A diet for pyelonephritis is the key to a successful recovery. All the features of the diet for pyelonephritis


Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the renal pelvis resulting from infection. Usually the disease is long-term and requires painstaking and thoughtful treatment. At the same time, for a speedy recovery, a correctly selected and balanced diet plays an important role.

Diet with pyelonephritis should have a gentle effect on the kidneys, remove salts and toxins from the body, and reduce swelling. The choice of products depends on what stage the disease is at.

Diet for pyelonephritis in the acute stage

The acute stage of pyelonephritis is characterized by sharp pains in the lumbar region, fever, general weakness, nausea and vomiting, decreased appetite, and problems with urination. As a rule, treatment of pyelonephritis is carried out in a hospital.

Diet plays a key role in the treatment. Properly selected nutrition contributes to:

• anti-inflammatory effect, which accelerates recovery;

• removing fluid from the body, which cleanses the urinary tract;

• limiting the burden on the kidneys;

• normalization of blood pressure and water balance;

• reducing the risk of a disease becoming chronic;

• general strengthening of immunity.

The main condition of the diet in the acute stage is the selection of products and dishes that sparing attention to the condition of the kidneys. The amount of protein foods of animal origin should be limited. It is also recommended to reduce the amount of salt to 8-10 g per day. However, the mistake is made by those who completely refuse to salt food. This can lead to kidney failure. If the disease is accompanied by severe vomiting and fever, the amount of salt can be slightly increased.

It is better to cook dishes in their juice, boiled, steamed, baked in the oven. In the acute stage, fried foods are completely excluded. You should eat often, at least five times a day, but in small portions. When cooking meat, the first broth must be drained to neutralize the effect of extractives and boil the meat until ready in re-poured water.

Allowed foods during the diet for pyelonephritis in its acute stage:

• fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes);

• fruits (apples, pears);

• watermelons and melons with a strong diuretic effect;

• pumpkin, zucchini;

• milk and dairy products;

• egg white in small quantities;

• buckwheat and oatmeal;

• citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines);

• milk porridge with small vermicelli;

• first dishes cooked in vegetable broth.

One of the main dietary requirements for pyelonephritis - This is the intake of a large amount of liquid. In the absence of edema, the volume should be at least 1.5-2 liters per day. Take fruit drinks (best cranberry), green and weak black tea, herbal decoctions, rosehip decoction should often, but in small portions.

Cranberry juice is very useful for pyelonephritis. The biochemical composition of cranberries provides an antibacterial effect, in addition, pathogenic bacteria do not have resistance to it. Therefore, cranberry juice relieves inflammation and cleanses the body of toxins. If there is no allergy, honey can be added to cranberry juice.

If the patient prefers juices, you need to make a choice in favor of freshly made, made with your own hands. Shop products are generally rich in preservatives. Compotes and teas are best drunk unsweetened. Great benefit is infusion of Kombucha.

Diet for pyelonephritis in remission

When the stage of exacerbation of the disease subsides, the patient's diet can be expanded. In moderate quantities, egg yolk, boiled lean meat, boiled fish, onions, garlic, carrots and potatoes are introduced. Additional products are introduced gradually, in small quantities. It is better to use yesterday’s bread products; you can include pancakes and pancakes in the menu. It is permissible to consume 25-30 g of butter per day. Dried fruits, raisins and dried apricots will help to diversify food. In their composition they contain a large amount of potassium, which is necessary while taking diuretics.

The diet with pyelonephritis categorically excludes products that have an irritating effect on the urinary tract. Products with a high level of essential oils, oxalic, uric acid are not recommended.

When inflammation of the renal pelvis is prohibited:

• broths prepared on the basis of meat or fish;

• meat semi-finished products: sausages, smoked meats, sausages;

• fatty fish, caviar, seafood;

• all types of canned meat and fish;

• fried meat or grilled dishes;

• radish, sorrel, spinach, cauliflower;

• hard cheeses of sharp grades;

• various pickles and marinades;

• mushrooms (both fresh and pickled);

• lard, margarine;

• hot sauces, peppers, horseradish, mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup;

• hard-brewed coffee (including natural), cocoa;

• mineral waters with sodium salts;

• high fat cream and sour cream;

• chocolate products, sweets, pastries with cream;

• legumes;

• all types of alcoholic beverages.

Once a week, you can arrange a fasting day. The most effective fruit days when eating apples, strawberries, raspberries. Chronic pyelonephritis is often complicated by a decreased level of hemoglobin in the blood. In this case, the diet is expanded with iron-containing products: pomegranates, wild strawberries, apples.

Diet for pyelonephritis in pregnant women

During pregnancy, especially in the final trimester, the risk of pyelonephritis increases. This is due to the slowed circulation of urine due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the kidneys and ureters. To aggravate the situation can frequent constipation, which can cause inflammation in the kidneys.

It is recommended to include boiled beets and prunes in the diet. From dairy products you can eat steamed cottage cheese pancakes, cottage cheese puddings, natural yoghurts and yogurt. Meat is better to choose chicken or turkey. Among the first courses, beetroot seasoned with low-fat sour cream is most preferred. Of sweets, you can use marshmallows, jams, jam, marshmallows. In addition to the already listed drinks, the toxicity of the body reduces teas from mountain ash and blackcurrant. As seasonings, dried herbs and cinnamon are suitable.

Diet for pyelonephritis: an approximate menu for a week

The proposed menu is recommendatory in nature and is designed for five meals a day. Between meals, you should additionally drink mineral water and other drinks.


Breakfast 1. Boiled beets with kefir. 2. Green tea.

Lunch Cranberry juice.

Lunch 1. Vegetarian soup. 2. Chicken meatballs with buckwheat porridge. 3. Tea with milk.

Afternoon snack 1. Fruit salad. 2. Natural yogurt.

Dinner 1. Boiled fish. 2. Broth of rose hips.


Z. 1. Omelet. 2. Stewed fruit.

VZ Milk soup.

About 1. Vegetable soup. 2. Boiled turkey with baked potatoes. 3. Apple mousse.

P 1. Fruits. 2. Herbal broth.

At 1. Zucchini puree. 2. Kefir.


H 1. Salad of vegetables. 2. Tea with milk.

VZ Curd pudding.

O 1. Beetroot. 2. Boiled fish with pumpkin puree. 3. Fruits.

P 1. The egg. 2. Stewed fruit.

U 1. Meatballs with vegetable salad. 2. Strawberry juice.


H 1. Boiled beef with wheat porridge. 2. Cranberry juice.

VZ Cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream.

About 1. Vegetable soup. 2. Boiled potatoes with steamed meatballs. 3. Fruits.

P Kissel.

U 1. Oatmeal porridge with applesauce. 2. Kefir


H 1. Boiled fish with buckwheat porridge. 2. Green tea.

VZ Apple pudding.

About 1. Beetroot. 2. Vinaigrette with boiled chicken. 3. Natural yogurt.

P Cottage cheese with fruits.

U 1. Cheesecakes steamed. 2. Rosehip infusion.


H 1. Oatmeal. 2. A boiled egg. 3. Tea.

OT Baked pumpkin with sour cream.

O 1. Soup with homemade noodles. 2. Vegetable stew with boiled turkey. 3. Kefir.

P Fruit jelly.

Have 1. Beetroot salad. 2. Boiled fish with baked potatoes.


H 1. Milk porridge. 2. Pancakes.

OZ Fruits.

About 1. Vegetable soup. 2. Boiled potatoes with chicken for a couple. 3. Pomegranate juice.

P Curd casserole.

U 1. Vegetable salad. 2. Berry jelly.

Strict observance of the diet with pyelonephritis promotes rapid recovery and forms the right eating habits that help to avoid exacerbation of the disease.


Watch the video: Chronic kidney disease - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (July 2024).