to heat the tube, and then it ignited the fuel in the engine. The designer of the motorcycle was the son of Gottlieb Daimler Adolf Daimler. He needed four wheels for a completely ridiculous reason - he could not ride a two-wheeled bicycle, so he was afraid that he would not be able to ride a motorcycle.

Martin Luther (1483 - 1546), founder of Lutheranism (Protestant movement)

Martin Luther, the great German reformer, founded the German Protestant movement. He translated the Bible into German, was a doctor of theology at the university. Martin Luther spoke out against indulgence, denied the dogma of the Catholic Church. The opposition population accepted his thesis as a signal for a retreat against the Catholic Church. Reformation became threatening, many people picked up his ideas and openly supported Jan Hus in the Czech Republic. It is noteworthy that subsequently Luther King departed from his original position and clarified that Christian freedom is only meant in the spiritual sense, serfdom is completely compatible with it.

Friedrich Schiller (1759 -1805), German philosopher, poet, playwright and historian

Friedrich Schiller, a military doctor by training, was not at all keen to put his knowledge into practice. He was attracted most of all by literary activity. The first work was the play "Robbers", which was staged in Mannheim. "Cunning and love" was also staged in this theater. Since 1789, he has been professor of history and philosophy, and then founded the Weimar Theater with Goethe.

Ninon de Lanclo (1623 - 1706) writer famous courtesan, mistress of the literary salon

The smartest woman in France became the queen of Parisian salons. She was a woman who knew how to combine mental pleasure and physical. The famous courtesan had a wonderful inheritance, but went to the monastery after the death of her parents. However, life was in full swing in her, and she returned, becoming the most fashionable mistress of the salon of her time. It was Ninon who communicated with the young Moliere and encouraged freethinking in him; in her salon he first read his Tartuffe. The courtesan herself wrote works, defending her lifestyle.

Andrey Tupolev (1888-1972), creator of the TU series aircraft

Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev was a student of Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky. Together they worked on the creation of an all-metal aircraft, being the leaders of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute. His first offspring is the TB-1 aircraft, created in 1925. But the inventor, like many great people, falls under the repression of Soviet power. He is sent to work in the closed TsKB-29, and after a few years he is rehabilitated. Jet passenger aircraft released after the end of World War II. Under the guidance of an aircraft designer, more than a hundred types of aircraft were designed and produced.

On this day, I celebrate my name day the owners of such names:

Anna, Arseny, George, Dmitry, Athanasius, Ivan, Neonila, Nikolai, Pavel, Kuzma, Maxim, Naum, Praskovya, Stepan, Timofey.


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (July 2024).