The best pumpkin diet recipes for main courses and desserts. What pumpkin diet foods can I cook?


Autumn pumpkin is a source of vitamins and essential nutrients for the body. By regularly eating an orange vegetable, you can get rid of many diseases, strengthen your immune system and reduce weight. It is no coincidence that pumpkin diet recipes are very popular among those who follow their figure and health.

Due to the low calorie intake, you can eat pumpkin without regard to the portion size. Moreover, fibrous pumpkin flesh quickly and for a long time saturates, so it is unlikely to eat more than the norm.

Pumpkin can be used for cooking first and second courses, pastries and desserts. And all these will be dietary dishes: light, healthy, tasty and beautiful.

Pumpkin diet recipes - general cooking principles

Pumpkin, as a rule, is boiled, stewed, baked or fried before use. However, there are recipes for cleansing vitamin salads that allow the use of raw grated pumpkin pulp.

The vegetable must be thoroughly washed, cut into pieces and peeled. Remove the peel completely, cut off the inside with the seeds. Then the prepared vegetable should be cut into smaller slices and used according to the recipe.

Pumpkin Puree Soup

A very simple and remarkably tasty diet pumpkin dish - mashed puree soup. Fragrant celery and hearty potatoes go well with the orange sweet pulp of a pumpkin. The combination of pumpkin celery is ideal for weight loss. Instead of milk, you can take cream if desired.


• a pound of fresh pumpkin;

• fifty grams of celery;

• three hundred grams of potatoes;

• one large onion;

• a tablespoon of vegetable oil;

• one and a half glasses of milk;

• spices (optional);

• a teaspoon of grated ginger root (or dried ginger).

Cooking method:

Finely chop the onion.

Heat the oil and fry the onion until transparent.

Peel the vegetables and chop them into approximately the same small pieces.

Boil water in a kettle or saucepan.

Send vegetables to a thick-walled pan, pour boiling water from the kettle.

Cook after boiling for twenty minutes, so that the vegetables are completely softened.

Drain the water, put the vegetables in a blender bowl and mash.

Return the mashed potatoes to the pan, pour milk.

Cook after boiling milk for ten minutes.

Grate ginger.

Season the soup with salt, your favorite spices, ginger and serve with sour cream.

Pumpkin stewed with cauliflower

Pumpkin goes well with other vegetables: carrots, tomatoes and cauliflower. This dish should be put in a piggy bank of diet recipes from pumpkins, especially if you want to diversify the table on a diet. If desired, you can add curry: you get a completely different dish with a bright oriental flavor.


• a small head of cauliflower;

• one hundred grams of pumpkin;

• one carrot;

• medium onion;

• one tomato;

• two hundred grams of green beans;

• salt and spices to taste;

• some cooking oil for frying.

Cooking method:

Wash cauliflower, disassemble into coats and cook.

Cook the pumpkin separately.

Chop the onion into small cubes.

Cut the tomato into small slices.

Finely grate the carrots.

Fry onion with carrot in hot oil.

Add beans and tomato to the pan, then cabbage and soft pumpkin.

Pour a quarter cup of water, close the lid tightly and simmer until the beans are ready.

Season with salt and spices at the end of the stew.

Microwave Pumpkin in Orange Syrup

A wonderful pumpkin diet recipe will appeal to everyone who adheres to a low-calorie diet, but does not want to deprive themselves of sweets. A light, delicate dessert with a wonderful taste and aroma is cooked thanks to the microwave for 20 minutes.


• five hundred grams of ripe pumpkin;

• two tablespoons of granulated sugar;

• one large orange;

• packet of vanilla sugar;

• 7-8 halves of walnut.

Cooking method:

Peel the pumpkin.

Cut the pumpkin into large pieces in a heat-resistant glass mold.

Pour sugar into slices.

Cut the orange into two parts and squeeze the juice from each on a manual citrus juicer.

Pour the pumpkin slices with sugar into the juice, distribute evenly with a spoon.

Sprinkle vanilla sugar on the pumpkin.

Put the mold in the microwave at full power for ten minutes.

Remove the form, mix the contents and pour the allocated syrup.

Again, send the pumpkin slices to the microwave for five minutes, turning on full power.

Remove the form and cool the pumpkin in syrup.

Chop walnuts with a knife.

Spread completely cooled pumpkin slices on a plate and sprinkle with nut crumbs.

Manic pumpkin on fermented baked milk with lemon syrup

A simple and divinely delicious diet pumpkin dish. Preparing is very simple. Instead of fermented baked milk, you can take ordinary kefir, and reduce the amount of sugar.


• 350 grams of peeled pumpkin pulp;

• half a glass of white sugar in manna;

• zest from one lemon;

• a full glass of fermented baked milk (250 ml);

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• one and a half glasses of semolina (375 g);

• some vegetable oil;

• half a glass of water;

• juice of half a lemon;

• a glass of sugar in lemon syrup.

Cooking method:

Grate a piece of pumpkin on the shallow side of the grater in a large bowl.

Wash the lemon with a brush to remove the wax layer, and grate the zest.

Add the zest to the pumpkin sugar mixture and mix everything thoroughly.

Pour a glass of fermented baked milk and mix until smooth.

Turn on the oven and heat it to a temperature of 180 degrees.

Add baking powder for dough and semolina rate.

Stir the dough until smooth.

Lubricate the demountable form with vegetable oil.

Put the dough in the mold and smooth it with a spatula.

Submit the form to the preheated oven.

Bake for 45 minutes.

While the manna is baking, prepare lemon syrup.

Squeeze juice from half a lemon.

Pour water, juice into a stewpan, pour a glass of sugar.

Stir and bring to a boil over medium heat.

After boiling, boil the syrup for four minutes over low heat.

Remove syrup from heat and cool.

Ready to still hot pie pour already cooled syrup and leave for 15-20 minutes for impregnation.

Remove the detachable form, cut the pie and immediately serve with tea.

When serving, garnish a piece of manna with chopped nuts.

Diet Baked Pumpkin Fritters

From boiled pumpkin, you can cook excellent homemade cakes, reducing the calorie content of dishes and making them more healthy. Take note of another pumpkin diet recipe. Fritters are golden and very tasty.


• two hundred grams of peeled pumpkin;

• one egg;

• a quarter cup of kefir;

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• four tablespoons of white flour;

• a teaspoon of honey or sugar;

• vanillin (optional);

• vegetable oil;

• a pinch of semolina.

Cooking method:

Grate pumpkin pulp on a fine grater or mashed with a blender.

Drive an egg in mashed pumpkin, add kefir, soda and vanilla. Mix everything thoroughly.

While adding flour, knead the dough on the fritters.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, grease with oil and sprinkle with a pinch of semolina.

Spoon the dough to the size of the fritters and put in the heat.

Bake until cooked.

Serve with sour cream, jam or honey.

Cheese and pumpkin kolobok for a snack

If you want something tasty on a diet, you can cook low-calorie pumpkin koloboks. To further reduce calories, you can use skim cheese. Preparing a dish in a double boiler.


• one hundred grams of pumpkin pulp;

• one hundred grams of semi-hard cheese;

• egg;

• two tablespoons of flour;

• some salt and spices as desired.

Cooking method:

Grate a piece of pumpkin on the shallow side of the grater.

Just grate a piece of cheese.

Combine cheese and pumpkin, beat in an egg, mix.

Add flour, salt, season with spices (optional).

Knead a homogeneous dough.

Form walnut-sized balls.

Put in a double boiler and cook for fifteen minutes.

Greek Pumpkin Stew

A light piquant dish with the aroma of garlic will pleasantly diversify the table and can be an excellent side dish for meat.


• three hundred grams of pumpkin;

• two cloves of garlic;

• one bell pepper;

• two hundred grams of tomatoes in their own juice;

• two tablespoons of olive oil;

• some salt;

• basil and parsley (a small bunch).

Cooking method:

Finely chop the garlic and fry in olive oil.

Cut the pumpkin into slices.

Pepper to remove partitions and seeds, cut into thin strips.

Put pumpkin and pepper in garlic, fry for five minutes.

Pour the tomatoes in their own juice and simmer for 15 minutes under the lid.

Salt to taste.

Sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve a pumpkin diet dish to the table.

Pumpkin baked with olive oil and spices

If you bake a pumpkin in aromatic spices and olive oil, you get a versatile dish. It can be used as a side dish or as a component of vegetable salad, soup, home baking.


• a small pumpkin;

• 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil;

• dry or fresh herbs;

• sea salt;

• a pinch of ground black pepper;

• three cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

Cut the pumpkin into large pieces, peel.

Chop the garlic and herbs with a knife.

Turn on the oven 200 degrees.

Place a sheet of baking paper on a baking sheet.

Arrange the pieces of pumpkin.

Sprinkle them with oil, season with salt, chopped herbs, pepper and chopped garlic.

Bake for half an hour.

Pumpkin Diet Recipes - Tips and Tricks

  • The ideal vegetable, which is best suited for diet pumpkin dishes, is medium in size, round in shape and weighs from three to five kilograms.

  • When choosing a pumpkin, pay attention to the peel. It should not be stained or scratched. A dense, smooth peel is exactly what you need.

  • Steaming will save most of the nutrients in the pumpkin. The vegetable is especially good for baby food.


Watch the video: What I Eat In A Day As A Model. Favorite Fall Recipes with Pumpkin. Sanne Vloet (July 2024).