Walnut Jam: How to Cook Walnut Jam


Walnut Jam - General Description

Jam is a wonderful way to treat yourself to an unusual aroma in the cold winter and at the same time preserve all the benefits of nature's gifts. Walnut jam called the "king" of the sweet world, which in addition to the original taste will give invaluable benefits to the body. Who would have thought that a magical treat has a bactericidal, anti-sclerotic, anti-inflammatory effect. It is rich in linoleic and oleic acid, vitamins C, PP, group B, contains iodine, magnesium, zinc, copper and volatile.

The right choice of nuts is half the success, so you should approach the process with all responsibility. For cooking, you need to choose large nuts of perfect shape, without black spots and other flaws. The fruits should be green, with a tender, milky-wax shell inside. You can check them for “professional suitability” as follows: pierce the nut with a toothpick, if it passed through without hindrance, then the raw materials are of excellent quality. The best time for harvesting is the second half of June.

Walnut Jam - Cooking Utensils

It is equally important to choose the right cookware for cooking. Contrary to popular belief, copper basins are far from the best option, because copper ions destroy ascorbic acid. Aluminum is also not suitable for this purpose: the high acidity of the jam violates the oxide film, and the metal enters the product.
The best option for today is enameled containers or stainless steel cookware.

Lids and jars should be washed with a solution of baking soda (1 tsp / 1 liter of water), scald and dry. Boil the lids additionally.

Walnut Jam - Fruit Preparation

Before proceeding directly to cooking, you need to prepare the nuts: peel the green peel and soak for 2 days in cold water, which must be changed at least 3 times a day. After that, the water is drained and the nuts are immersed in a lime solution (5 l of cold water / 500 g of hydrated lime), which is insisted for 4 hours and filtered. This is necessary to eliminate the bitter aftertaste of future jam.

Next, the nuts are thoroughly washed under running water, pricked in several places with a fork and soaked in cold water for another 2 days.

Walnut Jam - Recipe 1

Required: 100 pcs. nuts, 2 kg of sugar, 2 cups of water, 10 buds of cloves, 1 lemon.
Prepared nuts are dipped in boiling water, completely covering them, and boiled for 10 minutes, put on a sieve. Sugar is mixed with 2 cups of water, boiled, foam removed. In the resulting syrup, dip the nuts, cloves, add lemon juice. Bring the mass to a boil. After the jam has cooled, you need to boil it again. Repeat three times, and then cook until tender. Packed in sterile jars.

Walnut Jam - Recipe 2

Required: 100 pcs. green nuts, 2 kg of sugar, 8 glasses of water, 10 buds of cloves, 2 tsp cinnamon, 5 pcs. cardamom.
8 glasses of water are poured into the basin, 2 kg of sugar are poured out, after boiling, the prepared nuts are lowered. During cooking, a bag with ground spices is placed in the container: cloves, cinnamon, cardamom. Cook until cooked - a black gloss of nuts. Add vanillin. Cooled jam roll up in jars.

Walnut Jam - Recipe 3 (in Armenian)

Required: for 100 pieces of green nuts, 400 ml of water, 1 kg of sugar, 10 buds of cloves, 10 grams of cinnamon and 2 lemons.
Prepare syrup from water and sugar, cool. Put nuts in it, add the juice of two lemons. Boil and leave for a day. Repeat three times and then cook until cooked until nuts are completely soft. The treat is transferred to sterilized jars, pour the remaining syrup, cork.

Walnut Jam - Recipe 4 (Bulgarian)

This recipe requires patience, but the result promises to be incomparable. Required: 1.1 kg of nuts, 1 cup of water, 1 kg of sugar, citric acid (10 g.). The peeled nuts are dipped in a solution of citric acid (0.5%) for 1 hour. Cooked by alternation. First, immerse in boiling water for 4 minutes, and then in cold water for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure repeatedly, at least 7 times. Boil the syrup from water and sugar, transfer nuts into it and cook until fully cooked. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, citric acid is added to the jam. Pack jam in jars, roll up.

Walnut Jam - Recipe 5 (in Ukrainian)

Required: 1 kg of nuts, 1.2 kg of sugar, 1 lemon, cloves (10 buds).
Prepared nuts are thoroughly washed, pierced with a thick needle, dipped in boiling water for 20 minutes, and then cooled in cold water. Syrup is made from water and sugar, lemon juice and cloves are added to it. The resulting solution is poured nuts, boiled for 5 minutes, and then left for an hour, then brought back to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes (only 3 times). For the fourth time, cook until fully cooked, cool, roll up into jars.

Walnut Jam - Experienced Cooking Tips

When cutting nuts, do not forget to wear gloves, otherwise the iodine contained in large quantities will color the skin of the hands in a dark color.

To get a really tasty and aromatic jam, it is recommended to cook it in three stages. The jam will be thick if, after the first cooking, wait until it cools completely.

Want to get an unusual taste? Add orange zest mixed with cinnamon and vanilla to the jam - delicious aroma and unforgettable taste are provided!

Keep jam in a dark place at a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees.


Watch the video: Healthy Walnut Jam 养生核桃酱 (July 2024).