October 15: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


The history of the address and reference units of the Russian migration service began with the highest Decree of 1809, according to which Address Offices were created as part of the Moscow and St. Petersburg police services. After the 1917 revolution, targeted units were transferred to city police departments. After the reorganization of the federal migration service, its territorial divisions began to include departments of address and reference work, which became the successors of the address bureaus.

This holiday began to be celebrated after the release in 1998 of the corresponding Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus. It was created in recognition of the state's merits of workers in the pharmaceutical and microbiological industries represented in the country by the Belbiopharm concern, which consists of 18 enterprises.

The holiday was established in 1995 by the participants of the Fourth UN Women's Conference. Women living in villages make up about a fourth of the world's population and are actively involved in rural development. However, often they do not have access to quality health care, education, banking, information technology, etc. The goal of the founders of World Rural Women's Day is to draw public attention to the problem of recognizing the value of their work and supporting their creative role.

This day can hardly be called a holiday in the generally accepted sense of the word, because a white cane is a symbol of a blind person and personifies trouble. The white cane was personified with blindness in 1921, when the young British photographer James Biggs, having lost his eyesight, began to learn to live with his problem. However, during his walks around the city with a black cane, he was not noticeable either to drivers or to passers-by. Then he came up with the idea to use a white cane, and soon this innovation was picked up by the blind of the whole world. International Day of the White Cane, established in the USA in 1970 at the suggestion of the International Federation of the Blind, over time has stepped far beyond the borders of this state. The purpose of this memorable day is to attract the world community to the problems of people with limited physical abilities, to the need for help and solidarity.

Residents of Brazil, like people around the world, consider it their duty to congratulate the teachers. They honor teachers on October 15, the day the Imperial Decree was issued in 1827, establishing elementary education in Brazil. At the state level, the holiday was fixed in 1963.

This day recalls the final withdrawal of French troops from Tunisia in 1963, entered the country in 1881 under the pretext of protecting the country from raids from Algeria, which at that time was occupied by French troops. As a result of the introduction of troops, Tunisia was actually occupied by the French. As a result of the long struggle of the Tunisian people in 1956, the country became independent, and by 1959 France withdrew almost all of its troops from its territory, except for one garrison, which was based in Bizerte. The refusal to evacuate him was the result of a military conflict between Tunisia and France, and only in 1963 the last French soldiers were withdrawn from their country.

This holiday is celebrated every year on the third Monday of October. On this day people are honored with the Order of the National Hero of Jamaica. Today, there are only seven people, including political leaders and historical figures who have made a significant contribution to the development of the state.

Film Festival in Lyon

This festival, which takes place in French Lyon, in the homeland of the Lumiere brothers, is an interesting and designed for a wide audience public event in the world of cinema. Dedicated to the history of cinema, he mainly focuses on retrospectives of the classics of world cinema. The festival is quite young, it was first held in 2009 thanks to the efforts of Bertrand Tavernier and Thierry Fremo, who are the leaders of the Lumiere Institute. Today, the festival is considered a real world-class cinema event, attracting a large number of famous directors, actors, film critics, film historians, and tourists to Lyon.

Thai Vegetarian Festival

This festival is held annually on the Thai island of Phuket. He is famous, first of all, for the tradition of participants to subject themselves to sophisticated torture, which, in their opinion, should provide them with the mercy of the gods. The participants of the festival are mainly Chinese people who live in Thailand. The history of this holiday remains unknown, however, according to one version, it was brought to Thailand in the 19th century by the Chinese opera company. Its participants, who came to Thailand on tour, fell ill with malaria, and in order to heal from this deadly disease, they began to follow a strict vegetarian diet, and after a miraculous recovery they decided to institute such a holiday.

This day is dedicated to the memory of three martyrs who died for faith at the beginning of the IV century. We are talking about Cyprian, Justin and Theoktist, who lived in Antioch. Cyprian was a priest who had the great gift of witchcraft and a connection with dark forces, while Justina was a righteous Christian. One young man asked Cyprian to help him with his evil spell to persuade Justin to communicate with him, however, the priest's spell did not work. Then, having believed in Christ, he repented and was baptized. When Cyprian became a preacher of Christianity, he managed to convert a huge number of pagans to faith. Justina by that time had become abbess in the monastery. When the persecution of Christians began, they were both captured and executed after brutal torment. Their sufferings greatly excited Theoktist, the warrior who stood guard, and forced him to declare himself a Christian. After that, he was executed along with Cyprian and Justina.

Among the people this day was considered successful for getting rid of evil spirits. The men had to pray to Kupriyan, and the woman, Justina, so as not to become a victim of dark forces. The girls, gathered on Kupriyan, did not play and did not have fun, but sang sad songs, doing needlework.

On this day, Andrei, Anna, Boris, Vasily, George, David, Ivan, Konstantin, Kupriyan, Mikhail, Peter, Stepan, Ustinya, Fedor are honored.

Cologne Cathedral Opening Celebration

In 1880, a festival was held in Cologne to mark the end of the construction of the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Mary, which lasted more than 600 years. This cathedral is a recognized masterpiece of Gothic architecture and one of the largest in Europe.

Execution of Mata Hari

In 1917, the legendary Mata Hari was accused by France of spying for Germany and executed. At the beginning of the last century, she was a professional dancer and performed in fashion salons, being the most expensive European courtesan. However, the whole world soon recognized her as a talented spy, who, using her beauty, found out state secrets from high-ranking men, for which she paid with her life.

Capitol and Astor New York Cinema Holds World Premiere of Great Dictator

In 1940, the world premiere of the film "The Great Dictator", filmed by Charlie Chaplin. This political cinema satire on Hitler became Chaplin's first full-length sound tape, shot by him according to his own script, with his own money and in his studio. In this film, he played two main roles at once, including the role of a dictator. The film was very successful from a commercial point of view, however, very controversial from a political point of view.

The Wall of Love appeared in Paris

Paris is rightfully considered one of the most romantic cities in the world. As if in confirmation of this glory, on October 15, 2000, the Wall of Love appeared here, dedicated to the celebration of the beginning of the 21st century. The wall is a structure with an area of ​​40 square meters, on which declarations of love are written in 311 languages.

Vyacheslav Butusov (born in 1961), a popular Russian rock musician, leader of the legendary Nautilus Pampilius band, and since 2001, the U-Peter band.

Nikolay Baskov (born in 1976), Russian singer, People’s Artist of Russia, People’s Artist of Ukraine, a popular opera and pop artist, repeatedly awarded various national music awards and state awards.

Evangelista torricelli (1608-1647), the great Italian mathematician and physicist who invented the device, a former prototype of a modern barometer.

Wilhelm von Kaulbach (1805-1874), a famous German artist, a representative of German historical painting, the author of such paintings as The Battle of the Huns, The Destruction of Jerusalem, as well as illustrations for the works of Goethe, Shakespeare and Schiller.

Alexey Vasilievich Koltsov (1809-1842), Russian lyric poet.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov (1814-1841), Russian poet, who was also a talented prose writer, playwright and artist. The poet Lermontov gained his first glory by writing the poem "The Poet's Death" dedicated to Pushkin. The poem led to the arrest of the poet and his reference to the Caucasus, where, due to his hot-tempered character, he repeatedly participated in duels and scandals. After the Caucasian exile, he again became a member of the duel and was again exiled to the Caucasus, to the front line. Lermontov’s military courage, according to eyewitnesses, bordered on recklessness. However, he died not in battle, but in a duel with his acquaintance from the cunk school, Nikolai Martynov, on July 27, 1841.

Savva Ivanovich Mamontov (1841-1918), the famous Russian philanthropist and founder of the Russian Opera.

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), German philosopher, author of his own ethical theory. At the age of 25, Nietzsche became a professor of classical philology at the University of Basel. However, at the beginning of 1889 he was overtaken by a mental illness, due to which the great philosopher ended his life in a Weimar psychiatric hospital.

Jane darwell (1879-1967), an American film actress who won an Oscar in 1940 for best supporting actress in the film "Bunches of Wrath." In total, the actress has more than two hundred roles.

Ilya Ilf (Ilya Arnoldovich Faysilberg), (1897-1937), a Soviet writer who, in collaboration with Yevgeny Petrov, wrote novels like The Twelve Chairs, The Golden Calf, One-Storied America.

Italo Calvino (1923-1985), Italian neorealist writer.

Michel Foucault (1926-1984), French philosopher, who was also a theorist of culture and historian, the author of the famous works "Words and things", "Archeology of knowledge", etc.

Heinrich Altshuller (1926-1998), a Soviet inventor and science fiction writer who published his works under the pseudonym Henry Altov.

FM-2030 (F.M. Esfendiari), (1930-2000), Soviet futorologist, science fiction writer, who was the founder of the domestic transhumanist movement.


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