Orthodox prayer for weight loss


Sometimes it can be very difficult to lose weight. In pursuit of a slim body, a person can try many different ways to lose weight, but those extra pounds will not go anywhere. The reasons for this problem are delayed metabolism, hormonal failure, or any obvious or hidden disease of the endocrine system. However, the reason for the impossibility of losing weight can be a negative impact on the energy field of a person (damage, curses, dark libel, etc.).

Will prayers help in this case? How exactly do prayer texts for fast and safe weight loss work? How to read prayers in order to lose those extra pounds? What Holy Hauntors are encouraged to contact? Are there any real evidences of the miracle of losing weight through prayer? Answers to these questions can be found in the current article.

How does the prayer for weight loss?

The prayer text for the purpose of eliminating extra kilos is not only an appropriate appeal to the Lord God and Saints. Prayer for weight loss - a strong verbal setting, a kind of "order", commanding the body to restructure and start working in the right mode.

Such a prayer operates at the emotional, energetic and spiritual level of the person praying as follows:

  • Establish a powerful energy bond with the Lord God, the Angels and the Holy Hails. Thus, a person receives the patronage and protection of the Higher Forces, which makes him invulnerable to evil scum;
  • The body and the subtle bodies are charged with positive energy, which contributes to the release of toxins, and also averts astral parasites (lyarv, devils, demons, etc.);
  • Motivate for deliverance from the sin of gluttony, often the cause of obesity. Helps temper the appetite and get rid of bulimia. Forms in praying a taste for healthy food and a refusal of convenience foods and fast food;
  • At the thin (astral) level it affects the adipose tissue of the person praying, programming it for accelerated splitting;
  • Sincere prayer brings tranquility, a sense of serenity and blissful joy. In this state, the human brain produces the so-called "hormone of joy" - serotonin. This hormone helps to normalize the metabolism and reduce cortisol levels, because of which people try to "seize" stress;
  • A powerful prayer for weight loss sets the barrier against the negative impact of psychics or black magicians. This allows you to remove damage, curse or plot on obesity and increased appetite without consequences.

Thus, sincere prayer for weight loss helps to fight against extra kilograms, not only on the energy level, but also on the physical level. Leaning overweight can be alternated with diet and exercise. Thus, the effect of the prayers for losing weight will increase several times, and you will quickly achieve the desired result.

Basic rules for reading such a prayer

For the best result when reading an Orthodox prayer from gluttony and gluttony, aimed at early weight loss, you need follow the rule below:

  • Prayer texts for weight loss are read before each meal. This helps reduce appetite and the rapid absorption of absorbed food;
  • It is always necessary to pray with firm faith. If a worshiper doubts the existence of God or His Power at least a little, he will only be strengthened in his own unbelief. The fact is that in the absence of faith, the Australian connection with the Most High is not formed, and He will not answer the prayer;
  • Prayer must be sincere. The one who prays must really long for losing weight, getting rid of the sin of gluttony and gluttony;
  • It is necessary to repent of their transgressions before the reading of the prayer and during it. It is recommended a week before the ascension of prayer to fast, attend church more often, confess and pray to all the Saints. In the process of turning to the Creator or the Saints, one must repent of the sin of gluttony and ask forgiveness from the Almighty;
  • When addressing the Lord or the Gladdeepers, it is categorically impossible to try to command the highest forces and demand something from them. Thus, you can incur the Wrath of the Lord. Prayer is a plea, a request for help, not an order;
  • It is recommended to use the sacred paraphernalia. The use of iconic images of the Saints, which are appealing during the process of slimming prayer, as well as pectoral crosses, temple candles, sacred water and incense are welcomed;
  • In the process of prayer for weight loss can not express negative wishes to anyone. Moreover, even in thoughts it’s impossible for people to wish evil. You can only ask the Lord for good for yourself and others;
  • Read prayer texts for weight loss need out loud. The reading should be calm, expressive, but quiet;
  • You can pray in the temple and at home. If the sacrament is performed at home, before reading a prayer from a sin of gluttony and gluttony, you must carefully tidy up the room. Negative energy accumulates in the dirt and dust, preventing the formation of an energetic connection with the Creator.

Important! Orthodox prayers for weight loss can not be read by persons who are not baptized in the Christian faith.

The most powerful Orthodox prayers for weight loss

Christian prayers for weight loss vary in their impact on a person and his energy field.

The most powerful prayers for weight loss apply to:

  • Lord God;
  • The Blessed Virgin;
  • Blessed Matrona of Moscow.

Consider each of these strongest prayers.

Prayer Matrona of Moscow

Blessed Staritsa Matrona of Moscow, even during her life, helped many people. According to the Life of this great Saint, on the day Matronushka accepted up to 40 people, healed them, gave wise advice on how to act in life and how to pray, and at night - offered prayers to the Lord. Matronushkina prayer for weight loss - the most powerful of all existing appeals from gluttony.

Text of the prayer:

“Oh blessed mother Matrono, hear and receive us now, sinners, praying to you, skillful in all of your living and accepting and listening to all those who suffer and grieving, with faith and hope to your intercession and help of those who resort, quick help and miraculous healing for all who suffer; let not your mercy be depleted now to us, unworthy, restless in the multitude of this world and nowhere find solace and compassion in the bereaved and help in bodily diseases: heal our diseases, save the temptations and torments of the devil, passionately fighting, help. The cross, to tear down the whole life and not to lose the image of God in it, to keep the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to preserve hope and hope in God for a strong image and a loveless love for our neighbors; Help us, after leaving this life, reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Father of Heaven, in the Trinity slavimago, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

To the Lord God

Before the prayer for weight loss, addressed directly to the Savior and the Creator of all things, it is recommended to undergo the sacrament of confession in the nearest church.

Prayer text:

“Lord! Behold, thy vessel is I: fill me with the gifts of your Holy Spirit, without you I am empty of all good, or more full of all sin. Good lord Behold Thy ship I am: fulfill with good deeds. Good lord This is your ark: do not fulfill it with the beauty of love for money and sweets, but with the love for you and for your animated image, man. ”

Holy Mother of God

The Most Pure Virgin Mary is the most gracious Holy One of all the Heavenly Host of Angels and Apostles. You can turn to the Virgin Mary with almost any request - if there is no negative in her, the Most Holy will fulfill it.

Prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary for weight loss is presented below:

“Accept, oh, the All-Blessed and All-Powerful Lady, Lady of the Blessed Virgin Mary, this prayer, with tears to You now brought from us, unworthy of Your servant, to Your goal-bearing manner, singing with affection, because You are very real and listen to our prayers.

According to whom the execution of the work is done, the grief is eased, the feeble health is given, the weakened and unwell children, the devils drive away, you get rid of offenses, lepers, and small children are milayshi; yet, Lady Lady of the Theotokos, and free from bonds and dungeons and all kinds of different passions of the doctor: all more is possible by Your petition to Your Son, to Christ our God.

Oh, Mother of All Sisters, Most Holy Theotokos! Do not stop praying for us unworthy servants of Yours, praising Thee and honoring Thee, and worshiping with tenderness to Your Most Pure Image, and having the hope of irrevocable and faith undoubtedly to You, the Most-holy Veda and the Most undemanding, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen."

Real evidence of the action of a prayer for weight loss

Currently, there is a lot of eyewitness testimony about the effectiveness of prayers for weight loss.

Here are some of them:

  • A resident of St. Petersburg, Varvara Samoilova, said that for a long time she could not lose weight due to a thyroid disease. Moreover, her hair became very thin from her illness, her face and neck were swollen and her legs were constantly swollen. Being a woman believer, Barbara offered the prayer to the Blessed Matronushka in the chapel on the site of the former Holy Grave. While she was praying, an inner voice prompted her to purchase the Matrona icon and carry it with me as a guardian. Barbara did just that. A week later, a woman began to rapidly lose weight. Moreover, turning to doctors, Barbara discovered that her illness had receded;
  • 21-year-old Muscovite Catherine Fomina suffered from obesity and gluttony. On the advice of the spiritual father, at Easter, the girl repented of her sin in the parish church, and before each meal she prayed to the Almighty. As a result, her appetite died, and over time she managed to lose weight;
  • Volgograd Vyacheslav Voronov, being a diabetic, could not lose weight. Due to excess weight, his health condition deteriorated. On Christmas Eve, Vyacheslav prayed to the Virgin Mary, begging her for weight loss. His prayers were heard.

Thus, the miraculous powers of prayer texts for weight loss are confirmed by eyewitnesses. However, the main condition for the beneficial influence of any prayer is sincere faith in the Lord God and his Most Holy Priest.


Watch the video: Prayer For Healing Sickness - Healing Prayer For The Sick (July 2024).