Unpretentious bushes in the garden: we grow shrubby cinquefoil. All about the care and planting of shrubby cinquefoil (with photo)


Perennials that do not require special care, but at the same time long and beautifully bloom, are most popular in gardening. When choosing plants for a flower bed, you should pay attention to the shrubby cinquefoil. This unpretentious flower is known as Kuril tea.

Description of perennial (photo): varieties and types of cinquefoil

Shrubby cinquefoil is a perennial strongly branched plant with a dense spherical crown, the height of which does not exceed 1.5 meters. The leaves are dissected into 5 lobes and slightly pubescent. Potentilla flowers are large, sometimes collected in inflorescences. In the middle of each flower there are up to 30 stamens, which gives it some splendor. The flowering period is quite long - from the beginning of June to the end of October.

After flowering, the plant is covered with pubescent brown fruits - seeds, similar to buttons. This gives additional decorativeness to the plant.

In nature, there are more than 250 species of ornamental plants, but only a few can be successfully grown in our latitudes.

1. The Nepalese variety is a tall variety that grows well on any soil. Perennial unpretentious in care, reaches a height of about 60 cm.

2. The cinquefoil is brilliant - a decorative grade with flowers of dark pink color.

3. White cinquefoil is a small shrub that reaches up to 25 cm in height. From spring it is covered with large white flowers that are collected in inflorescences.

4. Shrubby cinquefoil - a herbaceous perennial. Traditional yellow flowers.

How to plant shrubby cinquefoil

Shrubby cinquefoil will help to decorate a garden of any style with little effort. Her landing is more a pleasure than a difficult task.

We select a place for growing

Perennial prefers bright areas, well-lit throughout the day. But under direct sunlight, you can not plant a cinquefoil. Excess light is bad for delicate flowers, they quickly fade in the sun and lose their decorative effect.

Looking for a place for shrubs, it is better to give preference to shaded areas, with low light. Leave too dark garden areas for other crops, since the perennial shade can not stand the dense shadow. In such conditions, it slowly develops, is more often affected by diseases and practically does not bloom.

Soil selection and planting

The cinquefoil grows on any type of soil, but requires additional top dressing. Loam is ideal soil for it. Especially demanding on the composition of the soil are varieties with pink flowers.

Planting shrubby cinquefoil should be carried out in spring or autumn. It should be borne in mind that the root system of the plant is superficial, therefore, the holes should be up to 50 cm deep. When planning the planting of several plants, you need to leave enough distance for their development. Between the bushes of the cinquefoil, 30 to 80 cm recede.

Landing pit should be well drained. To do this, lay a layer of broken brick, gravel or pebbles at the bottom. Humus mixed with earth is poured on top and the plant is lowered. To plant shrubby cinquefoil, you need to approach responsibly, correctly position the root neck of the plant. It should be above ground level, otherwise the perennial will hurt.

Important! When planting a seedling, add some mineral fertilizers or ash to the soil mixture.

Finish planting by abundant watering of a seedling and mulching the soil around it. Over the next month, it is necessary to monitor the level of soil moisture, preventing its drying out.

How to ensure proper care for shrubby cinquefoil

It is not difficult to take care of a perennial, it is enough to follow some recommendations, which will ensure good bush development and full flowering.

Watering and dressing mode

One of the important items for the care of shrubby cinquefoil is watering. The plant prefers moist soil. For abundant flowering, he needs regular moderate watering. Some gardeners do not take this point into account, since the cinquefoil belongs to drought-resistant plants and can do with rainwater, so the flower develops worse.

In hot summers, the cinquefoil will not give up spraying, which is carried out in the evening. Young seedlings need increased attention. At first, they are watered 2-3 times a week, spending up to 10 liters of warm water per plant.

The decorative perennial responds well to fertilizer application. When planting, it is better to use mineral complexes. Next spring, the plant needs to be fed as follows:

• Mix 30-40 grams of potassium sulfate and phosphate, dilute in 10 liters of water. This top dressing is enough for one bush. Use in early spring.

• Use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers during the budding period. They are bred in accordance with the instructions and feed the seedling.

Shrubby cinquefoil belongs to unpretentious perennials, it is quite easy to care for it. To maintain the decorative appearance of the shrub, pruning is performed. It is better to do this in spring or autumn. Growing a bush for several years, it is necessary to cut to 1/3 of the length of all shoots, which will return to it an attractive appearance and restrain growth. Also, the plant needs regular weeding. The soil must be loosened after irrigation and weeds to be harvested.

How the cinquefoil propagates (photo)

Growing potentilla on the site, each gardener is faced with the need to propagate the plant. This decorative perennial can be propagated in several ways:

• seeds;

• cuttings;

• layering;

• dividing the bush.

Potentilla Seed Reproduction

For further cultivation, seeds are harvested in the fall, when they are fully ripe. They can be dried and stored for up to 3 years or immediately sown in the ground. Seeds are evenly distributed on the surface of the soil, slightly pressing down. The cinquefoil propagates well by self-sowing. Young plants are used for growing. They are transferred to temporary ridges, where good seedlings will grow in a few years.

Perennial cuttings

Harvested cuttings from last year's growth. All leaves are removed from them and planted in a greenhouse. Cuttings need regular watering and ventilation. If the plant releases the buds, then they are removed so as not to take away food from the fragile seedling.

Propagation by layering

This method is considered the simplest. The incised shoot is bent to the ground, fixed with a hairpin and sprinkled with nutritious soil. All that is required of a gardener is watering. As soon as the plant takes root, it is transplanted to a permanent place.

Division of the mother bush

Adult plants can be propagated by dividing the bush. In warm weather, the root process is separated from the selected mother bush and planted on a flower bed. The uterine plant must be more than 4 years old.

Diseases and pests of shrubby cinquefoil (photo)

Gardeners who grow shrubby cinquefoil can not be afraid for their ornamental plant. After all, a perennial is practically not affected by pests and is not sick. The only thing that disturbs the cinquefoil is rust.

The leaves of the plant are covered with yellow-brown spots. With the advanced form of the disease, they curl and dry out. The shrub is treated with preparations containing sulfur and boron. A solution of potassium permanganate also helps. Experienced gardeners noticed that the cinquefoil is affected by rust if it grows next to coniferous crops. Avoiding the disease is simple - do not plant shrubby cinquefoil near these plants.


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