Useful properties of the mummy for health and beauty. Useful properties of the mummy, indications for use and recipes "on the note"


Man has always known about the beneficial properties of mummies.

It was noted that this substance has regenerative and regenerative properties, effectively fights many ailments, and can be used for cosmetic purposes. Mumiye is a unique natural remedy with a rich vitamin and mineral composition.

Mummy composition

The composition of the mummy to this day remains a mystery to scientists. It has so many diverse components that it is impossible to isolate all the components. It is known that the mummy contains a large number of micro and macro elements.

Organic substances such as metal oxides, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential oils were noted in the composition. Surprisingly, inorganic constituents in the mummy are about 4 times more than organic. It is due to this feature that the substance is so useful for the human body.

From inorganic compounds in the composition were isolated:

• magnesium;

• calcium;

• sodium;

• aluminum.

A small concentration also contains such rare earth elements as strontium, cesium, chromium, rubidium. The beneficial properties of the mummy are not in doubt, due to its versatile rich composition, the substance positively affects the general condition of the human body.

Useful properties of the mummy and indications for use

The beneficial properties of the mummy allow you to strengthen the body's protective barriers, strengthen the immune system, so that a person will be less prone to "attack" infections of various origins.

General beneficial properties of the mummy

1. Accelerates metabolic processes, removes accumulated toxins and toxins. As a result, the body is constantly cleansed, losing excess weight.

2. Strengthens muscle and bone tissue.

3. Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

4. Has a restorative effect on the body.

5. Increases skin elasticity, reduces stretch marks.

6. Soothes the central nervous system, helps to cope with aching pain in the temporal region.

7. Compresses with mummies contribute to faster healing of wounds, cuts, hematomas resolve.

What else give a person the beneficial properties of the mummy? This unique substance effectively fights many diseases and ailments, the scope of application is vast.

Indications for use of the mummy

1. With cardiovascular disease.

2. For any disease of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract.

3. For diseases of the organs of hearing, vision and respiratory system.

4. With skin and endocrine diseases.

5. With male and female infertility.

6. For diseases of the nervous system.

7. With low immunity.

8. For the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other colds.

Useful properties of mummy in folk medicine

Mummies are often added to the composition of drugs. There are several recipes that are recommended to take note of each hostess. Useful properties of the mummy can be used at home.

1. Means for increasing immunity

8 grams of mummy are placed in a small container, a few drops of water are added there. Everything is mixed until gruel forms. Honey is placed in the mixture (approximately 400-500 grams), still mixed again. The resulting slurry should be eaten 3 times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon for 20 days. After this, a weekly break is mandatory.

2. Antiallergenic

Allergy sufferers can also use the beneficial properties of the mummy, since the substance itself does not cause irritation, redness and itching. If there are rashes on the skin, you can prepare an effective ointment at home. To do this, 8 grams of the mummy is diluted with water to form a homogeneous, non-liquid consistency. The resulting mass is applied to the problem areas daily before bedtime. Positive dynamics will be noticed after 2-3 days.

3. The remedy against sore throats

Mumiye has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Taking a folk remedy based on it with angina, the throat softens, inflammation of the lymph nodes decreases and the pain syndrome is relieved.

It is necessary to dissolve 3 grams of mummy 3 times a day, like a candy. The taste is not the most pleasant, but worth it. 3-4 days are enough to achieve full recovery.

4. Headache

Natural remedy perfectly relieves migraines and dizziness. 1 gram of mummy and half a teaspoon of honey are added to a glass of warm milk, everything is mixed, the drink is drunk before bedtime. The course of treatment is designed for 20 days, so you need to take a break.

Useful properties of mummy in cosmetology

Mumiye is considered an indispensable substance for traditional and traditional medicine. Its useful properties are also used in cosmetology for:

• removal of stretch marks from the skin;

• getting rid of black spots on the face and acne;

• solutions to the problem of oily scalp and hair;

• getting rid of cellulite.

Useful recipes

1. Acne Remedy

15 grams of the mummy is diluted with water until gruel forms, the mixture is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, then thoroughly rinsed with warm water. The advantage of the recipe is that the effect is noticeable almost instantly. After the first application, the skin will look better, fresher, tighten.

2. Nutrition and skin hydration

In chilled boiled water dissolves 1 ball of mummy. The resulting mass is poured into ice molds and frozen. Every day in the morning with one cube you need to wipe your face. Mumiye nourishes and moisturizes the skin, restores its healthy glow and prevents the formation of blackheads.

3. Remedy for cellulite and stretch marks

2 grams of mummy are bred with 1 tablespoon of water. The resulting mass is mixed with a tube of regular baby cream. The mixture is rubbed into problem areas 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks. After 2-3 days, the effect will be felt. Mummy returns skin elasticity and firmness, saturates it with missing vitamins and prevents premature aging.

4. Means for hair

Hair is one of the main female wealth. If you want to give your curls health, strength and shine, you need to add the mummy regularly to the shampoo. You can also make a nourishing mask at home. 2 teaspoons of honey are mixed with 8 grams of mummy, the resulting mass is applied to the hair and rubbed into the scalp. After 30 minutes, the mask is washed off with running water.

Mummy: contraindications

Mumiye strengthens the immune system of adults and children, favorably affects the state of the whole organism. There are no special contraindications, since the drug does not provoke the manifestation of allergic reactions. However, there are a few nuances that you need to know.

1. In the treatment of mummies, you must definitely take a break, as the drug is addictive, and will not give the desired effect.

2. During pregnancy, it is advisable not to use the mummy as a cosmetic product and not to take it inside. During this period, the woman’s body is rebuilt and it is impossible to predict his reaction.

3. The treatment of the mummy is not recommended for children under 12 years old.

4. If a person decided to try on himself the recipes of traditional medicine based on the mummy, he should give up alcohol, since the substance is absolutely incompatible with him.

The beneficial properties of the mummy are invaluable. Before starting treatment, it is advisable to consult your doctor in order to avoid an unexpected reaction of the body.


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