Fasting day on kefir: a method of improving fasting. The benefits and benefits of a fasting day on kefir


Improving fasting is an opportunity to cleanse your body of accumulated toxins and toxins, as well as get rid of extra pounds.

The fasting day on kefir is more popular, since this drink has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

The main thing is to properly organize your time in order to achieve the most effective result.

The positive effect of kefir on the body

It is known that kefir is very good for health, thanks to the substances of the composition. Wellness slimming on this product has many advantages.

1. Due to its low calorie content, kefir is perfectly absorbed by the body. There is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach, the problem with constipation disappears. Also, the use of a drink is recommended after taking antibiotics, since in this way you can restore the intestinal microflora.

2. Kefir has a slight laxative and diuretic effect, it is very pleasant to drink. The drink allows you to start metabolic processes, accelerate the process of fat burning.

3. It was proved that a fasting day on kefir perfectly relieves stress. This drink is an excellent antidepressant.

4. The active substances of the composition contribute to the elimination of toxins, toxins and other harmful "deposits" that accumulate over time in the body.

Kefir fasting day without extraneous additives

To prepare for a healthy fast, you need to prepare one liter of kefir and start the morning with a glass of this drink. The most interesting thing is that it is not necessary to take a low-fat product. The main feature of kefir is that for weight loss, calorie content has absolutely no value. Exchange processes will be started in any case, which will lead to weight loss and cleansing of toxins.

A fasting day on kefir should be approximately planned by the hour. This is done very simply. The daily norm is 6 glasses. The first is drunk 30 minutes after waking up. Subsequent - every 3-4 hours. A person individually adjusts the schedule for himself, based on opportunities.

Fasting day on kefir and cottage cheese

For a day you will need to prepare for yourself 1 liter of kefir and no more than 400 grams of fresh low-fat cottage cheese.

1. For breakfast, you need to drink a glass of kefir and eat 3-4 tablespoons of cottage cheese. If desired, a small amount of honey can be added to the curd to sweeten your morning.

2. For lunch, 4 tablespoons of cottage cheese are poured with kefir. Here you can add a little homemade jam or fresh seasonal berries.

3. After 3 hours, another glass of kefir is drunk.

4. Dinner - repeating lunch.

5. Before going to bed, a slight feeling of hunger can overcome. In this situation, it is allowed to drink half a glass of kefir.

Adhering to such a diet, it takes 0.5-1 kg per day, the intestines are cleaned and overall health improves. Fasting day on kefir and cottage cheese is easy to withstand, as both products perfectly saturate the stomach.

Unloading day on kefir and cucumbers

Another method that allows you to effectively remove toxins and contribute to the loss of kilograms is a one-day unloading of cucumbers and kefir. It is known that both products are characterized by low calorie content, and their combination gives a laxative effect.

You will need to cook 1 kg of cucumbers and 1 liter of kefir.

1. Morning. 200 grams of cucumbers are cut into a salad, and a generous portion of greens is added there. It can be not only dill and parsley, but also, for example, Beijing cabbage. Dressed with olive oil. You also need to drink a glass of kefir.

2. After 3 hours after breakfast, 250 ml of kefir is drunk and 2 cucumbers are eaten.

3. Dinner. 3-4 hours before going to bed, a salad is made from the rest of the cucumber according to the same principle as in the morning. Do not forget to drink food with kefir.

4. Half an hour before bedtime, the last portion of a healthy milk-containing drink is drunk.

Fasting day on kefir and cucumbers will not allow a person to experience a feeling of hunger. The body will be intensely cleansed of toxins and toxins, per day it will take from 1 to 2 kg. Such a health-improving technique for losing weight can be used once a week.

Unloading day on kefir and oatmeal

Unloading on oatmeal and kefir allows not only to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but also to improve complexion. If you cleanse once a week, you can prevent the aging process of skin cells and forget about problems such as cellulite and constipation.

Before the unloading day on kefir, 3 tablespoons are soaked in boiling water (in the evening). The resulting mass is diluted in the morning with a small amount of honey and eaten for breakfast. After 15 minutes, a glass of kefir is drunk. During the day, only a cleansing drink is allowed, oatmeal is steamed again in the evening and is eaten according to the same principle as the morning portion.

Basic rules for holding a fasting day on kefir

It does not matter which of the listed methods will be chosen for a one-day healing and body cleansing, it is important to follow the basic rules if there is a desire to achieve a really excellent result.

Kefir fasting day rules

1. In addition to kefir per day, it is important to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid. It is advisable that this be non-carbonated clean water. In the morning and before going to bed, green tea is allowed without honey or sugar.

2. All products that are prepared for the fasting day should be divided into equal portions.

3. It is recommended to take a walk in the fresh air for 20-30 minutes before going to bed - this will be very useful.

4. Physical activity is excluded. It is advisable that the unloading be scheduled on a day off from work.

5. In the morning after the fasting day, kefir is cooked in stewed vegetables. It is better that they are seasonal. Zucchini, blue, cabbage (any) are ideal. The main thing is that it should not be potatoes.

6. If a person easily suffered a one-day cleansing of the body, it is not forbidden to extend the technique for another 3-4 days. During this period, 4-5 kg ​​are consumed, however, it all depends on the initial weight.

7. "Unloading" is allowed no more than once every 10 days.

The main contraindications

Despite the fact that kefir is very useful for the body, the radical one-day diet has its contraindications.

An unloading day on kefir is prohibited for the following categories of people:

• adolescents;

• nursing mothers and pregnant women;

• persons who suffer from anorexia;

• if there are problems associated with the stomach (gastritis, ulcer);

• women during the menstrual cycle.

A fasting day on kefir is an ideal way to lose a few extra pounds for those who can’t starve. Nutritionists and doctors recommend each person such a cleansing technique, as its regular conduct has a positive effect on the body from the inside and out. The face acquires a healthy glow, cellulite disappears. Metabolism is also normalized, "stagnation" of toxins and toxins, which interfere with the work of internal systems of the body, are regularly displayed.


Watch the video: Top 4 Drinks That Make Intermittent Fasting EASIER - Drink This, Not That! (July 2024).