The Japanese method of losing weight with a towel as a way to correct the figure. The main advantages and principles of losing weight with a towel


The Japanese method of losing weight with a towel began to be popular relatively recently.

This is a special gymnastics that positively affects the general condition of the body and body. Exercises are as simple as possible, which makes it hard to believe the effectiveness of this method for weight loss.

However, positive reviews prove the opposite - losing weight with a towel is really possible, given all the subtleties and follow the basic rules.

Japanese weight loss with a towel: the main features of the technique

1. Exercise teaches you to listen to your body, concentrate on sensations - this is the only way classes will give the desired result.

2. Proper breathing is an important aspect. It should be smooth, slightly slowed down, then it will help stimulate internal processes in the body.

3. Spirit and body must be in harmony with each other. For this reason, losing weight with a towel should be accompanied by proper nutrition.

Japanese weight loss - these are two fairly original methods that are ideal for those who do not like strong physical activity. A unique way to reduce weight allows you to forget about what "fat ballast". Lie and lose weight - what could be easier?

The benefits of the slimming method with a towel

1. Simplicity. It does not take a lot of time and place in order to engage in training your body.

2. Availability. You do not need to purchase expensive equipment for classes. All that is needed is a bath towel, which everyone has in the house.

3. Security. Japanese weight loss with a towel is much safer than fasting and other debilitating diets.

4. Occupation helps to strengthen the entire musculoskeletal system, prevents the development of scoliosis and other ailments associated with the back.

5. The stomach goes away. Regular exercises with a roll of towels help get rid of the tummy in both men and women. In addition, reviews prove that hips also decrease in volume.

6. Posture is corrected, the gait becomes correct.

The benefits are really very many. Wellness methods for reducing weight with a towel roll are as simple as possible. Trying is not difficult, you just need to aim at the result.

Wellness using a towel according to the Fukutsuji technique

The technique received the name of the name of its creator. The Japanese doctor conducted several studies and made a very interesting conclusion - the divergence of the pelvic and femoral bones can lead to an increase in waist and weight gain. Based on this information, a truly unique exercise was developed that allows you to restore the normal location of the bones and stimulate the best work of internal organs.

The author released a book describing his weight loss technique, which instantly became popular. Released 6 million copies were sold in a record short period of time.

To start losing weight with a towel, you will need:

• only 5 minutes of time daily;

• a simple terry towel;

• a small rope, you can take a lace (needed in order to make a roller);

• hard surface, flat (hard couch or floor).

The towel should be of such a size that it turns out to roll a dense roller that will correspond to the individual width of the human body.

The procedure for performing the exercise of the Japanese method of losing weight with a towel

1. Starting position - sitting on the floor. You must first place the roller correctly. It should be located behind the back across the body, approximately where the lower back will be.

2. A person should slowly lower himself to his back, already from a prone position, adjust the position of the roller from the towel. It is important that it is located at the level with the navel, otherwise the effect will not be achieved.

3. The legs need to be spread across the width of the shoulders. Next - the feet are placed so that the heels remain on the floor, and the thumbs touch each other. To fix the position, you can put a small pillow on top.

4. Hands are planted behind the head, palms are adjacent to the floor, while the little fingers are touching. At first it will probably be hard not to bend your elbows, but you should not worry, after a few days it will be easier.

5. In this position, you need to hold out for 5 minutes. It will not be as easy as it seemed. It is important to relax, but so that the little fingers of the hands and toes remain closed.

6. It is impossible to get up from a towel sharply. You need to carefully roll over on your side, rest for 10-15 seconds, only then get up completely.

Weight loss with a towel according to the Fukutsuji method is contrary to common sense. However, regular classes really give great results. The spine extends and gradually returns to the correct anatomical position. Due to this, it decreases in the volume of the waist, the abdomen leaves, the figure acquires a beautiful relief.

Wellness exercises with a towel: Imabari technique

Power sports in Japan are absolutely not popular. Fragile women prefer other methods of losing weight. If in the previous method the towel was used as a roller, then according to Imabari it will need to be used as an expander. This is a great option for morning exercises. Simple exercises energize the whole day, allow you to develop the muscles of the whole body, reduce the waist in volume.

Phased Japanese weight loss with a towel according to the method of Imabari

1. You need to grab the towel at the ends with your hands and stretch it as much as possible so that the hands are at chest level. So you need to linger for 10-15 seconds, therefore, return to its original position and make another 5-6 repetitions.

2. Starting position - standing. As in the previous case, you need to stretch the "expander" with your hands. Only now hands rise above the head and tilts are carried out on the sides. This method of charging allows you to remove extra centimeters from the waist.

3. To improve posture, you can stretch a towel behind your back for 5 minutes a day.

4. To strengthen the muscles of the abdominals and hips, it is necessary to take the initial lying position, grab the feet with a cloth and pull the towel on yourself with all your might.

The Japanese method of losing weight with a towel is a great opportunity for untrained people to bring their figure back to normal. Imabari exercises are as simple as possible, but also effective. The whole complex of morning exercises will not take much time, but positive results can be seen after a week. Just 5 minutes a day and proper nutrition (in small portions 5-6 times a day) will allow you to find a beautiful waist, posture, forever forget about cellulite in the hips.

Precautionary measures

Losing weight with a towel is safe, but there are a few nuances that you need to know before you start classes by any method you like.

1. If a person has problems with the spine, you should definitely consult your doctor before starting the exercises to reduce waist and weight loss. In some cases, the method of using towels for classes is strictly prohibited.

2. Do not lie on a towel roller for longer than 5 minutes to achieve a better result. It will be dangerous even for a healthy spine.

3. Exercises using the techniques of Imabari and Fukutsuji involve the interaction of the body and soul. It is for this reason that it is very important to engage in complete silence so that no one is around. Allowed to play soothing music.

4. You can’t exercise on a full stomach, as then bloating and a feeling of heaviness are possible. It is recommended to carry out exercises one hour after breakfast or half an hour before eating.

5. It is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of liquid during the day, since without water the body will not function normally, the process of fat burning slows down.

Losing weight with a towel is simple and affordable for everyone. The main thing is if there is a desire to achieve a good result, you need to be engaged regularly and do not forget about the main rules. The Japanese method of weight loss using towels, albeit recently practiced, but already boasts a large number of positive reviews from satisfied people.


Watch the video: Long Breath Training, Japanese weight loss method, only ONE minute, easy, simple, intense exercise (June 2024).