September 19: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on September 19th.


Holidays September 19

Gunsmith Day in Russia

In 2010, in Russia, thanks to the famous gunsmith Mikhail Kalashnikov, the creator of the AK-47 assault rifle, a new professional holiday appeared on the calendar. On May 25 this year, Putin visited the Izhmash defense enterprise in Izhevsk. Having examined the workshops producing weapons for decades, the Prime Minister talked with the lead designer Mikhail Kalashnikov, who proposed the establishment of a gunsmith day in Russia.

The day of celebration was the day on which the Orthodox Church honors the patron saint of the heavenly army - the Archangel Michael. The holiday is celebrated in all cities with active defense enterprises, but the greatest joy this day brings to the residents of Izhevsk, the homeland of the AK-47 assault rifle, as well as the city of Tula, known for its traditions of creating weapons.

Birthday "Emoticon"

One of the serious replenishment of the electronic vocabulary was the proposal in 1982 by Professor Scott Falman to use a combination of characters - a colon, a hyphen and brackets to indicate a smiling face in the text. The emoticon has become indispensable in electronic communication. It replaces the facial expressions and intonation of the voice - exactly what is missing when communicating via email or chat. A smiley helps to better understand the person you are talking to, his mood, and besides, they are funny and cause joyful emotions.

Jewish Feast of Tabernacles Sukkot

The holiday lasts 7 days. At this time, farmers rest until the first rains, completing the harvest. The word “sukka”, which gave the name to the holiday, means “hut,” or “tent,” symbolizes the rejection of the illusion that the house makes the roof reliable. Reliability and security of existence depends on other reasons. According to one interpretation, the meaning of the commandment to remain in Sukkah is that a person does not forget about poverty, being rich, and that he is not proud.

On the eve of the holiday, special bazaars are organized where lulavs, etrogs, palm branches for roofing are sold, as well as various accessories for decorating and building the sukkah. Throughout the country, in the courtyards and front gardens, on the verandas and balconies, car struts can be seen huts. Now fat who spends in the hut the prescribed seven days. After the first day of the holiday, half-holidays begin. Pupils and students decided not to study, and in enterprises - either take a weekend or work half a day.

Zhongqiu - Moon and Harvest Festival

This holiday originated in the Tang Dynasty. It occupies a very important place in the calendar of China. Zhongqiu is the day of worship of the moon god. The weekend in honor of this holiday lasts three days. According to traditions, the Chinese eat special cakes, read poetry in the moonlight. The moon on this day is round and very bright. The dough for sweet cakes is made from lotus grains, as well as crushed sesame seeds. Lovers pray to God to unite them into one, like the moon. Small colored lanterns are sold everywhere on this day. In the evening, parents with children light them in the fields and city parks.

Folk calendar 19 september

Feast of the Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is one of the most revered biblical characters. The archangel is the senior messenger. In the Orthodox Church, the archangel Michael is revered as the head of the army of angels, guardians of the law of God. Michael is the protector of the ally and patron of Christians who oppose the forces of evil. According to legend, he guards the gates of paradise. Archangel Michael was addressed with prayers for deliverance from all sorts of ailments; healing sources are often called by his name.

In Russia, on a festive day, secular fraternities were organized - meetings at which various neighborly and family affairs were resolved. After conversations, feasts were held, to which everyone came with his own dish. At the table, the custom of fraternization and reconciliation took place. It was forbidden to work for Mikhail. If there were frosts on this day, and frost appeared on the trees, then winter was expected to be snowy. We also observed falling aspen leaves: if it fell “face” upwards, toward a cold winter, if downward, toward a warm one.

Historical events of September 19

September 19, 1790 - The writer Alexander Radishchev was exiled to the Ilimsk prison (Siberia) for the work "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow", printed in a home print shop. The book consisted of several disparate stories with real names of villages that meet on the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow. The work tells about the complex life of peasants, in the stories there is a comparison of village girls with secular ladies, moreover, it is clearly not in favor of the latter. According to the behavior of Catherine II, the work of Radishchev was subject to destruction, the death penalty awaited the author. At the last moment, the empress replaced the execution with a link. Handwritten copies of the book, contrary to the order of the lady, diverged with incredible speed.

September 19, 1918 - The Council of People's Commissars officially banned the export of artistic and historical values ​​from the country. Until this moment, a significant part of the values ​​has already left the country.

September 19, 1922 - the magazine "Police" was created, which talked about the activities of police detachments, sounded calls for an honest life.

September 19, 1923 - the decree "On the ringing bell" was issued, within the framework of this document it was allowed to remove bells from the churches and to melt them into household items. Outback residents often removed the bells on their own and hid them away from those who sought to get them for remelting.

September 19, 1936 - in the homeland of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, a house museum has been opened, where you can get acquainted in detail with the biography and scientific activities of an outstanding self-taught person who has reached great heights in the field of astronautics.

September 19, 1944 - The Moscow Agreement was signed, as a result of which a truce was concluded between the Soviet Union and Finland, thus ending the five-year war between the two countries. Despite the fact that the official date for the end of the war is 1947, when a truce was concluded in the framework of the Paris Peace Treaty, hostilities ended precisely after the famous Moscow Agreement.

Born on September 19

Leo VI Philosopher (866-912 years) - Byzantine emperor of the Macedonian dynasty

Born in the family of the emperor, however, historians failed to establish exact paternity. It is known that the emperor Vasily was very unkind to Leo. After the death of his father, Leo VI ascended the throne, continuing the work of Basil - drafting the laws of the "Basilica", in which he made additions and comments. Leo VI The philosopher was a highly educated man, wrote poems and treatises, the most famous of which is “Leo's Tactics”.

Tilled Vera Nikolaevna (1887 - 1962) - Russian actress

Vera Pashennaya quickly gained recognition by replacing the great Maria Ermolaeva. Best of all, Vera Pashennaya succeeded in images of comedy and household drama. Quite quickly, she became a leading actress in the Maly Theater, and after - his legend. It was said that this actress embodied the best qualities of all the actors of the Maly Theater. In the 1920s, she performed in other theaters, and also toured with the Moscow Art Theater at the invitation of Stanislavsky. In 1924, she organized a theater studio together with N. Smirnova. Since 1941, Pashennaya was a professor at the Shchepkin Theater School. Awarded with awards and titles - People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Stalin and Lenin Prizes.

Victor Vladimirovich Erofeev (1947) - TV presenter

Victor Erofeev gained fame after publishing an essay on the work of de Sade in the popular magazine "Literature Questions". His novel "Russian Beauty" has been translated into twenty languages; he has become an international bestseller. The composer Schnittke wrote an opera based on the story Life with an Idiot, and a year later a film was made on it.

Elizaveta Khitrovo (1783-1839) - daughter of the commander M. Kutuzov, Russian princess

The Kutuzov family was very cheerful and friendly. The first husband of Elizabeth was Count Tiesenhausen, who died in the battle of Austerlitz after three years of marriage. After some years, Elizabeth again married the Major General Khitrovo. Later they moved to live in Florence. In 1819, the princess again became a widow. She returned to Russia. Writers often gathered in her house, among them were Vyazemsky, Zhukovsky, Turgenev, Sologub, and also the great Pushkin.

Name day September 19

Name day celebrate: Andrey, David, Vsevolod, Denis, Cyril, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Mikhail, Makar, Thekla.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).