October 28: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


On October 28, according to the ancient Slavic tradition, a family holiday was celebrated, representatives of the Dutch Flower Bureau decided to correct the shortcoming of contemporaries who had forgotten about an important date, and recommended that grandparents dedicate this day, because they are the old-timers of the family. For the first time, International Day of Grandparents was celebrated in Russia in 2009. October 28th is a time when every grandson, no matter what his age, can thank his beloved “educators” for their care and warmth. On the International Day of Grandparents, it is customary to present a houseplant or flower to relatives, a living gift is symbolic, it recalls the care and tenderness that grandparents give to their grandchildren.

On October 28, 1892, the first "optical theater" was organized in the French capital, which became the prototype of modern animation. Demonstrated to the Parisians a funny sight the artist and inventor Emile Reynaud. Thanks to the designed device called praxinoscope, the French were able to see moving pictures and witness the birth of animation. The first International Animation Day was held in 2002, it was organized on the centennial of the first public performance. The celebration of an important event turned out to be so interesting and entertaining that it was decided to celebrate International Animation Day annually. On October 28, in more than a hundred countries of the world, animated shows and demonstrations of modern achievements in the field of animation (two-dimensional and three-dimensional animation Flash, Stop Motion and VFX) are held.

Army aviation was created on October 28, 1948, a squadron appeared in Serpukhov, which became the base, on the basis of which, after decades, a separate branch of the army was formed. At first, the tasks of the army aviation included cargo transportation and reconnaissance, but after a short time its functions became much wider. Currently, helicopters are a pretty serious weapon that can quickly destroy the enemy. Pilots of the Russian Army Aviation constantly participate in critical events, being in "hot spots", effectively operate in the North Caucasus, allowing them to find and destroy gangs. Currently, army aviation is part of the Air Force of Russia.

On the last Sunday of October in Russia it is customary to celebrate Motorist Day, in 2012 this holiday falls on October 28. It is difficult to imagine modern life without transport: even if a Russian does not have a car, he uses buses, trolleybuses or taxis. From year to year, the number of car owners in Russia is increasing, so people have the opportunity to feel more comfortable and free, greatly simplifying their lives and reducing travel time. The increase in the number of cars leads to an increase in the number of people employed in servicing vehicles. Engineers and designers, workers in automobile factories and service centers, bus and taxi drivers, teachers of driving schools and employees of technical service bases - for all these people, Motor Day is a professional holiday.

On October 28, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of Euthymius of Solunsky, who founded a monastic community near Thessaloniki (Greece) and, with the help of his associates, restored the ancient monastery of St. Andrew. Today, according to the folk calendar, Yefimiy Osenny, during this period, all life on earth was preparing for winter. It was believed that kikimora woke up at Euphemia, who dozed all summer, and showed herself to people by winter, doing nasty things: she confused the women with yarn, beat clay pottery. In order to ward off unclean power from the house, Efimius should have asked for help.

Athanasius since childhood, he has been striving to keep abreast of everything: the boy examines the cabinets and drawers in his own apartment, knows that he is outside his yard, as he often goes on short trips, contrary to parental instructions. Athanasius also has a passion for learning new things in adulthood, he loves tourism and spends a lot of time hiking. The ideal job for Athanasius is the travel business.

Denis - an incredibly kind and sociable person, and, among his loyal friends, not only the people around him, but also numerous animals, to which he has great love. A boy with this name in childhood is industrious and takes care of his parents, however, his behavior at school can not be called exemplary, because the indefatigable energy does not allow Denis to sit in one place for a long time. In adulthood, Denis can be carried away by collecting, he knows the value of money and knows how to manage it.

Yefim - a sensitive and artistic person, very kind by nature. In life, Yefim often faces difficulties, as he seeks to be fair in all matters and to support the weak if they need help. Efim appreciates good cuisine, so he decides to combine marriage only with a woman who has certain successes in cooking. In companies with Yefim it is always fun, despite the fact that he rarely drinks alcohol.

Ivan - a man is multifaceted, he can prove himself in different roles, good pilots, doctors and movers are obtained from people with that name. It is important for Ivan to feel the support of loved ones, he communicates with almost all relatives, his parents, brothers, sisters and friends of his wife will quickly become his friends. Ivan’s wife should not often bring girlfriends to the house, because, even with great affection for the wife, the husband can be carried away by other women, this is Ivan’s reckless character.

Lukyan - a person open and easy to communicate, he is not inclined to fear difficulties, he is used to achieving his goal, no matter how incredible and unattainable it may seem. Lukyan cannot be called a homebody, he will prefer spending time at the TV in a museum, theater or cafe.

Erasmus of Rotterdam (1459) - writer and publisher, who became popular thanks to the parody "Praise of stupidity", where stupidity praised itself. The author’s tone was unique, there was no anger and hard sarcasm in him, people's flaws were ridiculed complacently, comically and condescendingly. Many rulers of that time dreamed of getting Rotterdam as advisers; he was granted the rank of "royal adviser."

Roman Viktyuk (1936) - Head of the State Theater of Roman Viktyuk, which opened in 1990 with the play Madame Butterfly. Viktyuk worked at the Russian Drama Theater of Lithuania, at the Satyricon Theater (the well-known work of The Handmaids brought the director worldwide fame), and as a professor, he teaches at GITIS. Roman Viktyuk is called a classic of provocations, his performances are unique, which is noted not only by Russian but also by foreign critics: the director was awarded international prizes and included in 50 people of the world who influenced world art in the second half of the 20th century (according to the theater of the United States of America).

Bill Gates (1955) - founder of Microsoft Corporation, one of the richest people in the world, whose fortune amounts to tens of billions of dollars. Thanks to outstanding achievements and great charitable work, Bill Gates became the holder of the title of Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire. The books Road to the Future and Business at the Speed ​​of Thought, authored by an outstanding programmer, have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and become a world bestseller.

Julia Roberts (1967) - American actress, owner of several Oscars, the first actress in the history of cinema, who received $ 25 million for her role in the film. Known for her roles in the films "Beauty", "Runaway Bride", "Stepmother".

October 28, 1492 - Christopher Columbus and his fellow sailors landed in Cuba, thinking that they reached China. The Spaniards, who dreamed of the innumerable wealth of the eastern country, were surprised to find poor huts made of reed, plantations of corn, tobacco and potatoes. Christopher made the assumption that his team sailed to the distant poor Chinese region and, not knowing that he had discovered America, went in search of richer Chinese and Japanese lands.

October 28, 1886 - The official opening of the main symbol of the United States of America - the Statue of Liberty - took place. The famous landmark is located at the mouth of the Hudson River, in New York Harbor. The symbol of America was donated to the United States of America by France, it was here that the famous monument constructed by the Eiffel was constructed. The statue is a symbol of friendship between the United States and France and was created in memory of the 100th anniversary of the independence of America.

October 28, 1908 - a significant event took place in the history of the Russian Empire, the first short feature film called “Ponizovaya Volnitsa” was released on the screens, it was from it that the domestic cinema began.

October 28, 1918 - The day of the formation of Czechoslovakia. Prague gained independence from Austria-Hungary, the Czech Republic was merged with neighboring Slovakia.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).