Why dream of a swarm of flies: the opinion of Miller, Freud and the Ancient Dream Book. Interpretation of the dream book of Nostradamus about what a swarm of bees dream of


People have been interpreting dreams for many centuries.

Any phenomena were viewed only in connection with the possible consequences.

Today we’ll try to figure out what a swarm of flies or bees dream of, because such dreams come to many, and they cannot understand what they mean.

Why dream of a swarm of flies in the Ancient Dream Book

A fly has always been the personification of the most bad qualities of a person, such as importunity, duplicity, swagger, and her appearance in a dream warned that the dreamer was in an unpleasant situation. It is possible that the fly in your dream is the image of some person you know who has qualities similar to this insect.

Or maybe a fly is an embodiment of a situation that you have come across in real life, and getting out of it is very difficult. Let's look at the most famous dreams with swarming flies:

1) if you heard flies buzzing in a dream - this is a harbinger of the fact that around you are full of duplicitous people who now and then dissolve bad gossip about you behind you;

2) if you see a fly that is bogged down in honey, it means that in reality you are a very flattering person, and therefore you are constantly in big trouble. Perhaps there is a person next to you whose speech is flattering, but in fact he is deceiving you;

3) if you whisked a fly in your hand in a dream - this is a sign that among your friends there is a very annoying person who constantly climbs into your personal life, and who is not easy to get rid of;

4) if in a dream you whisked away this annoying insect from the hands of your other half - this means that you already have a burden of relations with your loved one, and you want to stop them as soon as possible. However, the whole problem is that you simply do not have the spirit to say everything honestly and bluntly, so you will try to notify fading feelings with various hints;

5) to see a fly in a dream that is sitting on the ceiling is a sign that your soulmate is actually a hypocrite and a deceiver, and this union does not bode well for you;

6) killing a fly in a dream - a sign of cheating on one of the relatives;

7) if you poisoned flies - this is a great sign promising that you still managed to get rid of bad hypocritical acquaintances;

8) if you saw a huge fly - this is a symbol of a serious matter that you are unlikely to manage with;

9) if you see a fly crawling on products - this is a sign that your excessive perseverance will not only not work for you for the future, but will also be very disturbing. In particular, valuable patrons may refuse to help you because you are undermining their authority by your actions.

Why dream of a swarm of bees in the Ancient Dream Book

Perhaps, for every person, a bee is a symbol of hard work, pain, diligence and economy. Hence, we all know the proverbs “works like a bee”, and in many banks and companies this insect is used on emblems as a symbol of profitability of investments and the receipt of good dividends.

The periodic appearance of a bee in a dream is a sign that you are a very vigilant and prudent person, who is very difficult to circle around your finger, and you can easily overcome difficulties that have arisen in your way. Someone will ask: where is the connection? The thing is that, according to an old belief, a bee is one of the few creatures living on our planet that never falls asleep. Let's look at the most popular dreams with swarming bees. So:

1) if a bee stings you in a dream - this is a sign of your excessive credulity. It will be careful, because some people can take advantage of this your quality and easily fool you. Also, this dream may be a harbinger of the fact that your boss is not too satisfied with your work, and you may receive a reprimand or warning that will greatly ruin your mood;

2) if you observe that a bee that stings another person is dying - this is a sign that you will very soon meet a very evil person who, with this character trait, can cause you trouble;

3) if you meet a beehive in a dream - this is a sign that your hardworking partners will help you achieve a high status in society, financial independence and a happy personal life;

4) if you stick your hand into a beehive, then in reality you will have financial difficulties, and you will be forced to squeeze heavily and deny yourself many benefits;

5) if you heard a bee buzzing - this means that you can handle any, even the most difficult, task, while only showing maximum zeal. Also, such a dream can be a warning that one of your colleagues is sharpening a tooth on you, and you should be more careful in communicating with employees;

6) if you watch how hardworking bees pollinate flowers - this is a symbol of your frugality, which will help you to accumulate the necessary amount of funds and buy what you so long wanted;

7) if you meet a bear whom the bees sting for his attempts to get to honey - this means that in reality your help will be very useful for someone from your friends to get a promotion and take a high post, for which he will be very grateful to you;

8) the appearance of a bee swarm in a dream is a sign of a serious act that has changed the attitude of other people towards you. Also, such a dream can mean painstaking long work, which, however, will not be a burden to you at all;

9) if you dream about how these insects attacked you - this means that the people who surround you condemn you for any act;

10) if the bees just flew past you - this means, on the contrary, that people will respect you for the perfect act;

11) if you dream of a bee that flies from one flower to another - this is a symbol of the fact that you, akin to a hardworking insect, will work hard and inspired, for which you will get approval from the boss and colleagues;

12) they noticed a bee in a hurry to the hive - a sign of household chores, as an option, an urgent change of residence;

13) if in a dream you see a bee sitting on a honeycomb - this is a sign that your success at work will be noticed, for which you will receive financial encouragement.

Why dream of a swarm of flies on Miller’s dream book

  • The appearance of a flycatcher in a dream means that in real life you were unfairly slandered, and they continue to do so behind your back;

  • if a lot of insects get into the flytrap - this means that there are many difficulties on your way that you will successfully overcome;

  • if insects are caught on sticky paper, this is a sign that an altercation or health problem awaits you;

  • for a young girl, the appearance of flies in a dream portends problems on the personal front.

Why dream of a swarm of flies from Freud's dream book

  • Sigmund Freud believes that flies in a dream are the personification of children. That is, if you beat, chase, destroy the flies in a dream - this is a sign that in real life you are very negative about children.

  • If you dreamed that these insects fly around you and constantly buzz, this is a symbol of the fact that you are surrounded by a lot of problems that you can’t get rid of, and you break down from your powerlessness on children.

Why dream of a swarm of bees in the dream book of Nostradamus

  • If you dreamed of bees, this is a sign of gaining real-life gain, and the more there are, the more solid the jackpot;

  • bees flying past you - to changes in the weather. In winter - to a blizzard, in summer - to thunderstorms;

  • if you are bitten by these insects in a dream - this is a very bad sign, which promises a fire in the house, the death of someone from relatives or an unplanned pregnancy;

  • the appearance of swarming bees in a dream - to a wedding or some kind of holiday;

  • if a swarm of bees covers something in a dream - a very bad sign promising troubles and troubles, if this is a person - it means he will die soon, if the house burns down;

  • if you managed to catch a swarm of these insects - this is a sign of earning soon a large income;

  • if you saw a beehive filled with bees in a dream - this is a symbol of a huge number of problems, which will be very difficult to get rid of. If at the same time you see a lot of honey in the hive - this is a sign of material well-being in the family;

  • if insects fly out of the hives and randomly move in the air - this means that you will not be able to improve your material condition.


Watch the video: Dreamed About Swarms of Bugs & Insects Pestilence Judgement (June 2024).