Eat yogurt, it lowers high blood pressure


A new study, funded by the U.S. National Institute of Health, found that people who eat low-fat yogurt for a long period of time are less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who do not eat yogurt. This was told by researchers from the University of Minnesota, speaking at a conference of the American Heart Association.

For 15 years, American researchers observed more than 2,000 volunteers, evaluating their yogurt consumption using questionnaires that were filled three times during the study at different intervals. None of the participants had high blood pressure at the start of the study.

The study found that 31% of participants were less likely to develop high blood pressure if at least 2% of their daily calories came from yogurt - that is, if they consumed at least 170 grams of nonfat yogurt every three days. In addition, systolic blood pressure in yogurt lovers increased less than in people who did not eat it.

How can a regular food product lower blood pressure? Scientists explain this as follows: calcium, contained in yogurt, has a hypotensive effect on the body, in other words, helps to reduce pressure.

At the same time, specialists dealing with blood pressure problems warn that yogurt plays an insignificant role in reducing blood pressure, so you should not rely on it, especially hypertensive patients.

And we, for our part, will recommend readers not to be fooled by advertisements of large manufacturers that issue beautifully packaged bourdos for long-term storage as yoghurts, but to make live, real yoghurts at home on their own.


Watch the video: How To Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally. How To Prevent High Blood Pressure Naturally (July 2024).