Strawberry jam in a slow cooker is a great dessert for tea. Delicious strawberry jam in a slow cooker - enough desire and a couple of ideas


The best delicacy for tea drinking has always been considered jam.

For Americans, British, Russians, Germans and many other nations, it is jam that is among the favorite desserts.

It is prepared quite simply.

One of the most delicious types is strawberry jam in a slow cooker. There are dozens and hundreds of recipes for its preparation.

We will consider only the most delicious and unusual.

It is no secret that jam is characterized by crushing fruits and berries, which is what distinguishes it from jam. By the way they are cooked, they are similar, but in a slow cooker the jam is richer and more aromatic. In addition, the multicooker saves a lot of time. While the jam is boiling, you can do something else. Of course, any fruit or berry can become the main ingredient of jam, only strawberry jam is much more preferable for many housewives.

Strawberries are a very healthy berry. It is not only a source of many vitamins, but also rich in minerals. In addition, this berry has an amazing taste and can be easily converted into mashed potatoes and jellies, therefore, making jam from it will not be difficult.

Basic principles for making strawberry jam in a slow cooker

Berries and fruits for jam should be well chopped.

It is best to store jam in plastic jars in the freezer.

Use nylon caps rather than metal ones.

Jam can not only be spread on a bun, but also added to tea.

To make strawberry jam in a slow cooker more interesting and unusual, you can add a variety of berries and fruits to the composition of the ingredients.

To prepare strawberry jam in a slow cooker, you need to use only selected strawberry berries, and first remove the stalks from them.

The most delicious jam is one that in its consistency resembles jelly.

It is preferable to use the Multi-cook mode to prepare strawberry jam in a multi-cooker.

For many recipes, the cooking time for strawberry jam in a slow cooker is a couple of hours, given that the cooking temperature should be modest. This ensures that strawberry jam does not burn.

Laying out jam in jars is necessary while it is still hot.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker: fast and effortless

This recipe is suitable for those housewives who do not want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, while striving to get the most useful and tasty product. According to this recipe, strawberry jam can be prepared in a matter of minutes, and enjoy its taste all year round.


  • half kg of strawberries

  • cube of sugar

  • a spoonful of lemon juice


Rinse and dry the strawberries, remove all debris and ponytails from the berries.

Put it in a blender and chop it very well so that the berries turn into mashed potatoes.

Place crushed berry, sugar and lemon juice in a slow cooker and close the lid. Set the Multi-Cook program to medium temperature and 10 minutes. When the jam is ready, it is reminiscent of thick mashed potatoes in consistency. Lay it in jars and set to cool. After you can send the finished jam from strawberries to the freezer.

Fruits + berries: strawberry jam in a slow cooker

Strawberry jam goes well with other fruits and berries, and therefore, when preparing it, you can use your imagination to the fullest. This recipe contains a variety of fruits, which brings even more benefits and taste to the jam.


  • half kg of strawberries

  • a couple of apples

  • a couple of pears

  • 5 small figs

  • cinnamon

  • a quarter cup of sugar

  • cardamom

  • clove


Wash and dry the strawberries.

We also wash the fruits well, peel and peel them. We put everything in a slow cooker and cook for 40 minutes.

After that, we grind the boiled mass with a fork to the consistency of mashed potatoes, add sugar and seasonings, and again we cook for a couple of hours.

We lay out the finished jam in jars and leave to cool. After we send it either to the refrigerator or to the freezer.

Strawberry and apricot jam - the best dessert for tea

Strawberry jam in a multicooker - loved by most housewives because cooking it does not cause any effort, the multicooker does everything herself. It remains only to decompose and eat.


  • two glasses of sugar

  • half kg of strawberries

  • half kg apricots

  • cinnamon

  • ginger


Wash and dry the apricots and strawberries well.

Grind them in a blender.

We spread the resulting mass into a slow cooker and add sugar, ginger and cinnamon there.

We install the Multipovar program for an hour and a half.

Jam is ready. We lay it hot in jars and cool.

Then strawberry jam can be stored both in the cellar and in another cold place.

Strawberry and Orange - Pie Jam

Jam according to this recipe is very suitable as a filling for pastry or buns. Although it can be used for freezing.


  • slightly less than half a kg of strawberries

  • a couple of medium oranges

  • glass of maple syrup

  • lemon juice

  • glass of water

  • glass of sugar

  • stack of pectin


Rinse and dry the strawberries. Grind it in a blender until mashed.

Peel the orange, cut the slices into small pieces.

Put strawberries, orange slices, sugar in a multicooker bowl, pour over all the syrup and let stand for about ten minutes.

After the fruit mix, pour hot water with pectin.

Cook in a slow cooker for about 15 minutes.

Arrange in jars and send to the cellar.

Vanilla-strawberry-raspberry mix: strawberry jam in a slow cooker

Jam in this recipe looks more like airy jelly. Cooking is not easy, but the effort is worth it. It can be used as an independent dessert, or as an ingredient for souffle cake. Strawberry jam is good for those who are on a diet, because even a small amount of dessert eaten can saturate the body.


  • a glass of raspberries

  • one and a half glasses of strawberries

  • glass of sugar

  • a spoonful of gelatin

  • vanillin


Rinse and dry the strawberries and raspberries. Grind the berries in a blender.

Mix with sugar and vanilla and let stand for a couple of hours.

Dilute gelatin with a small amount of water.

Pour the berry puree into the multicooker bowl and cook for 10 minutes, then add the gelatin and continue cooking for another half an hour.

Let the mixture cool and beat it with a mixer. 20 minutes will be enough.

Put the finished jam in sterilized jars and roll it up.

Apple flavor strawberry jam

This recipe was known to our grandmothers. All ingredients are natural, the set of products is minimal, most of it we can find in our gardens. The main thing is to add a drop of heat and good mood to the recipe.


  • kg sugar

  • kg strawberries

  • glass of apple juice


Rinse and dry the strawberries.

Rinse apples, remove seeds and peel and squeeze juice from them.

Sprinkle large strawberries with sugar, mash small berries and mix gently. Let them stand a couple of hours.

Put the strawberries in the multicooker bowl and cook for 40 minutes. Then add the juice from the apples and cook for another half hour.

Put the finished jam hot in the banks, roll it up and leave to cool. When the jars have cooled, you can put them in the refrigerator.

Pectin for jam is necessary: ​​strawberry jam in a slow cooker

A simple and ordinary jam recipe with an unusual taste. It is prepared quickly, stored for a long time. Suitable for cooking and decorating bakery products.


  • a couple of spoons of lemon juice

  • stack of pectin

  • 2.5 cups sugar

  • one and a half kg of strawberries


We rinse and dry the strawberries, remove the tails and spoiled berries.

Crush the berries with a fork, put it in the bowl of the crock-pot.

Add lemon juice and sugar, pectin, mix.

Install the Multi-Cook program. Cook jam for a couple of hours.

When the jam becomes thick and viscous, it can be laid out in jars and rolled up.

After the jam has cooled, send it to the refrigerator.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker: for those who save their time

This recipe differs from all the others in that it is surprisingly simple and economical: in terms of products and time. While the jam is cooking in a slow cooker, you can do other things. Neither the taste, nor the quality of the jam is not affected by this.


  • kg sugar - sand

  • kg strawberries

  • jamfix bag


We rinse and dry the strawberries, remove the suppressed and spoiled.

Grind strawberries with a blender, mix with sugar.

Put the mass in the multicooker, add the same jamfix there. Shuffle.

Cook for three hours at a modest temperature.

When the jam is ready, put it in jars and send it to the cellar.

Tricks and secrets of making strawberry jam in a slow cooker

  • Strawberry jam is perfect as a filling for all kinds of muffins and pies.

  • Storing strawberry jam in a slow cooker is not recommended for a long time, for a maximum of a couple of three weeks.

  • You can make jam not only from fresh, but also from frozen berries.

  • Pectin is best powdered.

  • Ginger and cinnamon must be taken not in crushed form, then the taste and aroma will become more saturated.

  • It is better to set the temperature to average, then you will be sure that your jam will not burn.

  • Use strawberries only clean and without stalks, and be sure to peel fruits and seeds.

  • The jam must be laid out in sterilized jars to avoid the formation of mold and fungus. Sterilized caps are also used. For reliability, it is better to pour jam into containers that are still hot, as soon as they are removed from the stove. Twist, flip, stand under a warm shelter for a day and put it in the cold. If you plan to store it for a short time and in the refrigerator, you can not twist it, just put it in jars, then it is better to do this when the product has cooled down.

  • You can judge the readiness of a jam by its consistency: a real jam should be as thick as glue.


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