Inflammation of the liver: causes, symptoms, possible consequences. Treatments for inflammation treatment


Inflammation of the liver is a condition in which tissues are affected and the functions of this organ are impaired.

This can happen in both men and women.

Consider in more detail the symptoms of liver inflammation, as well as methods of treating this ailment.

Inflammation of the liver: types and causes

Most often, inflammation of the liver develops for the following reasons:

1. Hepatitis. Usually it occurs when an infection enters the body, the action of poisons or chemicals. Less commonly, hepatitis can cause excessive drinking, syphilis, tuberculosis, and poor circulation.

These types of hepatitis are distinguished:

• hepatitis A is an inflammation of the liver, which can have three forms of course: subacute, acute and chronic;

• Hepatitis B is a disease that a particular virus provokes. This pathology is acute and chronic. It can be transmitted through blood during transfusion, sexual contact, or from mother to baby during childbirth;

• Hepatitis C is the most common and dangerous type of liver inflammation. Usually they become infected with a blood transfusion or using non-sterile medical instruments;

• Hepatitis D is characterized by extensive liver damage. Infection with him occurs through the blood from a healthy person to a sick person;

• hepatitis E is considered the most dangerous, since in short lines it can lead to death of a person;

• Hepatitis F is still little known. It can be transmitted sexually and through the blood.

2. Cirrhosis is a disease in which a patient develops chronic inflammation of the liver, a change in its tissues and functions.

This pathology usually develops slowly, with periodic exacerbations. If untreated, it leads to the death of a person within five years. If complex therapy is carried out, then the patient will be able to live much longer.

Inflammation of the liver: symptoms and signs

Acute hepatitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

1. An increase in body temperature occurs within a month after infection.

2. Digestion, diarrhea and diarrhea.

3. Frequent nausea.

4. Change in clinical blood counts.

5. Pain in the right side.

6. Great weakness.

7. Loss of appetite.

8. Vomiting.

9. Enlarged spleen.

10. Darkening of urine.

11. The appearance of yellowness on the skin is inherent in hepatitis A.

12. With a sharp progression of the disease, the patient may have convulsions, delirium, loss of consciousness, excessive emotional arousal.

The acute form of the disease in most cases can be cured after 3-5 months. If the patient’s body is greatly weakened, then inflammation can turn into a chronic form.

In chronic form, hepatitis has the following symptoms:

1. Nausea that occurs after eating fatty, sour, fried, or smoked foods.

2. Great weakness.

3. Lower performance.

4. Violation of the outflow of bile.

5. The appearance of discomfort in the stomach.

6. The tendency of a person to various respiratory diseases due to weakened immunity.

7. Depressive conditions develop due to a person's awareness of a chronic incurable disease.

The chronic form of hepatitis, as a rule, is completely asymptomatic for a long time, therefore it is diagnosed in a rather neglected form, when the liver has signs of damage.

Cirrhosis of the liver has the following features:

1. The patient has vomiting and frequent nausea.

2. Gradually a digestive disorder develops. There are frequent constipation, diarrhea, and diarrhea.

3. There is a fever and bitterness in the mouth.

4. bloating.

5. Anemia.

6. Violation of the liver.

7. Itching on the skin.

Inflammation of the liver: diagnosis and treatment methods

When the first signs of the disease appear, you need to see a therapist. After an initial examination and suspected liver inflammation, the doctor will refer the patient to an infectious disease specialist.

To diagnose liver inflammation, you need to undergo the following diagnostic procedures:

1. Palpation of the abdominal cavity.

2. History taking.

3. Ultrasound of the liver.

4. General clinical blood and urine tests.

5. A blood test for hepatitis.

The treatment of liver inflammation is selected for each patient individually, depending on the type and form of pathology, as well as the patient's symptoms.

The traditional course of treatment involves the following:

1. In case of infectious hepatitis, the patient should be isolated from other people until cured. Usually quarantine lasts 3-4 weeks.

2. For the period of therapy, it is advisable for the patient to observe bed rest, not to be nervous, and to completely eliminate any physical activity.

3. The practice of prescribing antiviral and immunomodulating drugs. Usually for this purpose are used:

• Alfaron - a drug that is aimed at suppressing the hepatitis virus;

• Ademethionine - a medicine that is effective against the alcoholic type of hepatitis;

• Viferon - a drug that suppresses the activity of infection and slows the growth and reproduction of hepatitis pathogens;

• Rabavin - prescribed for hepatitis C.

Inflammation of the liver: treatment, diet, prevention

A very important role in the treatment of liver inflammation is played by clinical nutrition. The traditional diet table number 5 (for hepatitis) provides the following:

1. The patient needs to abandon the use of such products:

• sweet carbonated drinks;

• any alcoholic drinks;

• flour products (you can only biscuits and a little dried bread with bran;

• smoked food;

• conservation;

• salty food;

• oily fish and meat;

• coffee and black tea;

• chocolate;

• ice cream;

• sausages;

• fast food;

• semi-finished products;

• animal fats;

• rich broths;

• juices from sour fruits.

2. The basis of the diet should be:

• vegetable soups;

• porridge;

• cottage cheese and any products from it;

• dairy products, only low-fat;

• dried fruits and decoctions of them;

• vegetables;

• fruits;

• low-fat varieties of fish and meat;

• nuts.

3. To reduce the burden on the liver and stomach, you should abandon the use of spices and salt. You also need to eat grated food.

4. Food should be steamed, baked or boiled.

5. Dishes should not be hot, but not too cold. It is best if the food is warm.

6. There should be 5 meals a day. Servings do not need to be made large.

7. At least once a day, the patient needs to use liquid cooked food (soup, vegetable stew).

8. Overeating should be avoided. If you feel that you have overeaten, then you need to drink an enzyme preparation (Festal, Mezim, Pancreatin).

9. A day you need to drink plenty of fluids. This can be water, a decoction of dried fruits, chamomile and green tea or birch juice.

If inflammation of the liver is acute, then the patient should follow a diet until recovery. If the pathology has turned into a chronic form, then a person should adhere to such a therapeutic diet.

To prevent the development of inflammation of the liver, you should adhere to the following doctor's recommendations:

1. Conduct timely vaccination against viral hepatitis.

2. Completely eliminate the use of alcohol and smoking.

3. To limit contact with people with viral hepatitis (the disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets and through household items).

4. Have your own personal hygiene products (scissors, toothbrush, towels, nail file, soap, tweezers, etc.). Also, you must not allow anyone to use their toiletries or bath accessories, as in this way you can catch the "alien" diseases, infections, fungi and viruses.

5. To increase immunity, you need to play sports, temper and eat fully. Additionally, you can take vitamin complexes.

6. As a prophylaxis, at least twice a year, you need to take tests for hepatitis and conduct a comprehensive examination of the liver.

7. When the first signs of liver inflammation appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.

8. In case of accidental contact with a sick person (including during sexual contact), there are emergency vaccinations with immunoglobulin. This drug blocks the hepatitis virus and prevents it from integrating into blood cells. Such an injection should be done as soon as possible. To do this, a person needs to contact an infectious disease specialist.

9. It is important to have a permanent sexual partner and protected sex in case of accidental contact. You should also check not only yourself for hepatitis, but also your partner (sometimes the disease can have a chronic form, so a person will not notice its manifestations for years).


Watch the video: Fatty Liver Disease. Q&A (June 2024).